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May 24th, 2012 37 comments

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Doctor Who Experience Opening Date

Keep an eye out for the new Doctor Who Experience website coming soon.



With thanks to BBC Worldwide…

“My exhibition of the year so far? The Doctor Who Experience” The Guardian

“The hottest ticket in the universe” Daily Mail

“suddenly it’s as if you’re actually in an episode of the television series” The Telegraph

BBC Worldwide today announced the official opening date for their multi-award winning attraction the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff, the home of the BBC One show. Doors will open to the public on the 20th July with tickets going on sale at 10am on the 14th June. Paula Al-Lach, Head of Exhibitions and Events at BBC Worldwide formally accepted the keys to the Experience’s distinctive new home in Cardiff Bay this afternoon and the first exhibits are already being moved in.

Philip Murphy, Managing Director of BBC Worldwide Live Events said: “The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff is going to be just minutes away from where the BBC Wales television series is made which I’m incredibly excited about. The Experience sets out to engage visitors’ imaginations from the outset immersing them in the world of Doctor Who and what better place to do this than in Cardiff the home of the show.”

Image from The BBC Facebook page.

The Doctor Who Experience is the first ever interactive Doctor Who exhibition that invites visitors to star in their very own Doctor Who adventure. Arriving at the venue they will step through a crack in time to become the Doctor’s companion, taking on the challenge of reuniting the Doctor with the TARDIS whilst fending off threats from some of his most fearsome foes – entering a Dalek spaceship and finding a way through a maze of Weeping Angels. Featuring a replica of the Eleventh Doctor’s TARDIS which visitors get to fly themselves the interactive walk-through culminates in a stunning 3D finale that sets the scene for fans entering the exhibition.

The exhibition presents fans with the world’s most extensive collection of original Doctor Who costumes and artefacts stretching back almost 50 years to the very first series of Doctor Who.

The content of the exhibition is updated constantly with new items from the television series to ensure it is ever changing offering fans the chance to get up close to the incredible sets, costumes and props that feature in their favourite show.

New items to be shown to the public for the first time in Cardiff include the Doctor’s cradle seen in A Good Man Goes to War; the Silence spaceship and Matt Smith’s sonic cane from Let’s Kill Hitler with many more items being kept under wraps until the doors open on 20th July.



  • McGann is the Doctor.

    May 20th, 2012 - 8:24pm

    Hope I can get the chance to visit the one in cardiff, they should really get Peter Davison’s red-collar shirt, they are using his green-collard version from season 21 which he never had with that first outfit !

    And more importantly, Sylvester McCoy’s scarf. 🙁

  • Anonymous

    May 18th, 2012 - 6:56pm

    You would think if they were making a big deal out of the 50th anniversary they would have updated the website to include everything rather than just merge the RTD and Moffat bits together and leave the original run behind.

  • booboo

    May 18th, 2012 - 6:33pm

    dont know there might be new stuff, they have changed the site to fit in with there new format for all TV programmes


    May 18th, 2012 - 6:28pm

    So no more Trailer Maker / Comic Maker?

  • booboo

    May 18th, 2012 - 6:27pm

    i would think they have lots of new idea coming


    May 18th, 2012 - 6:25pm

    Just found this on the Doctor Who website

    ‘The Doctor Who Comic Maker and Trailer Maker applications are no longer available.

    Coming Soon!

    You may have noticed that the Comic Maker and Trailer Maker are no longer available. We hope you enjoyed playing and experimenting on them over the past five years.

    Over the course of the following months and throughout Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary year in 2013, we’ll be launching lots more games and innovative content.’

    Does this mean that they won’t make another one for the Matt Smith series?

  • Judooning

    May 18th, 2012 - 1:14pm

    The BBC Have just updated their Doctor who site and have now included updated pages for series 1-4 of Doctor who. There are new episode guides and a huge picture gallery full of pictures from series 1 to 6.

    They are also grouping all the different series monsters and characters into different catagories and it looks like they may contine this with series 1-4 in the ‘Monster’ section.

    The site already looks so much better!

  • Doctordredd67

    May 17th, 2012 - 8:38pm

    March 2009 I was there in Cardiff for my little brothers’ stag weekend. Early on the sunday I walked down to the waterfront and took pictures of the Torchwood Hub ( the water tower) and the door entrance at the Quay side. Then later went to the Dr who exhibition that was there at the time, first in and no crowds. Brilliant. Will go back there in the summer to see this new experience!

  • georgia-doctor

    May 17th, 2012 - 9:08am

    i wish i could go 🙁

    stupid nz

  • Harold Saxon

    May 17th, 2012 - 12:53am

    i want to go later this year,the london one was excellent.

  • Bow tie + Fez=cool

    May 16th, 2012 - 4:04pm

    I live quite near to cardiff and last year I went to loads of places were they’ve filmed Doctor Who so it’ll be really cool to see all this stuff now.

  • Jake

    May 16th, 2012 - 3:46pm

    Why should they doctor who is a British show and should stay in Britain just like Harry potter except they have that at Orlando but that’s just a fake

  • TheSupreme Dalek (formerly IronsideDalek)

    May 15th, 2012 - 6:50pm

    I wish I could go there, but I live in the US and I couldn’t really afford to go to the UK… Maybe they could make one in America for American Whovians!

  • booboo

    May 15th, 2012 - 11:13am

    not yet

  • outnumbered

    May 15th, 2012 - 10:28am

    does onyone know the prices

  • Dalek Sec

    May 15th, 2012 - 7:34am

    Also i haven’t went into these exhibitions before, in the book ‘Dalek I loved you’, it claims one of them is very boring. But this looks very interesting, i want to go to Cardiff. Maybe see the “secret” location of Torchwood.

  • Dalek Sec

    May 15th, 2012 - 7:30am

    The 5th Doctors clothes are brilliant, they are sooooo colourful. But i hope thats not real celery.

  • paul cox

    May 15th, 2012 - 2:39am

    This summer… Cardiff here i come WOO HOO!

  • Mark J S

    May 14th, 2012 - 9:12pm

    My wonderful wife bought me tickets to the Cardiff Doctor Who Convention: Lisa bought them as a Christmas gift, I almost cried when I opened the surprise tickets. What a fabulous gift, God only knows how she’ll top that… Maybe a ticket to go to the Doctor Who Experiance! I can dream cant I?


    May 14th, 2012 - 6:43pm

    I am going next year near the time of the 50th Anniversary I hope they do an event there!!!

  • DW2012

    May 14th, 2012 - 6:00pm

    Really want to go again!!!! 😀

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    May 14th, 2012 - 5:35pm

    It will be there till 2017 and perhaps after that. At least I think it’s 2017. Is it 2017 booboo? 🙂

  • Bigger on the Inside

    May 14th, 2012 - 5:06pm

    will it stay in cardiff forever???

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    May 14th, 2012 - 4:55pm

    The Doctor’s cot, Silent ship and the Sonic Cane???? This calls for some celebratory jammie dodgers! 😀
    I’d love to go again when it moves to Cardiff. 🙂 😀 😀

  • Tardis’nt

    May 14th, 2012 - 4:14pm

    cool, thanks 🙂

  • booboo

    May 14th, 2012 - 3:06pm

    yes i think it may change on a regular basis to attract return vistors

  • Tardis’nt

    May 14th, 2012 - 2:53pm

    i loved the experience when i went there on one of the closing days. in the future when the dr changes, do you think the adventure will?

  • booboo

    May 14th, 2012 - 12:42pm

    nothing has been put up yet we will have it on the site as soon as it goes live

  • finlay

    May 14th, 2012 - 12:40pm

    il miss it 🙁


    May 14th, 2012 - 10:09am

    Hi. Would you know where we can get tickets for the opening of the Experience please? I’d love to be able to go on the first day!!!

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