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July 1st, 2017 136 comments

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What did You Think of The Doctor Falls?

Now that the Final episode of series 10 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.

The Mondasian Cybermen are on the rise. It’s time for the Doctor’s final battle…

The Doctor is played by Peter Capaldi, Bill by Pearl Mackie and Nardole by Matt Lucas. Michelle Gomez guest stars as Missy and John Simm stars as the Master.

Doctor Who Series 10 Parts 1 and 2 Blu-ray / DVD

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Peter Capaldi returns as Doctor Who for twelve thrilling adventures. He is joined by new companion, Bill (played by Pearl Mackie), along with returning loveable alien, Nardole (played by Matt Lucas).



  • Anonymous

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:46pm

    Yes so agree! It was my fav moffet finale and fav 12th dr episode!

  • Jordan Scott

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:38pm

    I’m Truly speechless after tonight’s episode, so many amazing moments. Never felt so sad and ecstatic simultaneously before… Aaaahhhhh!

  • The Moffat Paradox

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:35pm

    I personally right now am VERY ANGRY with the BBC as they ruined watching the last 3 minutes On Freeview HD if it wasn’t local to my transmitter and I have just watched and listened to what I should have heard on the transmission with the IPlayer instead of an incensing crackling and loss of programme sound.

    Fanfaring an event TV episode and they CANT even transmit it without any technical incident! There is no problem with the other HD channels and we receive I have had my suspicions about those responsible for BBC One HD on Freeview if its not affecting all platforms at least a couple of occasions before lately.UNBELIEVABLE!!

  • Ollie

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:34pm

    I see some of the Moffat whingers are out in full force again!

    You know, to be perfectly honest, since Moffat has been show runner, I haven’t been 100% sold on his story ideas or direction. There are some stories that I haven’t enjoyed, but there are some that I’ve thought were absolutely brilliant. Sometimes Moffat has weaved pitch-perfect narratives; on other occasions, he’s gone for a bit of a ‘copout’ ending to keep the kids happy. Like I said, being honest, I’ve never been 100% sold.

    But seriously… C’mon! That season finale was one of his best and there was very little that was wrong with it!

    I’m reading silly comments about David Bradley doing poor Bill Hartnell impressions; Mondasian Cybermen can’t fly; the Master killed himself; Capaldi didn’t get the send-off he deserved… Etc. Etc. One person was moaning that the ending got spoilt months ago… Blame the Mirror for that one, pal; not Moffat!

    WEAT and TDF was a superb finale. The narrative was straight forward; Capaldi was represented as the brave hero; the Cyberman fight sequences were very impressive visually; Mackie’s performance was stunning. For me, it was near perfect. I completely understand that you’re never going to please everybody; I admitted as much at the beginning of this post. But to consistently bombard every contribution that he makes to Doctor Who smacks of disrespect!

    I believe he has made a phenomenal contribution to the legacy of our favourite TV show since he became show runner and he fully deserves our admiration and respect.

  • Nigel M

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:23pm

    Not as good as last week but not as bad as I thought it might turn out. If I were to be picky I’d ask how both The Doctor and Bill were conveniently the only survivors when the entire level was blown to pieces. The Master has a habit of returning from certain death so I doubt we’ve seen the last of him/her.

  • Tim M

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:14pm

    Not the great finale it could and should have been. Cybermen again largely wasted. Missy and the Master worked well together. Bill’s leaving scene I’m not sure I liked or not…still undecided on that one, plus I found most of the village folk back story dull and tedious. The biggest highlight was David Bradley as the 1st Doctor. Overall well acted and certainly watchable story. 8/10 But typical Moffat…First episode very good, second episode uneven. The trouble is ‘World Enough and Time’ was so good it couldn’t be improved on. Moffat puts too many good eggs in the basket too soon. He builds up momentum so much that whatever follows never fulfils it’s full potential. He was guilty of doing the same the end of series 9. Overall this finale gets a 9/10. But as usual the first part is the better of the two. Wrong way round Moffat.

  • r1ch1e

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:14pm

    I wish it could be Christmas everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • r1ch1e

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:13pm

    Don’t forget about the Five Doctors. Richard Hurndall didn’t play the 1st doctor anything like Hartnell did but it worked!

  • The Living Shadow

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:12pm

    Wow! I enjoyed that. I thought I’d naturally be a little underwhelmed after how good last week’s episode was (and let’s face it, nearly all set-up episodes are better than their follow-up episodes..), but I still had a great time watching this one!

    I felt that the townspeople, Nardole, and Cyberman Bill being isolated, as well as the Cyberman attacks I thought that was all well handled.
    I also liked how the Master was used fairly sparingly, but he was used well: Quality, not Quantity. Missy killing the Master, who then ends up killing her, well himself, was quite fun to watch, in a weird kind of way… Oh and some stunning visual and soundtrack choices!

    Wasn’t too keen on the Doctor refusing to change. It annoyed me when Ten didn’t want to go, it annoys me that Twelve doesn’t want to go. At least it’s going to be a plot-point though, and Twelve will perhaps be a little more prepared and dignified when he’s actually regenerating.

    Although I liked Bill’s end relating to ‘The Pilot’, I’m a little skeptical that she’d leave the Doctor, and her whole life behind for someone she hardly knows… (even if she does have a crush on her). Perhaps it would’ve made more sense if Bill had no option to return to being alive.

    Overall, my praises outweigh the problems in the case of ‘The Doctor Falls’, as I did enjoy it far more than I disliked of it.

  • Lorraine Sheridan

    July 1st, 2017 - 8:00pm

    Obviously need to watch again before making an in depth appraisal but at the moment I thought the episode was truly brilliant. I have that sad feeling which happens at the end of a series. Not all episodes hit the spot as we know but found this one emotional. Peter is such a great actor and Pearl deserves credit. I hope this leads to other good roles for her

  • eluma narty

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:58pm

    Just my own opinion. Can definitely tell it was yet another terrible moffat story. Tge Master basically commited suicide, poor Nardole had a really boring exit. And wasnt a surprise for the 1st Doctor appearing as that had already been spoilt.

    Mondasian Cybermen are not supposed to fly. Heather’s return was inevitable as it was mentioned that “they could bump in to her”.

    Just feel for Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Pearl Mackie and Matt Lucas as Steven Moffat has tarnished the show. His storys for past series such as The Empty Child 2 parter, Blink and the character of River Song were really good, but being a head writer just is not his strongest point.

    I really feel that Chris Chibnall will give Doctor Who the reboot it really does need. And i do hope that all these rumours of actor Kris Marshall becoming the 13th Doctor are true as i feel that he will make a truly good Doctor.

    Seeing as the Multi Doctor Christmas special is written by Moffat, i do not have high hopes at all. These are just my personal thoughts and opinions, so please dont moan at me. If you liked it, then thats good. I just thought it was rubbish. World Enough & Time was much better.


    July 1st, 2017 - 7:55pm

    The best by far from Moffat in my opinion. Bills resurrection was the only, what ????? moment , though the rest was very well laid out and the brilliant scene where missy and the master back stab each other, just typical of that character. But He /she will be back sometime I’m sure. Hearing the first doctor uttering his first words in that final scene, I jumped out of my chair , I was really hoping for this to happen, and it has. Roll on Christmas. 🙂

  • The Surgeon

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:54pm

    Same about Bill. But why do you want Bradley doing an impression of Hartnell? No one wants that! It would be an insult to try and sound and be better than him but copying the voice fluctuations and maneurisms is not shameful at all!

  • Harold Saxon

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:52pm

    Marvellous episode , lots of drama with the two masters, they were good together , I do think they left the door open for the master somehow ! Good ending too great fun episode

  • The Surgeon

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:52pm

    I have to say although the ending wasn’t what I would have done it was executed much better than in Hell Bent. Fantastic episode, incredible job again with the direction with Bill/CyberBill and a characteristically brilliant script. Love Moffat gradually undoing the mess Neil Gaiman made of the Cybermen, and is making them so much better again. Christmas is obviously going to be wonderful too. Really satisfied and the best (new) series to date, no question. Well done all

  • Prof Horner

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:52pm

    It is the first time in long time that I can not wait to find out what happens next. Roll on xmas.
    Simm was wasted though. Lets hope it is worth the wait. Better than the awful Matt Smith final.

  • The moff

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:50pm

    Oh and how creepy did the mondasian cybermen look walking through the woods!

  • Adam

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:50pm

    And i thought pantomime season wasn’t until christmas?! This was pretty awful! Dear Peter capaldi deserved so much more,as did Pearl mackie,who as Bill potts was easily my favourite companion of ‘new who’. And to top it off we get David bradley doing an horrendous impersonation of the late great William hartnell….Shame on you Steven moffat,SHAME ON YOU!!

  • The moff

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:48pm

    Superb… bring on christmas…

  • Simon W

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:43pm

    I do think the Master will return some how he always doe’s.

  • Matt Parker

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:43pm

    Might need to watch it again to rate it as i’m an emotional wreck……Rather too much had to happen and I think the Master being in it was a bit wasteful. Devastated that Bill has gone but that ending….wow….we must be somewhere in the last 5 minutes of Tenth Planet or something…..minds blown!!

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:42pm

    I haven’t yet decided what I think of the episode. It’s going to take a while to process and perhaps a second watch. What I think I can say for sure is that episode 11 was, yet again, better.

  • Simon W

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:41pm

    it was brill all the line said by past doctor’s I was like walking down memory’s lane.

  • Mark Belsom

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:41pm

    Absolutely loved the whole episode,did get a wee bit excited at some of it especially the ending. Can’t wait for the Xmas special.

  • Blackoclaret

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:41pm

    Missy doesn’t regenerate. Master does regenerate, but not necessarily into Missy. Doctor has long hearts to hearts with original Doctor, decides wants to carry on after all. Regenerates into younger rejuvenated (wo)man.

  • Koquillian

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:38pm

    despite a massive cop-out ending for Bill it was rather good. Some great moments, it’s rather fitting that it’s one of the most Moffatt-y episodes ever. Cannot wait for christmas to see my favourite doctor return!

  • anon

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:36pm

    Waste of an episode

  • therealwhovian63

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:33pm

    The master was killed by mossy and missy was killed by the master. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey

  • prototype dalek

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:33pm

    Cant wait for Christmas, quite a different ending to everything that I didn’t expect. Now, what will happen with what happened to missy?

  • DWCR

    July 1st, 2017 - 7:32pm


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