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Radio Times – BBC Not Ruled Out Female Doctor Poll
BBC Not Ruled Out Female Doctor
From The Radio Times
“The new Doctor could be handed the keys to the TARDIS as early as next month, BBC sources have confirmed – with insiders suggesting Matt Smith’s replacement needs to be announced before the Doctor Who Christmas special begins filming next month.
The Twelfth Doctor is expected to first appear on screen at the end of the Christmas special, following the regeneration of Matt Smith’s Doctor.
It would be virtually impossible to keep the identity of the new doctor a secret even if the entire set went into lockdown during filming of the Christmas special, a BBC source told RadioTimes.com.
“The search has begun in earnest and is active now,” the source said, adding that the BBC has not ruled out hiring a woman to replace Matt Smith.”
So like so many other we ask the question – yes of no!…
June 5th, 2013 - 8:22pmWell if the Doctor does regenerate into a female doctor it will change WHO forever and I will never watch it again but (not being racist) if its a black doctor i don’t care as long as he is a male and really its stupid having female doctor because for 50 years we had 11 male doctors and on gallifrey i think he was born a male and should always stay a male so I hope the next doctor will be a male and also didn’t the doctor always wanted to ginger? well this time he might be lucky we might get a ginger doctor for once because i’m sick of tired of the doctor having brown, blone, etc, etc hair but really I think a female doctor wouldn’t work.
June 5th, 2013 - 8:09pmI think that doctor who has become too politicly correct.
No I am not racist Im just stating my opinion
most of the historical stories have to have a black or asian person other wise watchdog groups will moan and they have to pretend that the nasty parts of history never happond
Don’t let censors ruin doctor who
June 5th, 2013 - 7:40pmyour jokeing arn’t you?
June 5th, 2013 - 7:33pmThey are pretty much vastra and Jenny 🙂
June 5th, 2013 - 7:20pmi reckon i should be the doctor because im a female im mixed race and i have an afro therefor i have acting experience under my belt i dance and sing so thats a bonus doctor who needs a doctor that is a different gender and different colour and a cool hairstyle ive always wanted to be in this programme
June 5th, 2013 - 7:15pmI think that doctor who has become too politicly correct.
No I am not racist Im just stating my opinion
most of the historical stories have to have a black or asian person other wise watchdog groups will moan and they have to pretend that the nasty parts of history never happond
Don’t let censors ruin doctor who
crazy guy
June 5th, 2013 - 7:07pmhow did you get tickets booboo?
The Flying Shark
June 5th, 2013 - 6:56pmNo, I don’t believe it at all, just saying. It’s utterly ridiculous.
June 5th, 2013 - 6:47pmI don’t think it’s a matter of ‘political correctness’, it’s just a matter of who is best for the part. I have no doubt that they’ve auditioned with a male Doctor in mind, but if a female actor were to absolutely blow the competition away, I’m guessing they will hire her. Kind of like they were looking for an older male for the 11th Doctor, but Matt Smith was so good they changed their mind and hired him.
I still think it’s 95% likely we’ll get a male Doctor, but I think they’re just leaving the option open in case someone amazing comes along.
June 5th, 2013 - 6:44pmThere are jokes every time a new Doctor is cast. The Billie Piper one is still my favourite, even though it made no sense. :p
June 5th, 2013 - 6:41pmJane bond! Lol!
June 5th, 2013 - 6:38pmFeminists would be fine with a cat man. 😀
June 5th, 2013 - 6:19pmGet Suranne Jones on as the doctor, her already found fame will bring in more viewers and her amazing acting skills unlike matt smith
June 5th, 2013 - 5:27pmIf the Doctor is female and is married to River, then they are-
Let’s not go there.
Big D
June 5th, 2013 - 5:03pmDalek : The Supreme.
I quite agree that too many of us do look through rose tinted spectacles at the Classic series and I agree that it isnt flawless and the new series has done alot better in many respects. It has contained some terrific stories and performances and Ive got them all on dvd / bluray aswell as all the merchandise. Not to mention some pretty good special effects.
Many would argue that the series has lost alot of its charm as a result though. Im not one of them. Bigger and better as far as Im concerned.
I do have a problem with all the kissing and hugging that goes on in the show however. Its as if every episode must contain a kiss, a hug or some delirious episode of silliness. At times it also has come across as being quite childish and patronising.
I also feel that too much time is spent focussing on the companion / assistant rather than the Doctor himself. Having said that I do like the new girl. I like her spirit and tenacity. I also like the fact that she doesnt swoon over him all the time.
Emotion can be a very good thing, this is what, afterall, makes us human, however it needs to be taken into context and not thrown in your face all the time. Perhaps one of the strengths of the classic series was the way it handled the emotional aspect. Rather than throwing it in our faces it was used to draw us in, often shocking us. The death of Adric is a good example. Remember the shock that reverberated around the country when he died? Or what about Tom Baker agonising over destroying the Daleks in Genesis of the Daleks?
Re SM. I actually like him alot better than RTD. I think when he gets it right, he REALLY gets it right. I cannot help feel though that perhaps Sherlock may be taking up a bit more time than he perhaps thought. I too like the new Daleks and think The Weeping Angels a brilliant creation. Mind you, if I had a choice, I think I would want Mark Gatiss as showrunner. Every programme Ive seen him presenting (his series on horror movies was excellent) he reflects many of my own views and feelings about things.
But as in all things, we shall see and in the meantime we shall have to agree to disagree. Afterall, life would be pretty boring if we were all the same.
June 5th, 2013 - 4:42pmIt’s clearly a joke. Years ago in the 90s they it was micheal himself
June 5th, 2013 - 4:14pmWhat next? A woman James Bond??? Never gonna happen…
June 5th, 2013 - 3:55pmI would stop watching the show. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it
June 5th, 2013 - 3:47pmI would not be surprised if a female doctor led to the shows cancelation
June 5th, 2013 - 3:44pmYou really believe that?
June 5th, 2013 - 3:44pmEvan though I am against discrimination of any kind however I don’t like it when a program choses people just because they feel that they have to have a multicultrel cast. Producers should pick actors that are right for certern stories
The Flying Shark
June 5th, 2013 - 3:25pmToday, in the Daily Star, it says Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris is in the line up to be the new Doctor!
June 5th, 2013 - 1:46pmI am horrified at the thought of a female doctor. This last series in the main has been below par and this would be the final straw.
I am actually female but a woman doctor – this would just be wrong on so many levels. If they want to experiment there could perhaps be a storyline where the doctor becomes female for a couple of episodes; with SF anything is possible, but a complete regeneration absolutely no thanks – not even the wonderful Olivia Coleman. As for Paris Jackson that would make the most loyal fan press the off switch perhaps forever which as I have been watching since 1963 aged 6 would be terrible!!
Paul FitzGerald
June 5th, 2013 - 1:27pmI also would turn off….it would just seem forced
Doctor Who has alot of strong female leads.
Dalek: the Supreme
June 5th, 2013 - 12:36pmI think so many people are so nostalgic about the Classic Series, they often fail to realize what it gets wrong, which is portraying emotion. For example, in Timeflight, the Doctor says Adric wouldn’t want them mourning him unnecessarily. Sure, I wouldn’t want people mourning over me if I was dead.
Classic fans need to accept while the Classic Series was brilliant, it isn’t flawless and there are some things that the New Series gets better.
Big D, just because you feel it isn’t as good as it used to be doesn’t mean it’s going to lose fans. You have to remember different people enjoy different things, and while you may not like Moffat, there are lots of other people who do. Personally, he’s my favorite, and I love all the changes he’s made from the 11th Doctor to the new Daleks. That’s only my opinion though, so feel free to disagree with it.
June 5th, 2013 - 12:32pmYou can see where he is coming from though, most of the time there is no need for it in doctor who, but because sad members of watchdog groups who have nothing better to do will deem the show racist if they don’t have a certain amount of minority’s in it, which i think is wrong. Although i wouldn’t say it’s enough to completely kill off the show.
Dalek: the Supreme
June 5th, 2013 - 12:26pmWhich was a comedy spoof. An absolutely brilliant comedy spoof written by the current head of the show himself, but still a non-canon, not-meant-to-be-taken-seriously comedy spoof.
Dalek: the Supreme
June 5th, 2013 - 12:24pmHow? Compared to the rest of the story, the plot, the characters, the setting, the monsters, etc. it’s a really minor thing.
Big D
June 5th, 2013 - 12:20pmI agree that just as the Doctor regenerates, so too does the show itself. It does need to evolve. However, we do need to be careful as to how the show does actually evolve.
Having watched the Doctor since he arrived on our screens in 1963 Ive been there through the ups and downs. I remember with great sadness how the BBC cancelled the show as the public started to switch off. This was largely due to poor stories, poor scripting, poor direction, poor acting and poor casting.
Yes it survived through various other forms of media but for a long time, it wasnt on our screens and that, in my humble opinion, is where it should belong.
Therefore we need to be careful as to how the show does evolve.
This past series has already lost a number of viewers and as such has demonstrated that a change needs to take place. Many of my fellow long standing Whovians have left because it has become too silly and childish.
Yes Doctor Who can be silly at times but it has never been childish despite it being for all the family.
If SM persists in taking it down the route that it has been going down, then it will continue to lose hardcore Whovians who have for so long formed the basis of its viewing audience and kept the programme alive through its hunger and fervour for the Doctor.
I am delighted that the show has broken into America and has garnered such popularity around the world but it does worry me that if SM were to appoint a female Doctor then that could alienate fans even more and ultimately lead to extermination from our screens.
I am not a sexist by any means, but I guess I am a traditionalist and as such hope that the next Doctor will be an older, more serious, less emotional, leader of men rather than one who likes to play blindmans bluff.
June 5th, 2013 - 12:19pmpolitical correctness is ruining the show