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June 28th, 2013 37 comments

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BBC Proms 2013: Prom 2 – Doctor Who Prom Radio 3

BBC Proms 2013: Prom 2 – Doctor Who Prom

Saturday 13 July



Doctor Who returns to the Proms to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the popular BBC series. As well as showcasing Murray Gold’s music from the past eight years, the concert also journeys back to the early days of Doctor Who and the ground-breaking work of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.

Featuring special guests from the series, big screens and a host of monsters ready to invade the Royal Albert Hall, this is not the year to be exterminated!

Programme to include:

Murray Gold Music from the Doctor Who series and other music from the series by Bizet, Debussy and Bach

London Philharmonic Choir

BBC National Orchestra of Wales

Ben Foster (conductor)

This Prom will be repeated on Tuesday 16 July at 2pm.

Presenter / Louise Fryer, Producer / Tim Thorne for the BBC

BBC Proms Information

Prom 2 – Doctor Who Prom


Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AP, UK



  • Barbara

    November 28th, 2013 - 8:30pm

    Wished I had known about this. I would have tried to get tickets. Would love to get a DVD.. Absolutely fantastic performance. Watched it on iplayer again several times. Please BBC take notice of your viewers and make a DVD. Thanks

  • Lindsey

    November 22nd, 2013 - 8:47am

    I just can’t believe there is no DVD of this incredible prom which I caught for the first time last night. Come on BBC you have really missed a trick by not producing a DVD. I would buy it like a shot, as I believe Dr Who fans all over the world would do.

  • lynn hardbattle

    November 21st, 2013 - 7:35pm

    PLEASE. Please. PLEASE. Release Dr Who at the Proms. So many people desperate to hav this amazing concert. P. L. E. A. S. E. !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Susan Marshall

    November 6th, 2013 - 11:28am

    Agree totally!

  • Susan Marshall

    November 6th, 2013 - 11:27am

    Please release DVD of Dr Who at Proms! I have children, grand children, sisters brothers in law, niece and nephews all missed it (sigh) and hubby and I have driven them nuts telling them about it! Also I would love to watch it again several times. All involved – Take your bow!

  • Nick Rose

    October 10th, 2013 - 8:34pm

    Is there going to be a DVD released? WE live in America and were not able to watch the BBC1 broadcast. If not, there ought to be. Missing a great revenue earner by not doing so.

  • maz

    September 21st, 2013 - 12:16am

    I wish there was a dvd for sale ..I missed the programme and am sad. family watched it and said it was brill. would love a copy for

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