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November 28th, 2015 151 comments

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What Did You Think of Heaven Sent ?

Now that the highly anticipated eleventh episode of series 9 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.




  • Anonymous

    November 29th, 2015 - 2:52pm

    Yeah…you must have been watching something different 😉

  • Doctor Stu

    November 29th, 2015 - 2:30pm

    It wasn’t in the next time trailer it was in the BBC TV trailer

  • Doctor Stu

    November 29th, 2015 - 2:29pm

    I think the episode was good, it made sense, it fit into the overall story arc and was about showing the doctors fears and we were supposed to be watching him grieve over Clara, going into his mind and thought processes but everyone’s entitled to their opinion. Next weeks looks good though

  • doctor no more

    November 29th, 2015 - 2:14pm

    i along with my family must be watching something different to other people who comment here,we thought this episode was rubbish.the bbc must have spent their budget because the sets are getting more cheap and wooden every week.capaldi may be a fine actor in other things he’s done, but as the doctor hes rubbish.but to be fair he can only work with the writing and direction hes given which is very poor compared to the last 3 doctors.even the usually fantastic murrey gold seems to have lost hope as the music has lost all its soul and has no depth.let us hope the regeneration next week is moffet lol.


    November 29th, 2015 - 2:10pm

    Where was the Weeping Angel in the next week trailer?


    November 29th, 2015 - 1:56pm

    I thought the plot meandered a little to start with but it finally made circular sense the last 10 minutes, a jigsaw collection of clues to piece together.. Alright I understand the doctor is the hybrid but can someone explain what the confessional dial has to do with this terrible secret the doctor is keeping and was the veil using up the doctors regenerations each time he fought his way through that block of ice, I only ask because the trailer teases that someone is using regeneration energy in that device on gallifrey. lost the plot and slightly confused.

  • JC Whovian

    November 29th, 2015 - 1:47pm

    Ratings so far-

    1. The magician’s apprentice/The witch’s familiar_8/10
    2. Under the lake/Before the flood_8/10
    3. The girl who died_3/10
    4. The woman who lived_1/10
    5. The Zygon invasion/The Zygon inversion_7/10
    6. Sleep no more_7/10
    7. Face the raven_7.5/10
    8. Heaven sent_8/10

  • 47

    November 29th, 2015 - 1:09pm

    Then his hand would have shattered.

  • Anonymous

    November 29th, 2015 - 12:49pm

    The way I followed it, the wall did reset every time but the doctor was just able to get slightly further each time
    Eg. When he first arrived in the castle straight after the events of FTR the veil may have killed the doctor immediately and the doctor got further and further each time

  • mark Belsom

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:56am

    And a past time Lord is in the trailer,I think.

  • mark Belsom

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:55am

    Your guess is as good as ours.

  • ThemadDalek

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:51am

    Why punch? he had a shovel…

  • 47

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:20am

    It was a pretty good episode, no more, no less. Peter Capaldi is continuously the best thing about the show in general, and this season has been, for me, the best overall for years. I do find Moffat stories a tad over self-indulgent; his Doctor has to have the biggest stories, threads and trials, his companions have to be the centre of the universe – a 2 billion year lament to Clara was tiresome -there was a couple of poignant lines that were excellent around her death, and the fact that she wasn’t there, the rest, why couldn’t the Doctor just talk to himself -ala Moonbase or Tom Baker ? I didn’t mind the Doctor going ‘in to his Tardis’ to show how he resolved the problems, it was similar to the Sherlock Holmes movies w/ Robert Downey JR as to how Holmes pre-visualises to work things out in advance. In this ep, the Doctor punching his way through a wall for 2 billion years did suspend my abilities to believe for a while, obviously the wall doesn’t re-set itself like the rest. I didn’t mind the concept of the episode, as to being inside the confession dial – potentially trapped in Eternity. Sometimes it felt forced, albeit part of the season thread, and integral to this story to contradict ! The episode did have a good amount of drama and atmosphere. So, I will close as I started; Peter Capaldi is the best thing in the show/series.

  • starshipalaska

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:16am

    Wow, you have really thought about this. Good work!

  • Exterminator

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:15am

    Peter Capaldi’s finest hour, I loved it.

    Looking forward to next week, I hope Missy returns as I’m dying to know what her ‘idea’ was when captured by the Daleks on Skaro.

  • matfav518

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:04am

    Capaldi goes from strength to strength. Excellent episode. loved it. Sorry to see Coleman go. Thought she was a great counterbalance to the doctors character.

  • whorules

    November 29th, 2015 - 11:04am

    remember rusty? “you are a good dalek.”

  • Exterminator

    November 29th, 2015 - 10:59am

    I would’ve used the spade and made it through in one billion!

  • A

    November 29th, 2015 - 10:43am

    … might’VE been referring to Ashildr, I agree, but I also think the Doctor could be the Hybrid too. The assumption has been the Hybrid is genetically a merger of warrior races but it could be a state of mind. The Doctor has been fighting so many warrior races for so long it could be said he understands their tactics better than anyone.

  • CJ

    November 29th, 2015 - 10:15am

    I know the Doctor said “the hybrid is me” to which he might of been referring to Ashildr who also calls herself Me but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Doctor was referring himself to him actually being the hybrid, anyway I can’t wait for next week! 😀

  • Justyn

    November 29th, 2015 - 10:13am

    I really enjoyed this episode and great acting from Mr Capaldi.One thing bugging me is the bit where he says by running from one side of the castle to the other he can live for another 82 minutes.Well when he said that there was approx 18 minutes left of the episode,add 18 to next weeks episode and it is 82!maybe it is a red herring or maybe means something.

  • A

    November 29th, 2015 - 10:08am

    Presumably Ashildr’s sinister protection racket style “employers” (the Time Lords) had her transport the dial separately to Gallifrey so the Doctor could be teleported into it. Maybe if he had made the confession they wanted he would have been released in the city (probably in a cell), but by escaping on his own terms he has some distance to make a plan.

  • Tim M

    November 29th, 2015 - 10:07am

    BRILLIANT! A stunning episode with an astonishing performance by Peter Capaldi! This series has certainly felt the inspiration of the Tom Baker/Phillip Hinchcliff era about it. And why not…that era was one of the truly golden era’s of Doctor Who. At times during ‘Heaven Sent’, Capaldi even sounded at times like Tom Baker! And WHAT a cliffhanger…The Doctor IS the hybrid! In ‘Hell Bent’ I don’t know how much this will eat away at the mystery of why the Doctor is Who…We sill need some of his past shrouded in mystery…otherwise series ten might as well be called simply ‘The Doctor’.

  • Giles Kent

    November 29th, 2015 - 9:51am

    By far the best episode of the new series, and the closest to a bonafide Tom Baker Episode post JNT.
    Capaldi is a fantastic actor and probably the only one of the new breed (excluding John Hurt) to pull this off.
    Clever, intelligent and poignant and I am not surprised some people who like their “WHO” one dimensional didn’t like it .
    Well worth repeat watching and bound to be an all time classic.

  • A

    November 29th, 2015 - 9:51am

    Physically the same age, yes, but as he remembers his past attempts when he reaches the wall his memory is surely billions of years old. The same day added to second by second as he punches through the wall.

  • Olga

    November 29th, 2015 - 9:34am

    Even though I really liked the episode, I can see your point there. For me it was way more exciting than “The girl who died” and “The woman who lived”, and definitely more interesting that “Sleep no more.” It wasn’t focused on action but more on what’s going on inside of us. The monster wasn’t that great because the Doctor had to face the other monster – himself and fear that “makes companions of us all.”

  • MrHaloWho

    November 29th, 2015 - 9:26am

    I hated it. It was probably the most pointless episode I’ve seen. It had no story, the monster wasn’t great, the Maze Runner thing got boring, and Clara was in it, even more than when she was alive! I got really bored up until the last couple of minutes, and it was only the Next Time trailer that had me excited.

  • CG

    November 29th, 2015 - 9:09am

    Loved the episode, the end must have been one of the best “cliffhanger” type things ever! Being back on Gallifrey really was awesome and sent shivers down my spine. Looking forward to the next episode as it seems to feel as if it is going to be a Classic Doctor Who episode on Gallifrey.
    Can someone please explain to me the hybrid though? Is it the Doctor or not?


    November 29th, 2015 - 7:58am

    To the tune of ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen –

    Thump Thump Thump
    Thump Thump Thump



  • Anonymous

    November 29th, 2015 - 7:38am

    Bless them. Hope you explained it to them nicely.

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