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Details of new Doctor Who episodes revealed
Details of new Doctor Who episodes revealed
From The BBC Press office…
Doctor Who is set to take on one of his biggest monsters to date, as the BBC announces at ComicCon that episode two of the new series will be called Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, with episode three confirmed as A Town Called Mercy.
Requiring one of the largest sets to date to house the prehistoric creatures, Dinosaurs On A Spaceship will follow the equally epic Asylum Of The Daleks, which kicks-off the show’s highly anticipated return to BBC One in the autumn.
Starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy and Arthur Darvill as Rory, the episode will also co-star Mark Williams from the Fast Show as Rory’s dad, Brian, and Rupert Graves from Sherlock. Dinosaurs On A Spaceship was written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Saul Metzstein.
The BBC also confirmed today that episode three, filmed on location in Spain, will be a western entitled A Town Called Mercy. Written by Toby Whithouse and again directed by Saul Metzstein, the episode co-stars Adrian Scarborough and Ben Browder.
Steven Moffat, Head Writer and Executive Producer, said: “Dinosaurs On A Spaceship – what more do you need! The Doctor will come face to face with some of the most monstrous creatures evolution has ever produced, on some of the most monstrous sets we’ve ever built. We took one look at Chris Chibnall’s brilliant script and said to ourselves ‘We’re going to need a bigger corridor’.
“And Toby Whithouse’s A Town Called Mercy takes us into a genre Doctor Who hasn’t attempted since the Sixties – it’s a full blooded western. We knew from the start we need some serious location shooting for this one, and given the most iconic American setting imaginable, there was only one place to go – Spain.”
Both episodes were shot earlier this year, with Dinosaurs On A Spaceship filmed in Cardiff.
The show returns with a run of five followed by the Christmas special and a further eight episodes in 2013.
the astronaut of death
July 17th, 2012 - 7:19pmi think series 7 part 2 sounds rather dark
the astronaut of death
July 17th, 2012 - 7:18pmi think dinosaurs on a spaceship is more of a BIG but WOW title
Dr who who
July 17th, 2012 - 6:46pmYes , Madame vaste, Jenny and commander srax, sontarran from a good mam goes to war is revealed to be returning as they are just filming that episode about now.
Commander Strax
July 17th, 2012 - 6:23pm1.ALYSUM OF THE DALEKS- its okay, but does it always have to end with of the daleks?
2.DINOSAURS ON A SPACE SHIP- seriously!? (but could we see the return of the third doctor dinosaurs 😉 )
3.A TOWN CALLED MERCY- epic and clever.
Commander Strax
July 17th, 2012 - 6:16pmSeptember the 1st? my birthday!
Commander Strax
July 17th, 2012 - 6:15pmthats a working title.
July 17th, 2012 - 5:16pmomg spoiler…
madame vastra is returning in what is said to be the crimson horror episode!!!
July 17th, 2012 - 5:05pmi thought there was going to be more than the 8
July 17th, 2012 - 5:04pmis there going to be the 8 episodes and another series next year?
July 17th, 2012 - 4:14pmSeries 7: Episode Guide
(Part 1)
1. Asylum of the Daleks
2. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
3. A Town Called Mercy
4. Cubed (TBC)
5. T.B.C (With Weeping Angels)
The Christmas Special
(Part 2)
6. TBC
7. TBC
8. TBC
9. The Crimson Horror
10. TBC
11. Phantoms of the Hex
12. TBC
13. TBC
Harold Saxon
July 17th, 2012 - 2:28pmexcited cited,sounds interesting!
Jason doctorwhoone
July 17th, 2012 - 7:35amSorry to whoever came up with the title ‘Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, but that is such a lame title, and clearly a twist of the film title ‘Snakes on a Plane’ starring Star Wars actor Samuel L. Jackson.
Jason doctorwhoone
July 17th, 2012 - 7:33amDon’t you mean sounds awful ?.
dr who fan 4 ever
July 16th, 2012 - 10:10pmapparantly the 4th ep is called cubed
July 16th, 2012 - 8:57pmlooking on wiki at a list of doctor who serials and ep 4 part 1 out of 2 is called Cubed and is Amy and Rory’s final episode will take place in New York and feature the Weeping Angels
July 16th, 2012 - 7:56pmwasn’t sure where to put this but on the virgin media video section there are videos of matt karen and arthur talking about leaving.
July 16th, 2012 - 7:32pmthe BBC dont decide exact schedules until about 2 weeks before braodcast
the astronaut of death
July 16th, 2012 - 6:53pmacually matt smith has CONFIRMED doctor who series 7 will air in augest
July 16th, 2012 - 6:48pmNot necessarily, there is evidence pointing towards the 1st of September so we will need to wair to see what happens nearer the time.
July 16th, 2012 - 6:33pmI said that about the xmas special after the abomination that was the series 6 story arc.
July 16th, 2012 - 5:32pmActually, the start date of 25th August has been all but confirmed thanks to Merlin’s start date of 29th September being revealed as a week after the first run of 5 episodes end. This could easily change though.
So it goes 25th August to 22nd September then a 3 month gap until the Christmas special if those details are right.
Give me a Dalek any day
July 16th, 2012 - 4:58pmCan’t wait for Series 7! These episodes sound amazing! 😀
July 16th, 2012 - 4:31pmFive episodes then the xmas special???
That seems to me that the new series doesn’t start until late october/early november.
Too far away yet. 🙁
If only I had a time machine! 🙂
Trailers please!
July 16th, 2012 - 4:12pmdinosaurs on a spaceship looks awful even though i love dinosaurs
July 16th, 2012 - 4:10pmIt seems a town called mercy is being put on the spot light and has had a bit more money on it than the rest of the series and seems its attempting to be a big episode but im not so convinced that it’s going to be all that good.
So can you tell me if I’m going mad or whether I’m physic like an ood.
Thanks, JAKE.
the astronaut of death
July 16th, 2012 - 3:44pmsounds the best series yet
Dalek Strategist
July 16th, 2012 - 3:14pmAssylum Of The Daleks, Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy…. The new season sounds epic, and if Moffat screws it up, I’ll murder him with a double-sided battle-axe.
July 16th, 2012 - 12:52pmMeh Red Dwarf did it first, they had a great western episode and devolved a sparrow into a T-Rex.
Just kidding.
Looking forward to the new series. Ad word as to WHEN it will pop up?
The master
July 16th, 2012 - 12:04pmcant wait to see what they have done with Dinosaurs On A Spaceship
July 16th, 2012 - 12:04pmSounds amazing, biggest set as well