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May 25th, 2012 55 comments

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Matt Smith With Olympic Torch Video + Pictures

Matt Smith With Olympic Torch Video + Pictures

Unfortunately the Live Camera did not follow the start of the run in Cardiff

Great Video courtesy of Ood Sigma…

BBC News clip…

Pictures courtesy of Jamie (OodSigma)…

Picture from the BBC twitter page.

From The BBC Official site…

We can confirm that Matt Smith will be part of the relay team carrying the iconic Olympic Torch during its journey from the Temple of Hera to London’s Olympic Stadium.

Matt has been given the honour of being named the lead runner for Saturday, 26 May. This means he is the first to carry the Torch on that day and will convey the Olympic Flame through part of Cardiff, close to BBC Wales’ Roath Lock Studios – the home of Doctor Who.

Matt was delighted to take part in this world-famous tradition. ‘To carry the Torch is an honour, one I thought I’d never get,’ he told us, adding, ‘I’m very excited!’

The traditional lighting ceremony took place in Olympia, Greece on 10 May, 2012 and the Torch arrived in Britain nine days later. The UK leg of its journey began in Land’s End and it will blaze into Wales later today.

Matt’s run will begin at approximately 6.20am by the Norwegian Church Arts Centre in Cardiff (details below). He will wear the official Torch Bearer uniform and carry the Flame for a short leg of the journey before handing it to the next runner on the steps of the Senedd, often known as the Welsh Assembly Building.

If you can make it to Cardiff to cheer Matt on, we’ll hopefully see you on Saturday morning as we’ll be there, covering the whole event.

The Flame will eventually reach the Olympic Stadium where it will light a cauldron symbolising the start of the Games. The BBC’s Olympic site has a wealth of material about the Torch, both in terms of history and its road to the 2012 Games. You can also visit the site to see Matt’s leg of the journey streamed live on Saturday morning.

Matt’s part of the relay begins at approximately 6.20am on Saturday, 26 May at the Norwegian Church Arts Centre, Harbour Drive, Cardiff Bay, CF10 4PA. He will hand over the Olympic Flame at the Senedd, National Assembly Building, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.

We hope to see you for this moment of history in the making.

You can follow events on the BBC Olympic Site. Most Torch bearers can be seen live via the BBC Torchcam on the BBC site.

Estimated arrival times

06:29 Cardiff Bay (Matt Smith to start relay according to Doctor Who Twitter feed)
06:35 Bute Place
06:37 James Street
06:41 Clarence Road (A4119)
06:43 Corporation Road (A4119)
06:51 Penarth Road (A4160)



  • Anonymous

    May 26th, 2012 - 6:52am

    It was complete bull. I stayed up late in order to see it!

  • booboo

    May 26th, 2012 - 6:37am

    how disappointing the camera wasn’t at the start

  • The doctor

    May 26th, 2012 - 6:16am

    I Just got up and im going to watch it live on

  • matt smithy

    May 26th, 2012 - 5:57am

    20 minutes to go! I got up just for this!

  • Jamie (OodSigma)

    May 25th, 2012 - 11:24pm

    He wont be, he will be wearing the official torch bearer uniform. It says in the article. 🙂

  • stupot

    May 25th, 2012 - 11:15pm

    does anyone know if he will be doing it in his doctor costume, because it would be awesome if he did!

  • Jamie (OodSigma)

    May 25th, 2012 - 11:00pm

    I go to university in Cardiff so I will be there tomorrow morning to cheer matt on! I cant wait!! Even if i will have to get up at 5AM to get there in time! 😀

  • Rani timelady

    May 25th, 2012 - 9:33pm

    my cousons live in cardif so i will tll them

  • the astronaut of death

    May 25th, 2012 - 8:10pm

    5.45pm on thursday and it was repeated earlyer today at 4.30


    May 25th, 2012 - 8:02pm

    When was that on?

  • the astronaut of death

    May 25th, 2012 - 7:50pm

    my school has a doctor who club we all have code names

    drone [me]

  • booboo

    May 25th, 2012 - 6:24pm

    yes it was very good

  • booboo

    May 25th, 2012 - 6:23pm

    we saw it to in Cheltenham, thousands of people there, it will be mayhem in Cardiff tomorrow..
    surprised you are the only one Some Schools have Dr Who clubs

  • handbot10

    May 25th, 2012 - 6:22pm

    did anyone see the exclusive script to screen olympic speciel doctor who episode?

  • handbot10

    May 25th, 2012 - 6:21pm

    we saw the flame yestarday(24th) being carried with my school. if i new matt was doing it i would plead to go to cardif bay and see. Although i’m really the only one in my school who likes doctor who.

  • Liason Ice

    May 25th, 2012 - 12:20pm

    I heard there was a guy called Tom Baker who carried it as well, now there is two Doctors (not including 10) 🙂

  • Mad Monk

    May 25th, 2012 - 9:27am

    We will be able to watch this live i hope on the BBC site

  • AlphaOmega

    May 25th, 2012 - 9:27am

    Well done Matt Smith

  • DaDoctor

    May 25th, 2012 - 9:19am

    No it’s happening tomorrow (Saturday.)

  • Proffesor When

    May 25th, 2012 - 7:05am

    Has it already happened? Or will he be carrying the torch tommorow? Sorry I don’t know much about the olympics…

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    May 25th, 2012 - 6:48am

    Well David Tennant did as the 10th Doctor [Fear Her] so why not 😉

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    May 25th, 2012 - 5:06am

    Yay! 😀 Well done Matt! 🙂

  • Kera

    May 25th, 2012 - 4:52am

    Yay! Congrats Matt! 😀 I am so happy for you. Well done mate!

  • Fishy94ish

    May 25th, 2012 - 1:22am

    That’s awesome! Congratulations Matt! it would have been unbelievable if Tennant got to do it in his outfit and reenact the episode “Fear Her” where That would have been the best thing ever to happen in my life…
    yes I am that boring.

  • James

    May 25th, 2012 - 12:41am

    I love the fact that it’s the Doctor carrying the torch but I am quite disappointed that it isn’t Tennant as he was the one carrying it in the episode. But still good on Matt, can’t wait to see him in the new series!

  • booboo

    May 25th, 2012 - 12:22am

    It starts in Cardiff Bay so its very appropriate really i think

  • thetardistheif

    May 25th, 2012 - 12:20am

    I’m kind of disappointed because it doesn’t even fit the show, but I’m happy for him that he gets to do this.

  • Cristina

    May 25th, 2012 - 12:12am

    akljhkshakhdkakjl really?? WHOA! those are great news!! c: I’m so happy for him and I’m very excited too!

  • Ian

    May 25th, 2012 - 12:09am

    Awesome news, I can’t wait to see him carrying the torch!

  • xylok emperor

    May 25th, 2012 - 12:05am

    i thought is was dalek sec because it was on a twitter feed

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