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May 28th, 2011 79 comments

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What Did You Think Of The Almost People?

What Did You Think Of The Almost People?

Now that the sixth episode of Series 6 has aired, What Did You Think Of The Almost People? Cast your vote on this and previous episodes in the panels below.



  • terriermon

    May 31st, 2011 - 11:17pm

    i have too theyre just not trying anymore, i thought the siren would be an actual alien mermaid or something that really annoyed me when they said it was just a computer

  • The Master

    May 31st, 2011 - 7:43pm

    That Is A Reference To The Fact That Amy Told Human Doctor How He Died, But She Thought She Was Telling Flesh Doctor.

  • Alf

    May 31st, 2011 - 6:18pm

    Did you also notice that during the final dialogue between the two doctors the flesh one said ‘So my death arrives’
    and the doctor replies ‘but we’re not invited to this one!’

  • Alf

    May 31st, 2011 - 6:12pm

    In ‘confidential’ it was said that Amy has been a ganger in all 6 episodes which means she must have been taken before the events right at the start of The Impossible Astronaut.
    The Xmas special was set during Amy & Rory’s honeymoon and the S5 finale ended with their wedding so, unless she was taken during the unseen period between the events of Xmas and Impossible Astronaut, she was taken sometime during S5.. Is it possible that Rory married the ganger??

  • Anthony Harding

    May 31st, 2011 - 5:56pm

    Something been niggling me for some time.

    (The only water in the forest is the river)

    Is this a reference to the Weeping Angels episode where Amy was all alone in the forest with here eyes closed?

    Point being Amy might have been kidnapped during this episode and swapped for a “Ganger”. Leaving River being the only “Water in the forest”.

    Human’s being 70% water and all that.

    Just a mad theory!

  • spaceBUZZlite

    May 31st, 2011 - 5:26pm

    Just finished watching, Silence In The Library and Forest Of The Dead, and i’m thinking…
    “That’s great, so why can’t Steven not write episodes like these.”
    It feels that he’s lost his touch.

  • Anonymous

    May 31st, 2011 - 2:24pm

    finally someone on my wave length. in my opinion there has only been one good episode in the whole season, and that was the Doctor’s Wife.

  • DoctorWho2011

    May 31st, 2011 - 12:04pm

    well it could of been that woman in the hatch

  • The Master

    May 31st, 2011 - 11:53am

    Did Anyone Notice When Amy Was Giving Flesh Doctor A Hug, He Said “Push Amy, When She Tells You To, Push” I Don’t Know How He Could Of Known.

  • Dalekman

    May 31st, 2011 - 10:42am

    Loved the ending but I dont see how the person with the ballon in the first trailer will fit in with the next episode and there that beastly thing as well.

  • tylertardis

    May 31st, 2011 - 10:04am

    i don’t know but it was one of the best clifhangers yet

  • Marty Craddy

    May 31st, 2011 - 9:42am

    Great episode and I’m loving the more complex sci-fi storylines. However, one gripe of this series so far – where are the monsters?

    The Silence are great but then we have a human avatar doctor (black spot), a green smoke (doctor’s wife) and more human avatars (rebel flesh.) So with the exception of a green eyed Ood where’s the creative aliens, I’m starting to miss them.

  • Andrew Nicholson

    May 30th, 2011 - 10:07pm

    I’m 37 and have watching the re-launched show since it restarted. In my humble opinion, this season (so far) has been the best I’ve ever seen!

    It’s proper ‘Who’ – my 9yo is spooked but really enjoying the twists and turns. It’s about time didn’t treat children as ‘cotton-wool clad idiots’ – more of the same please!

  • Anonymous

    May 30th, 2011 - 9:35pm

    The baby is a girl that is all that has been confirmed (well that and her name “Melody”). It’s not The Doctor, unless you got it the wrong way round and either Amy or Rory are the Doctor.

  • whofan4ever

    May 30th, 2011 - 6:43pm

    i saw this too its about time so it seems

  • BowTieMadJacob

    May 30th, 2011 - 2:33pm

    Hey guys I wouldn’t say the almost people was the best episode ever but the cliffhanger was certainly the most concluding.

    Also I think that River Song is Amys daughter because theres been little clues through-out the series that Amys pregnant but in the doctors wife idris said the only water in the forest is the river and river song so yeah. 😀

  • Jason

    May 30th, 2011 - 2:23pm

    The gangers the Doctor fought for, were “an early version” of the technology. They came to life unintentionally.

    I am guessing the ganger that Amy was, was a more advanced version that was not alive in its own right. This kind of ganger is what the company (Morpeth thingy) intended to make, and presumably did manage to make once they were aware of the “living problem” of the earlier versions.

  • Anonymous

    May 30th, 2011 - 2:23pm

    at the end of the almost people, the eye patch lady looked different than before, her cheeks were more ‘fat’ must have been theb camera angels or something.

  • Anonymous

    May 30th, 2011 - 2:20pm

    So Amy has a baby with Rory (hopefully Rory) which turns out to be Riversong, the Doctor and Riversong meet, fall in love and have a baby who is the little girl in the astronaut suit. River says she kills a good man which muust be the Doctor and so far the astronaut has killed the Doctor so River must be the astronaut and the little girl but then again the little girl regenerated and river cant regenerate because she’s human so therefore the little girl must be someone else. I cant keep up. I guess all will be revealed in 5 days.

  • Anonymous

    May 30th, 2011 - 2:08pm

    that sign was also on the clerics shoulder in the time of angels in series 5

  • the TARDIS

    May 30th, 2011 - 8:25am

    it was an interesting episode with a good ending and very clever. but a bit too clever-i couldn’t keep up with it

  • The Master

    May 30th, 2011 - 7:55am

    On The New Trailer, Look At 0:07 Is That An Omega Sign?

  • harold saxon

    May 30th, 2011 - 1:49am

    This is very clever & VERY COMPLEX! many twists & turns! shocking ending! they do it very well!love the cliffhangers!
    Matt smith is fantastic as ever!

  • gwynneth

    May 30th, 2011 - 12:54am

    Very complicated-I feel as if I need to watch the whole series again- I hate not being able to work things out! And I don’t find it scary, which is odd, as my 61 year old husband and 30 year old son do!

  • gwynneth

    May 30th, 2011 - 12:52am

    It has all got a lot too complicated-you need to be a super brain to work it all out! I feel as if I need to watch it all again just to catch up!
    And I don’t understand why I don’t find it scary when my 61 year old husband and 30 year old son both do!

  • AmyPond:)

    May 29th, 2011 - 11:58pm

    i agree best ending EVER
    Go Amy 🙂
    I LOVE U <3 🙂

  • AmyPond:)

    May 29th, 2011 - 11:56pm

    i read online on a website that has never been wrong that river IS definatly amys baby i sed tht all along <3 cos the person who posted it was someone who was there wen they were filming river tellin amy who she is cos the person was sat on the front row and could hear what they were saying

  • Bunkbeds Are Cool

    May 29th, 2011 - 10:02pm

    @ The Master. Yes he does


    May 29th, 2011 - 9:37pm

    Yeah. Just saw the trailer for next weeks episode there is a line where the doctor says “the baby is not a weapon” and some one else says “she will be” or something like that.

    So she must be River.

  • Max

    May 29th, 2011 - 9:25pm

    I think the baby is river

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