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November 28th, 2017 91 comments

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Doctor Who Twice Upon A Time

The magical final chapter of the Twelfth Doctor’s (Peter Capaldi) journey sees the Time Lord team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor (David Bradley – Harry Potter, Game of Thrones) and a returning Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), for one last adventure.

Two Doctors stranded in an Arctic snowscape, refusing to face regeneration. Enchanted glass people, stealing their victims from frozen time. And a World War One captain destined to die on the battlefield, but taken from the trenches to play his part in the Doctor’s story.

An uplifting new tale about the power of hope in humanity’s darkest hours, Twice Upon A Time marks the end of an era. But as the Doctor must face his past to decide his future, his journey is only just beginning…



  • R1ch1e

    December 25th, 2017 - 11:29am

    It was a bit of a headache of an episode wasn’t it? Not a terrible episode my all means. It’s just that after my dinner i don’t want confusing Who episodes.
    I want to go back to the days of killer Christmas trees and Robot Santas

  • Space Helmet for a Cow

    December 23rd, 2017 - 8:03pm

    Not long now until the most highly anticipated Doctor Who Christmas Special since Matt Smith’s average finale in 2013. And whilst Matt Smith’s final story wasn’t a disaster, it was far too convoluted for it’s own good, and featured some really stupid ideas. What was all that stuff about the Doctor and Clara having to be naked, even though they looked dressed. It did nothing for the plot, wasn’t remotely funny, and was totally bizarre! What were you thinking Moffat!!!

  • Doctor Stu

    December 20th, 2017 - 10:38am

    Yes me too, maybe behind call the midwife, strictly special or Eastenders Christmas special they always seem to pull in the viewers

  • Tim M

    December 20th, 2017 - 8:46am

    I’m predicting that ‘Twice Upon A Time’ will be the 3rd most watched show on Christmas Day with 7.6 million viewers.

  • whovian

    December 19th, 2017 - 6:47pm

    The Outcast, i did explain my theory, but lools like its been removed. Typical

  • T.A

    December 19th, 2017 - 4:32pm

    Don’t just don’t.

  • Doctor Stu

    December 19th, 2017 - 10:47am

    Chuffin eck That’s enuff you big bully, go’on back to Skaro love

  • whovian

    December 18th, 2017 - 3:56pm

    Before I start, I just want to say that I am optimistic about Jodie as the Doctor.

    My theory is that back in July when Jodie Whittaker was announced as the Doctor, taking over from Capaldi, it was Just a way to genuinely find out what the audience would think and to stop the media from sparking rumours about the next doctor who.

    I Am fully aware that Chris Chibnall has stated he wanted a female doctor for his series, so ignore that for the time being. Before Jodie was announced, there were talks of Kris Marshall, Idris Elba and suspiciously Bradley Walsh being “rumoured” to be the Doctor.

    So, what if Jodie being announced was just a way to shut the audience up about it (in a nice way) and to stop viewers from constantly making assumptions. its also somewhat strange that Bradley Walsh was announced as being the companion to Whittaker’s new Doctor.

    Normally in Doctor Who, the Doctor is a male with a younger female companion/assistant, so throughout over 50 years, why is only now in 2017 that the Doctor becomes a woman? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

    As I say, I’m optimistic about Jodie as the Doctor, but I just have a feeling that it won’t be her we see when that regeneration energy fades from the 13th Doctor’s face. I’ve seen filming pictures online, but that doesn’t necessarily mean what the picture shows.

    Plus when Bradley Walsh appeared on BBC’st he one show, he wasn’t very vocal about the filming of the new series, and chose to make jokes about the readthroughs of the series.

    However, if it does turn out that I’m completely wrong, then it’s just my mind working overtime and really hope I don’t get a load of comments trolling me about how wrong I am, it’s just a theory.

  • The Outcast

    December 18th, 2017 - 7:20am

    Please tell your theory. I’m all ears (though, eyes would be more appropriate, seeing as I would be reading it).

  • whovian

    December 17th, 2017 - 7:49pm

    Just thinking if I should mention my theory now, so that if it’s actually correct, I don’t look like I’m trying to take credit and also I can be proven wrong if it’s not correct?

  • the ergon

    December 6th, 2017 - 5:53pm

    the good news as far as moffat as hinted is that jodies going the full yorkshire accent. i,d say more ‘game of thrones’ northern though so as to make it more understandable to the overseas market.Imagine- a ‘kes style’ meets brian glover speaking doctor. ‘THATS ENUFF’

  • Space Helmet for a Cow

    December 6th, 2017 - 3:01pm

    I could very happily have watched another series with Bill and Capaldi’s Doctor. So it’s good to see them together one last time for the Xmas Special. I’m interested to see how much of episode 4 of ‘The Tenth Planet’ has been re-created and weaved into ‘Twice Upon A Time’.

  • The Outcast

    December 6th, 2017 - 12:26pm

    +Doctor Stu well, technically he’s the Cyber-Controller now, so maybe by “John Lumic might return” he means “the Cyber-Controller might return”, so if that is the case, they could just have someone wear the Cyber-Controller costume.

  • Whovastron

    December 6th, 2017 - 9:06am

    By far the most bizarre comment I’ve seen here

  • Doctor Stu

    December 6th, 2017 - 8:43am

    It’d be good if 12 tells 1 about saving Gallifrey one day and plants the idea into his head to maybe explain why Doctors 1-9 took part in saving Gallifrey as that part of the 50th made no sense whatsoever and was purely just so fans could freak out.

  • whovian

    December 6th, 2017 - 5:51am

    So there’s going to be a lot of stuff happening in Twice Upon A Time, but does it still include that part that was mentioned about the scene from The Day of the Doctor where the audience sees the 12th doctor’s eyes and how that leads into the regeneration?

  • Doctor Stu

    December 5th, 2017 - 11:27pm

    Well Roger Lloyd Pack is dead so I wouldn’t count on it

  • Caolanmccoy

    December 5th, 2017 - 9:49pm

    Jodie Whittaker is almost here

  • Caolanmccoy

    December 5th, 2017 - 9:46pm

    John lumic might return

  • R1ch1e

    December 5th, 2017 - 9:26pm

    I am really looking forward to this special now but I’m really going to miss Peter Capaldi. Such a legend! These past few years have really flown by with him as the Doctor haven’t they? I can’t wait to see Thirteen either.

  • Pats86

    December 5th, 2017 - 8:49pm

    Well if the general thought she was back to normal hopefully the Doctor will go back to normal after the next series. Now before anyone says “it is normal to change gender” then you would be wrong considering the general said!
    After all it’s now cannon what she said so it clearly is not normal as she was happy to be female again. The self indulgent Moffat should have thought if that before he wrote it, but then that’s Moffat for you.

  • Adam

    December 5th, 2017 - 8:32pm

    Lets hope this ‘alternate universe time lady’ version is indeed a dream…or maybe it will be one long nightmare..
    And going back to the worst companion ever…i’ve just got back from a little trip into the future and i’ll be adding Graham to the list..

  • pats86

    December 5th, 2017 - 2:31pm

    Hell Bent is the worst thing that ever happened to the show, Clara, the General`s regeneration and first words spoken and then the ending!
    So sad to see an agenda shoved into our faces like that, made me want to throw the TV out of the window, I was fuming that the lore of Doctor Who could be tampered with like that and lets not forget how it split the fans, and then Jodie`s announcement that further split the fans and all down to some ridiculous agenda by the BBC, could I be more upset after this? apparently yes I could and I am still trying to come to terms with it, if it turns out to be a dream like whovian said it could be.

  • The Outcast

    December 5th, 2017 - 10:01am

    What happened to my comment? Did one of the words I put in my comment auto delete it?

  • The Outcast

    December 5th, 2017 - 10:00am

    I understand the “back to normal” bit, she began life as a female, as she says, “the only time I’ve been a man that last body”, so that doesn’t come off as sexist to me. What comes off as sexist to me is the “how do you cope with all that ego” line, inferring all men have big egos and women don’t.

    But the General’s regeneration is only the tip of the iceberg of Hell Bent’s garbage.

  • T.A

    December 5th, 2017 - 7:49am

    I am fine with the gender, it is what she had say said about being a male, saying “back to normal” what is that?

  • whovian

    December 5th, 2017 - 3:32am

    T.A she said it was the only time she had ever been a man was her tenth incarnation (which the Doctor shot). what I can’t understand is that Doctor Who is always about changes. Weather or not its the Doctor regenerating, a companion departing or dying, any of the monsters being revamped or the TARDIS or sonic screwdriver getting a change of design, that’s what it’s been about since the first ever regeneration.

    I personally can understand that it will be hard to accept that the Doctor is going to be a woman, I was one of the first people to hit the roof, but after I thought long and hard about it, is it really fair to judge without seeing the evidence?

    I don’t think it’s anything to do with being politically correct or agenda pushing, I think it’s a bit like an experiment just to see how it goes. I made a comment a while ago saying that if 13 doesn’t do too well amongst the audience, it could be written in that it (series 11) was a dream and that 12 actually turns into a new male.

    I will find it quite interesting to see on Christmas day after the episode airs, if all those, myself included, say that they actually do like Jodie as the Doctor. Albeit only a minute or so of screen time regardless.

  • T.A

    December 4th, 2017 - 3:48pm

    Whovian I did not care when he turned into a woman the thing that upset me the most is what she said next. If the 14 doctor becomes male says that I wonder what he would be called.

  • Adam

    December 4th, 2017 - 12:39pm

    First and foremost Moffatt’s a fan of Moffatt…and Who comes second..or maybe third behind the all knowing,all powerful CLARA…

  • Adam

    December 4th, 2017 - 12:33pm

    T.A..i agree with you on Hell bent..the whole ‘Clara return’s’ for one last encore was stupidly written…and then the awful ‘crowbarred in’ gender fluid nonsense!….And to think we had one of the best,and near sublime episodes in Heaven sent before it…
    Oh and i wouldn’t bet against Clara making another encore in the up coming Pantomime special..

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