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November 26th, 2012 113 comments

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Christmas Special Trailer – The Snowmen

Christmas Special Trailer – The Snowmen

A look at the trailer for the Doctor Who Christmas Special Trail, introduced by Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman.

‘The Snowmen’ has been revealed as the title for this year’s movie-scale Doctor Who Christmas special, and the episode that will introduce the new companion, a new look for the Doctor and a new monster that will have families shivering behind their sofas.

Starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, and introducing Jenna-Louise Coleman as new companion Clara, The Snowmen will follow their adventures as they embark on a mission to save Christmas from the villainous Doctor Simeon (Richard E Grant) and his army of icy snowmen.

Fans also got a sneak peak at a new costume for the Doctor, revealed in an exclusive trailer on Children in Need, while a special prequel showed the impact of the loss of the Ponds, with old friends Vastra, Strax and Jenny trying to persuade the Doctor not to give up on adventures.

Steven Moffat, Lead Writer and Executive Producer, said: “The Doctor at Christmas is one of my favourite things – but this year it’s different. He’s lost Amy and Rory to the Weeping Angels, and he’s not in a good place: in fact, he’s Scrooge. He’s withdrawn from the world and no longer cares what happens to it. So when all of humanity hangs in the balance, can anyone persuade a tired and heartbroken Doctor that it’s time to return to the good fight? Enter Jenna-Louise Coleman…”

Matt Smith, who plays the Doctor, commented: “For this year’s Christmas special we have the wonderfully villainous Richard E Grant as Doctor Simeon – as well as lizards, Victorian assassins and deranged warriors from the future, who all return to convince the Doctor that he should board the TARDIS again and save the world. Add to that Jenna-Louise Coleman, and so begins the Christmas Special 2012. I hope everyone enjoys it!”

The BBC Cymru Wales produced drama will return to BBC One in December, with a further eight epic episodes in spring next year.



  • Esterath

    November 20th, 2012 - 7:09pm

    We didn’t see him die on screen. Vastra and Jenny could’ve taken him with them back to Victorian Era and nursed him back to health.

  • the astronaut of death

    November 20th, 2012 - 6:54pm

    or a strax from a different point in time

  • doctorwhoone

    November 20th, 2012 - 6:22pm

    Yeah, that could be it 😉

  • doctorwhoone

    November 20th, 2012 - 6:20pm

    In ‘A good man goes to war’ he did die.

    I’m guessing it’s another Sontaran who just happens to share his name.

  • Anonymous

    November 19th, 2012 - 7:52pm

    Did strax die ?

  • Esterath

    November 19th, 2012 - 6:16pm

    I think Clara is splintered in time like Scaroth. So Oswin is Clara but in a different timeline.

  • PandoricaOwner

    November 19th, 2012 - 6:05pm

    Booboo, finally I have met someone who like myself hasn’t liked the last too specials and liked the next doctor! Think this will be good though

  • Mr Evil Fez

    November 19th, 2012 - 4:36pm

    TRB- Disappointed with this one. It wasn’t exciting at all. Like most of RTD’s Xmas specials, what does it have to do with Christmas!? 3/10
    VOTD- I really like this one. A fantastic story, but Astrid was too annoying. In one of the Wallace and Gromit sketches (I think the one with the baker light girl) a scene from this episode is similar to a scene in the sketch! 7/10
    TND- This one has some cool scenes, and the Cybermen are pushed to there limits. However, it was obivous that Morrissey wasn’t ‘The Next Doctor’ from the start. 6/10
    ACC- Great cast, great acting! There is nothing wrong with it! 10/10
    TDTWATW- The Children are unrealistic and the monsters are wood, and they aren’t even monsters. A spaceship made out of wood? Seriously?

  • 11matt

    November 19th, 2012 - 4:31pm

    thanks for the info

  • McGann is the Doctor

    November 19th, 2012 - 10:28am

    Sadly, Matt has said he will not do it for that long, saying “I could not do this for seven years” and explaining the effect it has on his body, the energy he brings to it cannot last forever and the fact that it, rather undisputabley, makes him age faster is what he probably means ❗

  • McGann is the Doctor

    November 19th, 2012 - 10:25am

    The story that springs to my mind is A Town Called Mercy.

    He looked good but the way the Doctor was written, didn’t work for me.

    You could tell his heart wasn’t in it, that joke about the horse swearing had VERY stale delivery.

    And the scene where he pushes the alien guy out could have been done better, he should have full on grabbed him and chucked him like a boss, then it would have been more believable. ❗

  • Esterath

    November 19th, 2012 - 7:55am

    Hopefully Matt will surpass 7 years…

  • Those Snowmen over there

    November 18th, 2012 - 9:58pm

    Are you saying you didn’t like Matt Smith in The God Complex? If so, then :O 😉

  • The Supreme Dalek

    November 18th, 2012 - 9:43pm

    I think it’s time for another change, as much as I like Matt. As long as he is good though, who ever it’ll be next time…

  • The Supreme Dalek

    November 18th, 2012 - 9:41pm

    I dunno, The Eleventh Hour perhaps? 😆
    Lol joking, but maybe he had a few weak episodes that I didn’t like him in, like The God Complex. Anyway, more opinions:

    The Next Doctor – I seriously just watched that about an hour ago. I like it, not the best, but still great! Didn’t like the “other” TARDIS though… 😐

    A Christmas Carol – Good, great, perfect, amazing, fantastic!!!!!!!! 😀

    TDTWATW – ok I suppose but I enjoy it sometimes.

  • Esterath

    November 18th, 2012 - 9:15pm

    When is Matt never on top from?

  • Those Snowmen over there

    November 18th, 2012 - 8:58pm

    TCI – Good introduction for Tennant with some nice Christmassey touches. 9/10

    TRB – Not as good (or Christmassey) as TCI, but still a pretty good story. 7/10

    VOTD – It was ok. Nothing special though. But, as Esterath said, the whole ‘floating in the stars’ thing was ugh! 4/10

    TND – The only good things were Tennant and Morrissey and the graveyard scene. The rest? No. 3/10

    (Like Esterath, I don’t count TEOT as a Christmas Special. It would probably get a 5 from me though)

    ACC – A wonderful Christmassey episode with a superb cast, Matt Smith on top form (as usual)and a wonderful story. 10/10

    TDTWATW – Bit of a step down after ACC, but it was decent. I too loved the Doctor/Lily dynamic. Matt Smith and Holly Earl are easily the best things about this episode. 5/10


  • Esterath

    November 18th, 2012 - 8:22pm

    Matt will still be the Doctor in 2014.

  • crazy guy

    November 18th, 2012 - 8:21pm

    i found it from filming soureces but he doesnt actually regenerate matt is gonna hopefully stay forever

  • Esterath

    November 18th, 2012 - 8:16pm


    TCI- A great introduction for the 10th Doctor (shame he spent most of it sleeping, but still!) Loved the Sycorax. 7/10

    TRB- As I said, doesn’t seem Christmassy, could easily have been set in summer or autumn. And the Racnoss did nothing. 2/10

    VOTD- Good plot, nice visuals. didn’t like Astrid, the supporting characters were cheesy. And the Astrid is ‘now floating in the stars’ thing. Nah.

    (Not counting TEOT because of it wasn’t a Christmassy episode for me. And it seemed more like a goodbye to DT not his overrated Doctor. IMHO. 3/10)

    ACC- Now this is more like it! Stunning performances from everyone! I LOVED this episode.I watch it every Christmas! 10/10!

    TDTWATW- Not as great as ACC ut still good. The Arwells seemed flat and unlikable. And Cyril had only ONE facial expression throughout the episode! However the Doctor/Lily dynamic was great! 6/10.

    Hope you enjoyed reading this.

  • The Supreme Dalek

    November 18th, 2012 - 8:03pm

    I see what you mean, Esterath. But Voyage of the Damned and The Runaway Bride were two great stories! In my opinion, The Christmas Invasion was the worst. 😐

    The Runaway Bride featured the new and future companion Donna Noble, who appeared in the TARDIS after being teleported from her wedding. It had a good story, the Racnoss was kind of strange though. I will admit it, it didn’t have a Christmassy theme too it, but some of them were hardly better: The Christmas Invasion I only saw a Christmas Tree and snow falling and Voyage of the Damned which again I saw the exact same thing. I saw much more Christmassy things in this story.

    Voyage of the Damned – Nowhere near my favourite special, but I’ll be truthful and say I could watch it over and over again! 🙂 The only thing I disliked in that story was the idea of the Titanic Spaceship. I’d love if it was actually the real Titanic. But how that would happen plus the Christmassy theme into it (as the real one sank in April), I’m not entirely sure.

    Meanwhile, The Christmas Invasion wasn’t bad, but my least favourite. I guess it was a decent episode for the new David Tennant as the Doctor, cause he should his acting very well. The Sycorax, great enemies, but that episode could easily bore me in the first ten minutes. I guess that’s just my opinion though.

    Obviously I respect your opinions and I’d like to hear your view of those three episodes, plus maybe from the rest? 🙂

  • Whovian

    November 18th, 2012 - 7:56pm

    WOOOO! The doctor’s emotional something bad’s gonna happen to the villiam! I hope he keeps that cosyume and hair do, they’re epic!

  • Esterath

    November 18th, 2012 - 7:16pm

    Really? That wasn’t Christmassy. It could easily have taken place any time.

  • doctorwhoone

    November 18th, 2012 - 6:56pm

    For me the best Christmas special is ‘The Runaway Bride’.

    DONNAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  • Esterath

    November 18th, 2012 - 2:57pm

    Really? I hated Voyage of the Damned.

  • the astronaut of death

    November 18th, 2012 - 2:35pm

    i wish before amy and rory had left they gave them a proper part in the xmas special because
    in chritmas carol they were in it but they were not thre alot they only had a vew scenes most of the special was revoled round kazran and the doctor barley any amy and rory

    and in the doctor the widow and the wrodrober they only had one scean

    i just wish they had a bigger part in a xmas special

  • Doctor Stu

    November 18th, 2012 - 1:52pm

    I Think the best Christmas special is voyage of the damned as it was a great story line, a feature length episode and action packed. the heavenly host were creepy and sinister and were a great monster. the Doctor Who Christmas Special should just be the doctor fight monsters at Christmas, not a classic Christmas story doctor who style. A Christmas Carol tried to copy Scrooge and broke loads of doctor who rules about paradoxes and time lines and the doctor, the widow and The wardrobe was too fast and the monsters were not very inventive

  • Esterath

    November 18th, 2012 - 1:29pm

    Hmm, I didn’t like the Next Doctor. The CyberKing was stupid and don’t get mee started on the TARDIS balloon! I LOVED A Christmas Carol!

  • 11matt

    November 18th, 2012 - 12:54pm

    how do you know he is forced to regenerate at Christmas

  • booboo

    November 18th, 2012 - 10:46am

    didn’t see it, altered it now.

    For the record i havnet liked the the last 2 specials at all, though i can why other people might

    For me by far the best was The Next Doctor which is the only one i can re-watch quite happily but it seems the least popular

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