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August 23rd, 2014 240 comments

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What Did You Think of Deep Breath?

Now that the highly anticipated first episode of series 8 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected…
When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London, he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions.

Who is the new Doctor and will Clara’s friendship survive as they embark on a terrifying mission into the heart of an alien conspiracy? The Doctor has changed. It’s time you knew him.

Doctor Who Deep Breath DVD/Bluray

The Doctor makes a spectacular return to the big screen in the feature-length debut episode of Series 8; Deep Breath. Directed by acclaimed Director Ben Wheatley (Sightseers, A Field in England) and written by Lead Writer and Executive Producer Steven Moffat, the beginning of the Twelfth Doctor’s era stars Peter Capaldi as the Doctor and Jenna Coleman as his companion Clara Oswald in a pulse-racing adventure through Victorian London.


Containing the feature length first episode from the much anticipated Series 8 of Doctor Who, the BBC One show in which Peter Capaldi was revealed as the Twelfth Doctor, a 10 minute behind the scenes feature and more.

Available to order now from the following retailers…

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Exclusive t-shirt only available at BBC Shop. This Deep Breath t-shirt has been exclusively designed for the BBC Shop.

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Other items that may be of interest…

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Doctor Who The Complete Series 8 starring brand new Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldiand his trusty companion Clara, played by Jenna Coleman.

This Limited Edition BBC Shop exclusive Blu-ray or DVD set comes complete with a bright embossed TARDIS slipcase finished with silver foil and a ‘press here’ button, which when pressed plays the legendary TARDIS sound effect. The Collector’s Edition also contains 6 exclusive art cards featuring images of The Doctor and monsters from the new series.

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Doctor Who: Series 8 DVD. Available to pre-order now!

Series 8 of Doctor Who returns to UK TV screens on 23rd August, starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara.

The series is set to open with a feature length episode titled “Deep Breath”.

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  • the ergon

    August 24th, 2014 - 6:26pm

    Its the darkness I think that the younger audience aren’t liking.Perhaps a little alienating. But it needs a new direction to keep it fresh.

  • steve

    August 24th, 2014 - 6:14pm

    Too early to judge Peter Capaldi but surely Vastra, Strax and Jenny deserve a spin off series of their own? With a good writer it could easily be bigger than Torchwood.

  • the ergon

    August 24th, 2014 - 6:13pm

    Snazzy new opening titles and theme rearrangement.Is it too early to say peter capaldi might just overshadow matt smiths excellent doctor. Have run out of superlatives. Could easily be this generations jon pertwee. Hes my hero already even if he is tonally different from tenant and smith. so anyway I sussed the robotic half man as soon as he started with the bodypart collecting. I,m sure I,m not the only one who was shouting ‘SS Madame de pompadour at the screen, even though it was its sister ship.The marie Antoinette thing must have been happening alongside the tenant story,offscreen. Needed more capaldi and less paternoster gang (just give them a spin off series. I do enjoy them,but like river song theyre starting to take over.) Knew the ‘cowardly’ doctor would come through for clara ,in all his heroic majesty, in the end,when she really needed him despite his post regeneration and capricious nature. Had a tear in the eye at the surprise inclusion of matt smith (was that a pre recorded insert though?). I,m mainly intrigued by the lady of the nethershere and her’heavenly place’. Is she collectingenemies/companions(reminiscent of the obelisk in the five doctors) throughout this series’ episodes as part of a story arc. Can,t wait to find out. Great start to the season.

  • Anonymous

    August 24th, 2014 - 5:31pm

    100% agree with you DW14. I was just stunned at how good Capaldi was. Loved every minute of it (except the Matt Smith bit) after hating most of last year except Crimson and Nightmare.

  • Larry

    August 24th, 2014 - 5:14pm

    I watched with a friend and we both thought Peter Capaldi is too old and that the acting was very bad. The plot was indeed silly, slow and unoriginal. I liked David Tennant and Matt Smith a lot and their worst episodes were better than Deep Breath.

  • Robert Adams

    August 24th, 2014 - 4:23pm

    Can everyone stop complaining about poor Capaldi, he’s doing very well.

  • Handbot10

    August 24th, 2014 - 4:06pm

    I like how this episode is basically sending a message to all those fans who think the new doctor is ‘Old and smelly’ or ‘not very sexy’. When Vastra is talking to Clara and stuff. They are trying to say that the doctor is old even if he doesn’t look it.

  • Handbot10

    August 24th, 2014 - 4:03pm

    The cinema I went to was packed with people. What was nice was that people laughed when I laughed. So it was cool!

  • Jason [DOCTOR WHO ONE]

    August 24th, 2014 - 3:10pm

    It’s called the Seal of Rassilon.

  • thedaleksdeath

    August 24th, 2014 - 3:00pm

    I watched it at home because of the fear of people screaming their heads off.

  • dunks

    August 24th, 2014 - 3:00pm

    He was the worst Dr who ever terrible was not the word I like to use if people say he was great then there easily pleased ,because this was utter crap from beginning to end the acting everything awful agree the best part was matt smith at the end I Will be surprised if he lasts more than one series god it was awful

  • George Harper

    August 24th, 2014 - 2:57pm

    Very disappointed with this new series so far. A childish story-line with dinosaurs and a comedy alien. Peter Capaldi could be as great a Dr Who as any of the last three if lazy script writing and the overuse of tired adversaries and accomplices do not turn this into a boring space-filler of a show as it became once before.


    August 24th, 2014 - 2:12pm

    I loved it…………only one question. Did he really push him out?

  • ken waite

    August 24th, 2014 - 1:26pm

    As an “old fart” who watched the first Dr Who, and saw it repeated because of JFK’s assassination, I don’t expect to be listened to, but here goes.
    The casting of Peter Capaldi demanded a different script (he’s good) – why bring in Strax and the Lizard warrior in the first episode. Change the pace and challenge the minds. No problem with the new doctor and Clara – just surprise us -and Daleks next week – give me a break!

  • Dalekparadigm2

    August 24th, 2014 - 12:52pm

    I’ve been looking forward to the new series and the new Doctor. I’ve been hooked on Peter Capaldi since they announced him and his first full episode definitely did not disappoint! I loved the Darker yet whimsical theme and I love the new titles sequence! I think that the fact that Vastra and co. were in the episode was a way of lowering us into the new Doctor’s style slowly, using familiar faces and places. Here’s to one of THE BEST Doctors EVER!!!

  • emine

    August 24th, 2014 - 12:25pm

    I have really missed Matt Smith but maybe I should just wait for get used to new doctor.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    August 24th, 2014 - 12:21pm

    Cant be River Song as dosen’t regenerate beyond Alex Kingston incarnation as is killed by the Nashta Verada in the “Silence Of The Libary” when she meets Tennant Doctor and her future was also going into the Doctor’s past in any event.

    There was some stuff on the actress who plays “Missy” put up here but wether she is playing the Rani who can really say yet? But I wouldn’t be suprised.

  • the astronaut of death

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:43am


  • Richard keen

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:40am

    Just wondering …he kept on saying he’s seen that face before and why that face ec ? …could that be ref to the Fires of Pompeii ?

  • The Other

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:35am

    *enforced by a BELL toll*
    Not ‘belk’

  • Robert Hood

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:35am

    Peter Capaldi was absolutely terrible only thing that will keep this series going is Jenna Coleman who was excellent best assistant since Rosie Tyler. What was Dr Who production team thinking should of left Peter Capaldi in Pompeii.

  • The Other

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:34am

    Actually this theme improves on the last one in terms of ‘oomph’, as it brings back the original bass line, enforced by a belk toll
    Although I agree that Tennants’ last theme had more oomph to it
    But I love the new theme!

  • Obsie

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:32am

    On the subject of dedicating a separate page to the titles and music. I think it would be simpler to have a poll on it, I’m sure booboo has enough to contend with.

  • 100,000BC

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:24am

    He didn’t know that the tgitf ship was ss madame de pompadour, in fact he was confused as to where he’d seen the robots’ behaviour before at all. He read “ss marie antoinette, sister ship of the ss madame de pompadour” from part of the spaceship.

  • Obsie

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:19am

    The whole point of the time vortex is that it is endless, not a load of cogs.

  • DoctorWho2014

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:19am

    This Episode was AMAZING!!! Its in my Top 5 Post-Regeneration Stories…

    1. Spearhead from Space
    2. Deep Breath!!!
    3. The Christmas Invasion
    4. The Eleventh Hour
    5. The Enemy Within (The TV Movie)

    Deep Breath was Awesome and I rate it 5/5! It had some grand, dark and funny moments and I felt like I was watching a classic episode! 😀 Bravo to Moffat for such a great start to the 12th Doctor’s Era

  • Obsie

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:12am

    Agreed on the theme tune. They should look back at the test theme once considered for Pertwee’s Doctor (it’s out there somewhere). If you listen to that is simply dire. This new version is biting on that ones heels. I wish this would be taken into consideration and revert back to something with a bit more Oomph! to it.

  • Tim M

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:12am

    They should have used ALL of Billy Hanshaw’s original title sequence, with maybe just slight alterations. Like maybe not using the Gallifrey symbol for example. But everything about Hanshaw’s titles is more epic and detailed.

  • Tim M

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:09am

    Agree with everything you say there. They seriously need to redo the theme tune, at least by the start of series 9. The theme is an iconic signature tune, and this version just felt too slight and washed out. But the titles looked great!

  • Tim M

    August 24th, 2014 - 11:04am

    I would add, that whilst the opening titles looked very good, I felt the theme tune was too slight, and a bit washed out. To be honest I don’t feel the theme tune has been as dynamic or epic since Tennant. The theme whilst retained is seemingly getting worse.

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