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August 17th, 2012 272 comments

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Asylum of the Daleks Teaser Trailer – Now Live

New Asylum of the Daleks Teaser Trailer

Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission – to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter… the Asylum. A planetary prison confining the most terrifying and insane of their kind, the Doctor and the Ponds must find an escape route. But with Amy and Rory’s relationship in meltdown, and an army of mad Daleks closing in, it is up to the Doctor to save their lives, as well as the Pond’s marriage.

Asylum of the Daleks Teaser Trailer – Now Live – save The Daleks, save The Daleks, save The Daleks, save The Daleks, save The Daleks, save The Daleks..



  • the astronaut of death

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:32pm

    what dose that mean

  • Esterath

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:28pm

    No, the um, ‘hump’.

  • marswho

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:28pm

    In a recent article regarding the 10 top enemies of Doctor Who, the air date for series 7 is stated as Saturday 25th of August. The link of the article is below:

  • the astronaut of death

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:28pm

    no the pangariam daleks have liki a grey bit on the bach of them

    but where is it about it in the brilliant book 2011

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:24pm

    Wait! What grey thing? The thing with the mutant on?

  • the astronaut of death

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:23pm

    where is it in the brilliant book 2011

  • Esterath

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:17pm

    No, it was in a DWM issue and The Brilliant Book 2011

  • the astronaut of death

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:13pm

    have you seen the ep

    or is that jsut a guess

  • Esterath

    August 19th, 2012 - 8:12pm

    Yeah, it spins revealing new weapons, I think.

  • the astronaut of death

    August 19th, 2012 - 7:37pm

    guy’s you know that grey thing at the back of the pangariam daleks

    and it reveald it has a purpous

    do you think that will get reveald

  • Anon

    August 19th, 2012 - 5:55pm

    Is that the dalek emperor in the second image. I also hope that Davros is in the asylum

  • johnnyg

    August 19th, 2012 - 4:15pm

    i recon that the daleks have put all the crazy daleks in the asylum. And the crazy ones are asking the doctor to save them?

  • The Moffat Paradox

    August 19th, 2012 - 4:13pm

    Wondered as well if Moffat’s game plan(assuming there is one that we are all going to like)is that the Daleks are going to be NEEDED to deal with an even greater threat to the universe(s)than themselves ;whether or not its the Silence or something else. Evil is needed to fight an even GREATER evil?

    While not altogether original its been done before in other Sci Fi like Star Trek DS9.

    The United Federation Of Planets(UFP)and the Klingon and Romulan Empires (neither of which though are strictly evil)ally to stop the Dominion who represent a threat to them all.

    Just like the Alliance created in “The Pandorica Opens” before the time lines are changed back again in the “Big Bang” when they are all seemingly manipulated into thinking its an open and shut case of the threat being simply the Doctor himself?

    Otherwise why indeed not just let them all die this time for good? Unless(a dilemma the 4th Doctor dealt with in “Genesis Of The Daleks”) the Doctor thinks that if he dosen’t save them instead of just always beating them he is no better than them. He actually feels something he didn’t think he would feel about them; especially after the Time War.Sorry for them!

    This near millenium old Time Lord in the clip is potrayed as being clearly taken aback by their chant to save them. Which from them is intriguing in itself.

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    August 19th, 2012 - 3:34pm

    I heard that this morning. Well, only the theme music. 😆 Hopefully, I’ll hear it again soon.

  • The silence

    August 19th, 2012 - 3:20pm

    Well I heard it is on skaro and just because it does not exist does not mean it cannot appear,Steven Moffat is in charge now not Russell t davies so Moffat can bring back skaro If he wants,plus the universe got rebooted could have changed a few things,plus the episode maybe set inside the time war somehow and it says in another synopsis about skaro.

  • Dalek: The Supreme

    August 19th, 2012 - 3:20pm

    Awesome! Can’t wait for it now!

  • @SirRoundSound

    August 19th, 2012 - 2:53pm


  • @SirRoundSound

    August 19th, 2012 - 2:53pm

    I just heard a Radio trailer for this episode on Radio 1, it started with the Dalek saying Doctor, an operatic screm of sorts, and then the Dalek crying out for him to save them! 😀

  • Anonymous

    August 19th, 2012 - 2:39pm

    The Silence want the Doctor dead because his future is “infinitely more dangerous”. The Valeyard is definetly a part of that future.

  • Anonymous

    August 19th, 2012 - 2:38pm

    Yet it appears in City of the Daleks (which is canon) so that raises more problems, but definetly fits more into Steven Moffat’s version of the show.

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    August 19th, 2012 - 2:32pm

    And Skaro don’t exist no more. It was originally believed to have been destroyed in Remembrance of the Daleks, but the 8th Doctor novel War of the Daleks reveals that before the events of remembrance, the planet Skaro was somehow replaced by another planet in it’s orbit, terrorformed to look like Skaro, and destroyed instead. The planet was called Antalin.

    Dalek Caan said back in series 3 that Skaro was destroyed during the Time War, so the continuity does seem abit buggered up there I think.

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    August 19th, 2012 - 2:29pm

    Could be.

  • The silence

    August 19th, 2012 - 12:43pm

    I ment them and the

  • The silence

    August 19th, 2012 - 12:41pm

    Maybe the doctor has to save the Daleks and if he does then that will save himself,now he is not the shouty doctor so much’the mighty warrior that the silence feared,maybe he will save his enemy,maybe it is part of the moff plan,I heard this idea somewhere ,maybe he will save hem so he is not so feared,it is most likely to make he universe forget him.

  • The silence

    August 19th, 2012 - 12:34pm

    Off topic ,do you think the valeyard will return,I think he might as Moffat is turning the doctor dark’aso the dream lord’the 12 regeneration and the first question which I think maybe the birth of the valeyard

  • Anonymous

    August 19th, 2012 - 11:44am

    The Hand of Omega was returned to Gallifrey at the end of Remembrance of the Daleks.

  • The silence

    August 19th, 2012 - 11:35am

    The episode is indeed set on skaro somehow,maybe the hand of omega is on skaro,that could hint at the return of an old enemy ,a certain time lord in a land of antimatter,maybe????

  • booboo

    August 19th, 2012 - 11:30am

    very rarely

  • The silence

    August 19th, 2012 - 11:27am

    Booboo,where is Luke,does he comment here as well,just wondering

  • D0CT0R WH0 F@N

    August 19th, 2012 - 10:40am

    this is how i never get mixed up on the supreme daleks from the red to white
    i call the red Supreme Dalek and white Dalek Supreme

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