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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • Eamon UltimateCliffhanger

    October 10th, 2012 - 8:19am

    I’d like:

    First Doctor, Susan, Dalek
    Second Doctor, Jamie, Cybermen
    Third Doctor, Jo, Axon
    Fourth Doctor, Sarah, Wirrn
    Fifth Doctor, Tegan, Tractator
    Sixth Doctor, Peri, Vervoid
    Seventh Doctor, Ace, Haemovore
    Eighth Doctor. Grace, Master
    Ninth Doctor, Rose, Slitheen
    Tenth Doctor, Martha, Possessed Ood
    Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory, River, Clara, Weeping Angels
    Every Dalek
    Every Cybermen
    Every Sontaran
    Every Auton

    Name: The Final Battle of Eleven or The Fields of Trenzalore

    • The Cyber Squirrel

      October 10th, 2012 - 4:45pm

      too over the top

    • The Supreme Dalek

      October 10th, 2012 - 5:23pm

      That would make a perfect anniversary! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Weep

      October 11th, 2012 - 7:15am


    • cyber robert

      October 12th, 2012 - 8:20pm

      YES THAT IS THE GOOD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Whovian

    October 9th, 2012 - 8:07pm

    Prehaps they should do something about the half human doctor…

  • the astronaut of death

    October 9th, 2012 - 7:27pm

    matt said there starting filming for the 50th in spring

  • trenzalore ,the fall,doctor who

    October 9th, 2012 - 5:50pm

    the doctor is taken out of time at the end of series 7 after the silence find he is alive,he is taken to trenzalore,a planet base of secrets,there he faces an army and the silents who are controllers of time and space,trenzalore is there planet,a world at the heart of history and the silents want to ask a question of a man who has been wiped from universal data,the doctor is forced to answer by post hypnotic suggestion and he answers the question which he then gets angry and starts to remeber those who have died because of him,he then destroys trenzalore which is the controlling thing of the silents causing them to vanish and the universe to change.the silents realise how dangerous the doctor is by legends of there home world/base which causes a war.

  • Gordon Docherty

    October 9th, 2012 - 3:17pm

    Mondasian cybermen – they are now working WITH humans from Earth in a desperate race against time to survive. The project they are working on: a new, enhanced human, which they achieve… the new enhanced human? The first of the time lords… though it must remain a secret, to protect all concerned from the Daleks – and that’s also why Dr. Who needs to protect humanity and the cybermen without destroying either, as they work toward the fixed point in time: the establishment of the power source for Gallifrey that is created far in the future and then transported back to the past – with the time lords, time is not so linear…

  • Will

    October 8th, 2012 - 11:14pm

    What I want for the 50th anniversary:

    1) A better Doctor

    2) A better writer


    • John Smith

      October 9th, 2012 - 9:12am

      A better Doctor? A better writer? That’s just harsh and it won’t happen anytime soon. And if you want lot’s and LOT’S of Daleks, watch Asylum of the Daleks! Then tell me that you want a better writer.

    • Anonymous

      October 9th, 2012 - 10:52am

      there are hardly any classic daleks in asylum of the daleks

    • Jak MG

      October 9th, 2012 - 4:43pm

      Completely agree Will

    • That Cherub over there

      October 9th, 2012 - 5:57pm


    • The Cyber Squirrel

      October 10th, 2012 - 4:45pm

      I would like steven moffat to be fired

    • Will

      October 10th, 2012 - 6:22pm

      Never tell me to watch Asylum of the Daleks again. It was a horrible insult to dalek fans. Moffat completely misunderstood the character of the Daleks and butchered them, they were hardly in the damn episode. Matt Smith’s a good actor but his lines are no different to Tennants.

    • The Supreme Dalek

      October 10th, 2012 - 8:05pm

      DAVID TENNANT!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

      Oh, Matt Smith… ๐Ÿ˜ I have mixed feelings for him, he’s great, but…. ๐Ÿ˜

    • Carlob

      October 11th, 2012 - 5:16am

      What a negative attitude to have for the 50th anniversary. If you don’t like the writer or the Doctor why are you even watching the program? What entertainment is there in just seeing lots and lots of Daleks, we have already seen that done hundreds of times before. At least Asylum of the Daleks did something new with them. There are some areas I think could be improved or not to my taste, but as fans we should always support the show in the current form. If all fans were saying we don’t like the doctor or writer BBC would be justified to cancel the show just like they did with Classic Who.

      Everyone has there own opinion but it will be the 50th anniversary, we should all be celebrating that, not complaining. Even if you don’t like some aspects of Moffat’s Who isn’t still the best program on TV?

    • John Smith

      October 11th, 2012 - 6:55am

      Steven Moffat isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. There is a possibility that Steven Moffat might leave after the 50th but it’s very unlikely. As long as Matt Smith is the Doctor (YAY!) Steven Moffat will be the head writer. And why is every one obsessed with David Tennant’s Doctor? Why can’t people accept other actors as the Doctor?!

    • The Supreme Dalek

      October 11th, 2012 - 8:09am

      Carlob, Erm, no. Asylum could have been ten times better than it was. And if I hate Moffat but I’m a Doctor Who Fan doesn’t mean I should stop watching it! Don’t get me wrong, Blink, The Elventh Hour and AGMGTW is the only ones that I liked of his! Oh and The Angels Take Manhattan. The rest were just ok. And Smith gets a little boring.

      WHOORAY to TENNANT!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • The Supreme Dalek

      October 11th, 2012 - 8:11am

      Plus, John Smith, I can accept others. I didn’t say I don’t accept Smith. My top 5 are:

      5: Tom Baker
      4: Christopher Eccleston
      3: Matt Smith
      2: Jon Pertwee
      1: DAVID TENNANNT!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • That Cherub over there

      October 11th, 2012 - 4:11pm

      My favourite Doctor is THE Doctor. No such thing as a best or worst Doctor. They’re all good and most certainly NOT boring! ๐Ÿ˜›

    • The Supreme Dalek

      October 11th, 2012 - 4:50pm

      Hm, I guess you have a point That Cherub Over There. They are all certainly good (apart from Hartnell, don’t make me watch him, ugh…), they all act kind of the same way and they are all THE Doctor! But, I always choose a favourite… ๐Ÿ™‚

    • That Cherub over there

      October 11th, 2012 - 8:59pm

      “Apart from Hartnell, don’t make watch him, ugh…”

      What the hell is wrong with Hartnell? A brilliant first Doctor! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Will

      October 11th, 2012 - 10:29pm

      May I also clarify, Matt Smith is a fine actor and does an excellent job in the role. The trouble is that Steven Moffat has written his Doctor almost exactly the same as David Tennant’s. The 11th Doctor is like the 10th Doctor’s hyperactive nephew. Moffat is an excellent writer…of Sherlock. The problem with Doctor who is that he keeps trying to make it his own and introduce too much at once and leave questions unanswered. It’s annoying because I don’t want to commit to a 13 episode series just to find out who killed the Doctor or something, especially if we don’t get a satisfying conclusion that makes sense. I will praise him for making Series 7A’s episodes stand alone episodes but that said, he left Asylum of the Daleks so unfinished it’s ridiculous and Series 7A overall was almost as weak as Series 6. You know Doctor who is going downhill when even the Dalek episodes suck.

    • Dalek John

      October 12th, 2012 - 6:36pm

      I agree with the cyber squrriel. Moffat should be fired. They should bring back Davies. He was MUCH better. If Davies came back and they kept Matt Smith, I think the show would would have a lot more viewers. And the others are right. They should bring back the classical Daleks from the 10th Doctor’s time.

    • Will

      October 13th, 2012 - 12:23am

      Russell T Davies left because he didn’t want to work on Doctor who with a low budget although I still think he would have done a much better job than Steven Moffat has. Now I’m not bias to Steven Moffat, I’ve met both Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat. I met Davies on the Blue Peter sofa on the DVD Documentary, Who Peter part 2 (yes, I was the creator of the Abzorbaloff) and I met Steven Moffat at Doctor who live. Both really nice people, Russell laughs a LOT which is always really fun but there’s no denying that Russell did a far better job than Steven. Here’s the thing, When Russell T Davies wrote Doctor who, it was like a comic book. Every scene was exciting, it was like a fun trip through time. Moffat’s who is like a 650 page long outer space encyclopaedia with no pictures and several other editions to buy just to see the end of one of the chapters. It really annoys me that some people are just willing to sit there and praise Steven Moffat for his worst work because they’re encouraging him to make more rubbish. Series 5 was good, Series 6 is a turd, Series 7 was also very bad. He has potential, he did well on Sherlock and Doctor who: The curse of fatal death. He’s definitely lost his touch.

    • John Smith

      October 13th, 2012 - 6:08am

      No, no, no Dalek John. If Moffat was fired and Matt Smith was still the Doctor it wouldn’t work. It was like when JNT took over from the previous set of producers and writers of Who in the 80’s with Tom Baker stuck in the middle with too many changes that he didn’t like. Also what’s wrong with Hartnell!? HARTNELL WAS THE FIRST DOCTOR AND SHOULD BE APPRECIATED! He was the Doctor that off started the show and got it off the ground! Yes he wasn’t the best of Doctor’s but that doesn’t mean that you can say “Yuck” to his Doctor. Think how Doctor Who would’ve been without his Doctor? The whole atmosphere and feel of old who was generated by Hartnell’s Doctor and relation to his companions! Nobody else could’ve done what Hartnell did so appreciate him! And yes, Asylum could’ve been a lot better and Moffat’s writing may be a little bit confusing and cheesy at times but appreciate that Doctor Who is still on the air and that it’s in fairly good hands.

    • John Smith

      October 13th, 2012 - 6:12am

      And just to clarify Matt Smith’s Doctor is fantastic and is not boring at all! He’s more alien than David Tennant could ever be and is partly let down by some of Moffat’s story writing.

    • The Supreme Dalek

      October 13th, 2012 - 5:43pm

      That Cherub Over There, don’t start me. He’s so grumpy and whenever I watch him, it makes me think he terribly ruins the Doctor’s character, plus the whole show! I wouldn’t watch him for a million pounds! ๐Ÿ˜

    • John Smith

      October 13th, 2012 - 11:50pm

      Then you have no idea. Without Hartnell as the Doctor it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing the part. The show wouldn’t of been the same as it is today and the Doctor is a character that changes and evolves. Also William Hartnell doesn’t ruin the role or the show he makes it his own and gives it a unique atmosphere. I think that you’ve been watching too much Nu-Who and have lost appreciation for William Hartnell even though he might of played it differently and was grumpy, Doctor Who was in it’s early years and that was the whole point of William Hartnell’s Doctor. Please don’t have a go at me I’m just proving a point but I never really liked Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor. He didn’t have the right kind of build and attitude and I always wanted to tell him to be quiet whenever he started to talk about some random spacial interference. All the other Doctor’s I didn’t mind but there was something about McCoy’s Doctor that just really put me off his Doctor and the show.

    • Will

      October 14th, 2012 - 12:42am

      I think McCoy was the best of a bad lot really. The writing, effects and music got really sloppy at that point but McCoy did his best to deliver a good performance and it certainly comes across.

    • The Supreme Dalek

      October 14th, 2012 - 10:01pm

      John Smith, you should respect my opinion. I think the Classics are great and I’m a fan! Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker are in my top five Doctors of all time! I just cannot stand Hartnell. My opinion, ok?

    • Dalek John

      October 15th, 2012 - 9:39pm

      John Smith, I’m not downing Matt Smith. I like him. I just don’t like the writer. Your right he was good in Sherlock Holmes, but I don’t think he is good enough for the Doctor. I also have to agree that Hartnell was awesome.

    • Stormageddon II

      October 21st, 2012 - 7:43am

      Okay, in all fairness, all you asked for was lots and lots of Daleks. Asylum was that, regardless of it’s writing.

  • Doctor Stu

    October 8th, 2012 - 8:30pm

    News spreads of the Doctors battle on the fields of trenzalore against the silence and Rose, Martha, Mickey, Captain Jack, Gwen, Jackie, Pete etc: travel to trenzalore to try and save him. Their are weeping angels to guard the fields of trenzalore to stop anybody getting in other than the silence. the angels are weak and so can’t send any one back in time, can only kill, the companions manoeuvre around the angels with the aid of Martha who is the only companion who knows how they work. The Silence capture the companions and let them free, knowing that the Doctor will soon be following and he must not arrive because he may answer the question that will make the silence fall. Millions and millions of silence march the fields guarded by hundreds of weeping angels all to ensure that the Doctor will not arrive and answer the question. The Doctor appears out the vortex and flies around the fields in the TARDIS, The silence open there mouths and fire at the TARDIS, it flies low, making some silence jump out of the way, they hit each other with bolts of electricity trying to hit the TARDIS. The TARDIS smashes through the huge, Glass windows of the Silent parliament, and crashes to the floor, The Doctor climbs out with a clever contraption and pretends its a huge bomb, he tells the silence that if they come nearer he will blow up the whole parliament, he manages to manoeuvre to an escape route by clever persuasion and eventually escapes, the silence still believing this device to be a bomb. The Doctor forgets about the silence as he has looked away and wonders into a metallic room where hundreds of silence are nesting, they open their mouths and attack, they have captured the Doctor and are ready to kill…

    Title: Fall of the Eleventh

    • Anonymous

      October 9th, 2012 - 10:53am

      needs classic doctors and daleks

    • Will

      October 14th, 2012 - 9:35pm

      If it’s a 50th aniversary episode, I doubt Moffat would have the ego to use his own monsters. I reckon it’ll be one of 3 things. A Dalek return, a Cyber return or the Master returning.

    • Anony-mouse

      January 2nd, 2013 - 1:42am

      Oh, Moffat will definitely use his own monsters.

  • Alex_The_Geek

    October 8th, 2012 - 6:06pm

    Whilst it would be nice to have old Doctors coming back I’d much rather see old companions coming back.

    • Anonymous

      October 9th, 2012 - 10:53am

      like Ace

    • Alex_The_Geek

      October 10th, 2012 - 5:22pm

      Yeah and maybe bring Jo back again

  • Jonathan

    October 8th, 2012 - 5:14pm

    For old companions and old Doctors to come back in a big episode and the top five classic episodes to be shown during the week and every new Doctor Who episode to be shown before the special.


    October 8th, 2012 - 4:47pm

    All (or lost of) Doctorโ€™s collide meet each other and argue loads. That would be too funny! Each Doctor could have a different companion too. Then they all have to work together to defeat aliens. Dalekโ€™s, Cybermenโ€ฆ
    Ones that all the Doctorโ€™s have met.

    Whoops! Said that twice one as a reply sorry!

    I’m surprised Mark Gatiss is writing it, I thought SM would. I think he and RT should write one together.

    • The TARDIS

      October 8th, 2012 - 4:51pm

      Mark Gatiss is writing a documentary-cum-drama, dramaticising the origins of Doctor Who, not the anniversary episode. But I know what you mean – I wouldn’t have expected Gatiss to be doing it.

  • The TARDIS

    October 8th, 2012 - 4:44pm

    Okay. This is the full list of EVERYTHING I think we should have:
    1. A TV series with Paul McGann. Don’t care who the companion is, just… Paul McGann. Please?
    2. A 3 or 4 disc story from Big Finish with the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctors.
    3. A massive convention with classic actors, directors and writers as well as new series ones.
    4. A series of past Doctor books from BBC Books.
    5. A new five-part story broadcast episodically every evening on the week leading up to Saturday 23rd November.
    6. 10 past doctor stories on BBC 3 (one for each Doctor) after the five new episodes.
    7. Something along the lines of the Doctor Who: A celebration book released at the 20th anniversary.
    8. Multi-companion companion chronicles.
    9. Definitive books for each Doctor comprising of episode guides, Doctor, companion and monster profiles, info on adventures on audio, in print and in comics and behind-the-scenes information.
    10. Obviously, a special two hour episode on the 23rd with past Doctors, a short scene in Totters Yard and old companions and monsters. The companions donโ€™t even have to be in their ordinary roles, they could be in different parts, just as long as they are there. Okay. This is the full list of EVERYTHING I think we should have:
    1. A TV series with Paul McGann. Don’t care who the companion is, just… Paul McGann. Please?
    2. A 3 or 4 disc story from Big Finish with the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctors.
    3. A massive convention with classic actors, directors and writers as well as new series ones.
    4. A series of past Doctor books from BBC Books.
    5. A new five-part story broadcast episodically every evening on the week leading up to Saturday 23rd November.
    6. 10 past doctor stories on BBC 3 (one for each Doctor) after the five new episodes.
    7. Something along the lines of the Doctor Who: A celebration book released at the 20th anniversary.
    8. Multi-companion companion chronicles.
    9. Definitive books for each Doctor comprising of episode guides, Doctor, companion and monster profiles, info on adventures on audio, in print and in comics and behind-the-scenes information.
    10. Obviously, a special two hour episode on the 23rd with past Doctors, a short scene in Totters Yard and old companions and monsters. The companions donโ€™t even have to be in their ordinary roles, they could be in different parts, just as long as they are there.

    • The TARDIS

      October 8th, 2012 - 4:45pm

      oops, wrote it in twice… can you delete that above Booboo? I’ll rewrite it.

    • John Smith

      October 11th, 2012 - 6:57am

      That is a very long list!

    • The TARDIS

      October 11th, 2012 - 4:00pm

      Yeah… it was a 10 point list, but i wrote it in microsoft word and copied it in twice. ignore the second half! ๐Ÿ˜†

  • UDWF1

    October 8th, 2012 - 4:29pm

    A movie-legnth episode with a few of the main monsters and one Doctor.

    • Anonymous

      October 9th, 2012 - 10:55am

      that sounds terrible no one would watch that

    • John Smith

      October 11th, 2012 - 6:59am

      To make it epic and to catch viewers eyes you need multiple Doctor’s and more than a few monsters! That sounds boring as! MAKE IT A GOOD 50TH!

  • the astronaut of death

    October 8th, 2012 - 3:44pm

    i think we will see the doctor reveal his name
    but we wont here him


      October 8th, 2012 - 4:43pm

      if they decided to name him, i wonder what they would call him…



      October 8th, 2012 - 4:46pm

      All (or lost of) Doctor’s collide meet each other and argue loads. That would be too funny! Each Doctor could have a different companion too. Then they all have to work together to defeat aliens. Dalek’s, Cybermen…

      Ones that all the Doctor’s have met.

    • the astronaut of death

      October 8th, 2012 - 7:27pm

      well moffat already knows the doctors name

    • trenzalore ,the fall,doctor who

      October 9th, 2012 - 5:56pm

      why is his name secret why do the silence/silents fear it who are the silents[aliens] and where are they from


      October 10th, 2012 - 4:44pm

      Moffat knows? I’d like to hear it. I get worried about that because it takes away all of the mystery about… ‘The Doctor’

    • Stormageddon II

      October 20th, 2012 - 11:59pm

      All the head writers would have different opinions on what his name is, they would all they think they knew it. Call him Bbob. Yes, that is the correct spelling.

  • Matthew Littledyke

    October 8th, 2012 - 3:22pm

    Definately a multi doctor story which could include at least some of the classic doctors and all of the recent one’s that’s if Ecclestone wants to come back as there have been a few conflicting reports about weather or not he wants to.

  • Trenzalore 64

    October 8th, 2012 - 2:47pm

    I think it should just be a massive episode where all the doctors main enemys return, i would also like to see christopher eccelstion and david tennant come back.

    • Anonymous

      October 9th, 2012 - 10:56am

      and tom baker and peter davidson and colin baker and paul magain and replace the first three with cgi

    • Whowian

      October 10th, 2012 - 2:09pm

      it woud be so cool if he woud go to the paralel universe to see rose and him self but your one is fine to.

    • Stormageddon II

      October 21st, 2012 - 12:00am

      You forgot McCoy.

  • Multi Doctors

    October 8th, 2012 - 1:51pm

    1. ALL THE DOCTORS from WILLIAM HARTNELL onwards should be brought back (via cgi or other actors where applicable).

    2. Doctors GRANDAUGHTER SUSAN(carole ann ford) should REGENERATE into a younger version.

    3. PAUL MCGANN should REGENERTATE into CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON in the time war against the daleks and galifrey.

    4. As many past COMPANIONS should be brought back as possible!


  • Doctor Stu

    October 8th, 2012 - 12:06pm

    They should save up and have a massive budget for the 50th anniversary

  • John Smith

    October 8th, 2012 - 11:28am

    You guys need to listen to this!

    Vashta Nerada [Doctor Who Theme] by Traffic Experiment – Official Music Video

    Search it up on You-Tube and I promise that you won’t regret it! I think that something like this should be used as the 50th anniversary theme tune but with a bit more “oomph” if you get what I mean!

  • Stormageddon II

    October 5th, 2012 - 2:30am

    Episode 1: The Silence Rise. The Silents (Species) confront the Doctor and take him to the hall of Trenzalore, his companion forced to stay behind. The headless monks guard the area. The Silence blame the Doctor for the fall. They all then open their โ€œmouthsโ€. While they are occupied, he runs back to the TARDIS. He finds a time portal opening as he unlocks the TARDIS and some past doctor item comes through.

    Episode 2: Bigger on The Inside. Malfunctioning TARDIS, hallucinations of past companions or enemies, doors leading to various places in history and meetings with past doctors, in the end turns out to be Master (from afar) and he does the creepy transparent thing.

    Episode 3: The On Gone Storm. TARDIS (not fixed) is brought to Trenzalore again and flies into the time portal, thrown into alternate universe where The Doctor didnโ€™t exist and absolutely everything that was ever going to go wrong with the universe did. He escapes back through the portal. He wonders who would have sent him there. He then finds Oswin Oswald (Series 7b was ganger or robot or relative or something), who has been given back her human form but her mind has been hijacked and turned Dalek. She walks up a hill, and reveals a Dalek army behind it, then yells out Exterminate, which is soon repeated by all the Daleks.

    Episode 4: In a Heartbeat. The Doctor runs to the TARDIS, but inside finds only empty corridors. Eventually he hears a voice, and goes towards it. He doesnโ€™t see anyone, but hears drumming, soon after turning around to see the Master tapping on the wall. The Doctor realizes the Master was the one who had created the portal and hijacked the TARDIS. The Master replies by snapping his fingers, disappearing, and sending the Doctor to the control room. The TARDIS pilots itself back to Trenzalore, where the headless monks are preventing any attempts at escape. A recorder falls through the portal. The Doctor glances at it, looking back to see a scarf fall through, and shortly after a piece of celery and a Banana. The TARDIS falls through then flies up high into the air. Mid-flight, another one comes out, and after that a third, and so on. People begin falling out of them. One stands up, revealed to be the First Doctor (Color shot of his face can be edited on to a guy wearing a costume). The Second Doctor (same thing) is next to him. The Third (again), forth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth (I will not repeat myself). The first starts regenerating, as do the others in the order they fell.

    Episode 5: In Plain Sight. All the Doctors fall down. 1 regenerated to a completely different version of 2, same with 2 to 3, and 8 to 9. Most others regenerate with increased age. The 11th is shocked, but cannot afford to wait. He turns to the TARDIS, but it dematerializes. The Daleks hover over the Doctors. The headless monks pull out their weapons, and the Silents widen their mouths. The TARDIS appears again, and the master steps out laughing madly. The Silents surround the Doctor. The Doctors all suddenly stand up and release their regeneration energy to the same place, then collapse again. The Master walks towards it, and absorbs all of the regeneration energy. He says that they didnโ€™t shoot out all of the energy, but had given him enough to regenerate one more time, properly, and to make 11 the last Doctor. The new set of Doctors are extremely weak, but all of them manage to stand up. The Master orders the Doctors into the TARDIS, and lines them up in the zero room. Here most doctors are delusional and want their companions, which the Master supplies holograms of. They stay in the room, but the Master takes the 11th to another room with a doorway in front of him. The Doctor is not very worried for a moment, and says the Master canโ€™t do anything, until a Weeping angel appears straight in front of him from the doorway. He is suddenly very worried. The rest of the Doctors interact with their holograms quite positively, until the Sarah Jane hologram starts looping around (Use footage from old episodes for the holograms). After it is fixed, all the Doctors realize the companions arenโ€™t real. They start to recover from their regenerations, look at each other and realize they are older than normal, and see the regenerations went differently in several cases. They find the companions are still there, and are now trying to stop them from escape. The 11th Doctor is very frightened from the angel, talking to it to try and stop it from attacking, but eventually he blinks and it tries to grab his arm, but only gets his jacket. The rest of the Doctors eventually shut down the holograms, but are quite quickly taken by the master. The weeping angel touches the 11th. All of the Doctors turn up in one room. The Master walks up to the 11th, holding a sonic weapon up to his head. The Doctor pulls it out, starting to disable the weapon, but aims it towards the other Doctors. They all pull out their screwdrivers, and quickly put them down. The Eighth Doctor pulls out a similar weapon to the Masterโ€™s, and shoots the Third Doctor. He starts regenerating, until a gunshot is heard. The 11th Doctor is seen holding it, followed by a flash of light and the screen going black

    Episode 6: Into Oblivion. The Forth through Eleventh Doctors find themselves in the void. As the Doctor was a complicated space-time event, killing the third doctor has obliterated him and taken all future incarnations out of existence. The Doctors, now fully recovered from their regenerations, are quite mad at the eighth and eleventh Doctors, who say . After they argue in a Doctor-ish way, another Tenth Doctor appears with many of his companions. People randomly appear from random spaces and times in the universe, such as companions, strangers, historical figures, potential companions (who died before they got to the TARDIS), lots of Doctors, and versions of characters from parallel universes (meaning they can be played by different actors or be older). The Eleventh Doctor remembers the Dalek Reality Bomb. With no Doctor, the entire Multiverse is inside the void, and nothing ever existed save the Daleks. 8 versions of the TARDIS appear, and each incarnation of the Doctor walks into their TARDIS. They find it normal, but are then all taken to Trenzalore.

    Episode 7: The First Question. The planet of Trenzalore is dragged back into existence with every version of the Doctorโ€™s TARDIS. A future version of the Master, who already knew the Doctorโ€™s name, comes out, and says that this is fixed beyond being broken, and that he already has heard the truth. The present Master also appears to make it fixed, and to make it fixed within the Doctorโ€™s prior knowledge by having the other Doctors watch. Daleks are guarding everything nearby. A Silent walks up to the Doctor and reads through something, ending dramatically by asking; Doctor Who? The Doctor doesnโ€™t answer, but walks to his TARDIS. All other Doctors follow. They shut the doors and dematerialize. They try to get back to the Void, but have trouble doing so individually. They land in the same spot, which causes all of their TARDISโ€™ to merge into one. They still cannot pilot it well, so mentally interface straight to the TARDIS. They get to the void, but only 11 can easily free himself. He cannot free the others at all, though they may be able to free themselves. The Forth Doctor is absorbed into the heart of the TARDIS, which also takes in the rest of the doctors. The Eleventh finds Idris inside, who is willing to let them all leave. However, the Doctors stay inside the heart of the TARDIS, only 11 leaving. The Void now contains all of reality, save for Daleks, the Master, and the Silence. The TARDIS interior has been redesigned, and is now to a degree piloting itself. Reality has been reorganized and everything is where it is meant to be (Though none of it technically exists). Back in what was once the universe, Trenzalore is seen. The Dalek ships are merely wreckage, the Silence are all dead, and the Master is dying. He is making very faint noises, but eventually they stop and his eyes close. At that moment, the universe is silent.

    • Professor When

      October 8th, 2012 - 7:53pm

      Very good ideas, but I can’t help thinking, even for the 50th, a universal reorganisation and sad ending is a bit much for Who. Save for that, this is brilliant!

    • Anonymous

      October 9th, 2012 - 5:41pm

      why did the silents start it in the first place,where is there home???

    • Stormageddon II

      October 14th, 2012 - 9:29am

      That can be covered while the silence is giving his speech, which I guess would go something like:
      The Universe rose. When the first fall came, and the voice of the ruptures in time spoke. “Silence will fall.” We rose as the universe came again, and Trenzalore was born with us. But with a rise must come a fall. The Silence refuse to fall. The Eleventh must fall in our place. But who is the Eleventh? The Doctor, of course. But Who is the Doctor? As the universe was born again, the question was asked. The First Question, the oldest question in the universe… Doctor Who.

    • Stormageddon II

      October 21st, 2012 - 12:12am

      In response to the first guy, if I try to think about it the story line gives me a head ache, so it needs a significant event that essentially undoes the rest. And every second person wants unhappy endings.

  • the ponds wait no more

    September 22nd, 2012 - 9:22am

    across time and space everyone is asking,one question,doctor who?because the doctor has been wiped from memory.the tardis is taken out of time to a planetary base called trenzalore,the doctor remebers the legends of this place.soon he is kidnapped by the sentinels of history[the silents]a time court.the silents start to question the doctor as a mysterious person,they ask him questions,as they have tracked this mystery guy down as everyone has been talking about him,they want him on trial for his crimes and his mystery.little do they know the doctor did something and soon old doctors come back.

    part 2
    the old doctors have returned to help the doctor escape the time court.the doctor reveals everyone has forgotten who he is for too long.the doctor must reveal one more time who he is,this is the fall of the eleventh as the doctors greatest fall comes.the old doctors reveal to the silents who they are.the doctor,the silents ask the question doctor who?the doctor sends the answer everywhere across time and space,the universe know he is alive.soon war comes,his is alive,everyone knows.the fall of the eleventh,has come,the doctor has failed and war has come.the silents go back in time to stop the events coming,they do the pandorica and the astronaut,little knowing they caused it all.
    they killed the doctor,he was wiped from the universe and then put him on trial,then old doctors return to save the doctor from the silents,then ask the question,then the doctor sends it everywhere.causing fear and the silence go back in time to stop this.the doctors manage to send the silents into war as there kind of the cause,the silents are wiped out.the doctors go home and the doctor has a break now knowing the truth of the whole story arc.

    he was set up in the pandorica,killed by river song,wiped from the universe,brought to trenzalore[the silents base],held captive,the old doctor returned,the silents asked the question,he sent the answer everywhere,everyone knows he is alive,the doctor causes war and sends the silents into it.they eventually try to blow up the tardis,set up the pandorica and cause it all again.a paradox.

    the silents set up there religion as they feared the doctor and war.his reveal caused a war,because he was that is why it is dangerous.the silents are a judge group.the fall of the 11th is when the eleventh doctor answer the question,revealing everywhere he is alive.causing war and starting the arc over again.

    unsolved things.nothing much really,it kind of closes it all up.

    this may never happen just my idea

    • the ponds wait no more

      September 22nd, 2012 - 9:31am

      the title is the fall of the eleventh.also in this one the doctor may regenerate.but it is not the fall of the eleventh,in my story.look above,that is what i think the fall of the eleventh is.old doctors tell the silents they are doctor.silents ask question using post hypnotic suggestion,making no living creature lie or fail to answer,the doctor does not answer or does he,we don’t know,but he tells everyone he is alive causing fear and war.the story may reveal the doctor’s actual name,but won’t be heard.

      parts of the doctor’s name maybe told why it is dangerous,but in this one it causes war,whole armies run away.that is the fall of the eleventh,the fear of the doctor’s name to everyone,he is alive,the man who killed his race.

    • the ponds wait no more

      September 22nd, 2012 - 9:40am

      the unsolved things ready to set up new the doctor’s name[may never be told,part of the show]

      the universe knowing he is alive.

      maybe regenration

      but the episode solves all the story arc,that is just my idea for what may happen

      the silents maybe connected to time lords or like time lords.but that maybe the last of them

      this story airs on novemeber 23rd 2013

      before this story we get other anniversary episodes but standalones,not even to do with this episode.maybe time war or daleks,the master.

      after this we get christmas

      then series 8 and maybe an old enemy returns.which maybe connected to the doctor telling everyone he is the anniversary sets up another arc for an old enemy and the death of the 11th doctor.


    • the ponds wait no more

      September 22nd, 2012 - 9:50am

      series 8 sees river’s finale journey to the singing towers of darlium and as we head to the library.the doctor arrives and must sacrafice his love and he goes to the data core and goes with river.he sends his eleventh self to live with river and regenrates in the library to number 12.a new era begins.the library episode is the end of series eight called,river,the doctor and the library .

      series 9 sees a new doctor and a new story arc.maybe the valeyard which could link to my 50th anniversary idea,the doctors name could have triggered something else as well.

      this is all my ideas it may neve happen,i just wanted to write some stories,but if moffat came on here he could use it.

      please reply if you like my stories.please do.

  • the ponds wait no more

    September 22nd, 2012 - 8:46am

    across series 7,oswin oswald has been wiping the memories of the last time lord from the universe.soon he meets her in victorian times as a mysterious force manipulates events to one place,one time.the doctor arrives at trenzalore where he confronts mysterious time court who have a question to who?because his name has been wiped from reality,he is forgotten and when the question is answered,the time lord will be remebered and the old doctors will return to make everyone know who they are.

    • the ponds wait no more

      September 22nd, 2012 - 8:57am

      afterwards.part 2

      the doctors are back to help make the universe remeber how powerful they are,to make entire species fear them once again.the doctors must save the doctor from the time court known also as the sentinels of history who start to put plans in place to stop the events happening,they build there religion to stop the start of a war in which the doctors return to show everyone who they are.they go back in the doctors timeline to do the pandorica and the astronaut suit little do they know they caused it all in the first place as they killed the doctor,the doctor was wiped from memory and they manipulated events to end up on there planet or base, ask the question,which brings back old doctors to remind everyone who they are which then causes a war and starts all over again.

      the fall of the eleventh will be when the silence put the doctor on trial and ask the question which brings back old doctors and eventually remind the universe who they are.

      but mysteries remain leading more story arc about the silents,who are there more to come

  • Girl

    September 16th, 2012 - 8:19pm

    I think that the start should be Amy, Rory and the Doctor inside the TARDIS. They’re talking about where they could go, when suddenly something grabs hold of the TARDIS in space. The Doctor tries to get away, but the thing pulls the TARDIS to a small street on Earth. The Doctor tells Amy and Rory to stay inside while he goes to check things out. He walks towards the door and opens it slowly. He looks back at Amy and Rory for a second, and then walks out. He sees that the whole street is alight, people running around screaming and he hears little children crying. He went to take a step forward, when 4 people, well what he thought were people, in black suits and helmets come and grab him. They take him and beat him up. They then throw him onto the road. Meanwhile, in the TARDIS, Amy and Rory become impatient and decide to go out. They see the Doctor lying on the side of the street. They run to him. He has blood on his face and has been knocked unconscious. He is whispering ‘help me’. They both grab him and help me up and take him towards the TARDIS, but it has gone. They turn to each other in despair. Amy asks Rory what are they supposed to do. A woman, who had been watching came over. She said to Amy ‘you can take him into my home, it’s on the other street, and heโ€™ll be safe there.โ€™ Amy and Rory follow the woman to her house. When they come in, they lay the Doctor on the sofa and sit down. The woman goes into the kitchen to get them a drink. The woman comes back and hands them their drinks, she then asks them who he is and who they are. They explain to her that they aren’t supposed to be there. They then ask the woman who she is, and if she had seen what had happened. She told them that she had seen him come out of the Police box, and that she had seen them beat him up and throw him to the curb. They then ran off. She had also told them that the ‘people’ were the ones that had caused all the devastation. As they were talking, a blue light had appeared over the Doctor, and he had then disappeared.
    The Doctor finally woke up. He felt the cold surface on his face and shot up. He looked around everywhere. โ€œWhere am I? Where are Amy and Rory?โ€ He said to himself. He walked around. He was in a small, plain room. No windows, just a white room. There was a small device on one wall. He walked to it, and he saw you put your hand on to open the door. He put his hand on it carefully. At first it didnโ€™t work, but the second time, a small part of the wall sunk and a door appeared. He walked out, just to find another blank room. But, there was a small, white desk in this one. He went to it and found a red book under it. He took it and slowly opened the cover. There was a picture of his last self. There was a tick across the picture. โ€œWhat?โ€ He whispered looking at the picture puzzled. He then turned the page again, it was a double page. On the left of the double page there was a picture of his ninth regeneration. And on all the pages there were pictures of all his regenerations with ticks through them, apart from the first three, they all had crosses through them. Then, on the last page, there was a picture of him. It had a cross in it. But, it suddenly changed into a tick. What did this mean? Then a voice from a small speaker in the corner of the room came on. The Doctor quickly dropped the book. โ€œSo, Doctor, I finally have you.โ€ Said the voice over the speaker. It was definitely a manโ€™s voice. It was very croaky and low. โ€œWho are you and how did I get here?โ€ Shouted the Doctor. He looked extremely angry. โ€œSomeone you have met before and someone you thought you had got rid of!โ€ Replied the voice. The Doctor ignored him and looked for a way out. He found another device on the wall which opened another door. The next room was different. It had eight cylinders. Only seven of them had someone in. They had all the Doctorโ€™s regenerations contained in the cylinders. The one that was empty was obviously for this Doctor. Whack. Thatโ€™s what the Doctor heard next. Whack. Someone had smacked him across the head with something and he fell to the floor. The โ€˜thingโ€™ dragged him across the floor and locked him in his cylinder.

    Tell me what you think, btw, i posted this with a different name cos it didn’t come up with ‘person’.

  • DoctorWhoRocks

    September 10th, 2012 - 10:17pm

    I just want two things:
    For Jamie to come back, and for Frobisher to be made fully canon.
    If I get just one of those two things, then I shall be happy.

    • Professor When

      October 24th, 2012 - 7:20pm

      AGREED! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • dr who

    August 29th, 2012 - 7:48pm

    the trap is closing in

    river song calls the doctor on her last alcheologist mission to a legendary place,trenzalore,a planet of dead bones from a future war,the doctor realises this is the place of his greatest failure to protect the universe,soon the doctor discovers his past selves have been time scooped by an unknown force.the doctor discovers a battle fleet and knows it is the silence as they close in at last,trenzalore contains the dead of the war,a war caused by the doctor,he is soon faced by the silence who drain his time lord energy forcing him to regenrate but also forcing him to answer a question,a question that will reveal the truth and create the deadliest being of all time,the valeyard.the doctor’s true darkness is finally here.

    • William

      September 16th, 2012 - 5:17pm

      I would like to see Omega as the main villain in 50th anniversary show. He is the best Classic baddie yet to reappear and it would be fitting since he was the villain in the Tenth Anniversary show

  • Whovian100

    August 23rd, 2012 - 8:24pm

    Maybe A Doctor Who Show featuring Monsters and Aliens from the Past as well as Matt, Jenna, Steven and the others making appearances throughout!

  • tom

    August 22nd, 2012 - 4:05pm

    A story with doctors 9,10 & 11 with most of the companions returning, mostly emotiinal ending (killing one of the doctors or companions maybe) an unforgettable episode where everyime you watch it it still makes you cry or think “i don’t want it to end”, one scene where they have to go through a huge maze where they see monsters like weeping angels, daleks, cybermen, sontarans..ect, more about the time war & the question “Doctor Who?” answered. what do u think about my idea?

    • Person

      August 22nd, 2012 - 6:04pm

      Well, the maze thing does sound good. But, there are a few holes in your plan. First of all, Christopher Eccleston said he won’t come back. And, the second one isn’t really a whole, but it would have to be a companion that dies, this is because if you killed the 9th or 10th then there would be no 11th, and if you killed the 11th, then there will be no more Doctor who whatsoever. But, apart from that everything is good I think ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, how old are you by the way to come up with that genius maze idea?

    • tom

      August 24th, 2012 - 6:09pm

      i came up with that when i was 11 but now i’m 14 ๐Ÿ˜€

    • tom

      August 24th, 2012 - 6:14pm

      or the doctor thing can work if the 9th or 10th doctor dies and they regenerate into their next form which then will create a dilema because their wil be two of the same doctors. we already had two 11 doctors but no 10th doctors so the 9th doctor will have to regenerate into the 10th doctor and if the 10th doctor will regenerate again, it would ruin his farewell inb the end of time ๐Ÿ˜€

  • fatbellyjones

    August 22nd, 2012 - 9:40am

    i think that the recent dr who stories are nowhere near as good as the old series. Jon Pertwee through to Peter Davison were better stories and lasted longer so you could appreciate the characters better instead of the “doctor meets aliens – doctor sorts aliens out – doctor saves the world” scenarios that last about 10 minutes.

    Absolute, utter bobbins!

    • No

      August 22nd, 2012 - 3:25pm

      No. Just no.

    • John Smith

      September 25th, 2012 - 12:03pm

      *Face palm*. Another classic series fanatic.

    • Esterath

      September 25th, 2012 - 12:58pm

      I’m sorry, but the Classic series is MUCH better than Nu-Who and I’m 12 years old!

    • John Smith

      October 3rd, 2012 - 2:44am

      Wow, I’m 12 and have been watching the show since I was 3 years old when they were running repeats of the classic episodes on the ABC. Old Who had a low budget, bubble rap/tin foil monsters and aliens and boring story lines (sometimes). Don’t get me wrong I love old who and some of my favorite Doctor’s are from the old who era but there were so many mistakes and plot wholes during that time.

      I agree that the new era of Who can be annoyingly confusing but at least they have a decent budget and it’s not hated by the BBC like it was towards the late 80’s thanks to JNT’s terrible take on the show.

    • Professor When

      October 24th, 2012 - 7:23pm

      Am I allowed to like new and classic episodes equally?

    • Anony-mouse

      March 17th, 2013 - 6:20am

      Wait… Esterath?

  • Person

    August 22nd, 2012 - 9:11am

    All I wanna say is that I’m glad Russell T. Davies isn’t writing this story, as he’ll end up making everyone make friends or something at the end. No offence to him, but that’s what he did in all of the old stories. He made them all soppy and stuff. That’s why I like Steven Moffat because he actually makes the Doctor Who stories cool.

  • dr who

    August 18th, 2012 - 11:38am

    i have said this a few times on other places,but i think it is more connected you think we will find out who blew up the tardis in series 5?people think it maybe the silence but i think it is all a mislead,i think the silence maybe trying to stop a powerful enemy from blowing it up,maybe the valeyard,i think the valeyard is returning in the 50th anniversary as the dream lord was hinted,i think he blows up the tardis,so maybe the matt smith era is about the valeyard as the doctor is getting darker

    • Person

      August 22nd, 2012 - 9:13am

      Yeah, it was the Silence ๐Ÿ™‚

  • alex rooney

    August 17th, 2012 - 2:28pm

    i would like the second doctors TARDIS to land in the first doctors TARDIS and the third doctors TARDIS to and in the fourth doctors TARDIS and the fourth doctors TARDIS to land in the fifth doctors TARDIS and the fifth doctors TARDIS to land in the sixth doctors TARDIS and the sixth doctors TARDIS to land in the seventh doctors TARDIS and the seventh doctors TARDIS to land in the eighth doctors TARDIS and eighth doctors TARDIS to land in the ninth doctors TARDIS to and in the tenth doctors TARDIS and the tenth doctors TARDIS to land in the eleventh doctors TARDIS and the eleventh doctors TARDIS to land in the first doctors TARDIS and in the proses ageing to fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh doctors and killing the first second and third and they have to go to the secondary console room of all the TARDISes and activate the dimensional control and free that TARDISes and then reviving the first second and third doctors


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