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May 31st, 2024 15 comments

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Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 5 Dot and Bubble

Saturday 01/06/2024 on BBC iPlayer at 00:00 and 18:50 on BBC1

The world of Finetime seems happy and harmonious. But an awful terror is preying on the citizens. Can the Doctor and Ruby make them see the truth before it’s too late?

The Season 1 Steelbook is available to order from, and



  • Jim J

    June 6th, 2024 - 1:32pm

    ohhhh I was also enjoying this one right until the end! It had a “Black Mirror” vibe to it that I enjoyed. But then the awful reveal just ruined the whole thing. Even though I kind of suspected something like that might happen, given the total lack of diversity among the awful social media people. Does EVERYTHING have to be about ‘The Agenda’? And why am I still watching? Stubborn , I guess.

  • The First Doctor

    June 4th, 2024 - 7:27am

    So… when they wouldn’t go with The Doctor at the end because he wasn’t “one of them”, I just thought it was because they don’t like outsiders – he’s a strange alien with a magic box and wasn’t one of the “Finetime” community (which is all true). But watching Unleashed, apparently it’s because The Doctor is black and they’re all racist(?). SMH. This might have worked 40 or 50 years ago… in 2024 though, it’s just clichéd and lazy.

  • SDW

    June 3rd, 2024 - 5:27am

    @RPG74 Totally agree about Ncuti’s crying… it’s getting tiresome. I’m fine with the 15th Doctor showing his emotions occasionally – but when he’s crying EVERY episode (except the one last week that he was hardly in), it just becomes too much… and it loses its’ impact. Sometimes less is more… when we see The Doctor cry, make it MEAN something.

  • RPG74

    June 2nd, 2024 - 2:03pm

    It was brilliant right up until the silly racism reveal at the end. That seemed like forced virtue signalling on RTD’s part, and the girl’s treatment of Ricky was already sufficiently shocking. Actually his death may have been undermined by the final reveal-if they were all racists, then presumably he was too. The plot was also riddled with holes. Why would a sophisticated AI need to kill everyone in alphabetical order? If the kids were all so feeble that they couldn’t walk without arrows then how come they’re acting like warrior pioneers ready to build a new world five minutes later? Not exactly consistent. All in all I was disappointed, especially compared to last weeks which I thoroughly enjoyed. Incidentally, is anyone else growing weary of Ncuti’s prettycrying?

  • Obi-Jiff Kenobi

    June 2nd, 2024 - 8:27am

    Much better episode for me, but with one huge caveat – as Andy R said, Lindy’s actions should have had consequences, but the story ends with her getting away scot free. Not a good message to send.

  • The Moffar Paradox

    June 1st, 2024 - 9:28pm

    Generation Zoom.

    To quote Skaro’s finest:


    Except the AI did it first.

  • Anomie

    June 1st, 2024 - 8:21pm

    In a way Andy r she did get her comeuppance. As the doctor said they wouldn’t survive on their own. Great episode

  • 1

    June 1st, 2024 - 8:13pm

    I liked that, they were infuriating. She was a right nasty piece of work & I enjoyed the timelord’s anger at them.

  • Andy R

    June 1st, 2024 - 7:50pm

    The one episode where i wanted thr Doctor to let the monsters win. Absolutely dreadful main character who deserved to get her comeuppance.. i feel robbed!!

  • Cully’s Pal

    June 1st, 2024 - 7:43pm

    Better than any of the others Ive seen obviously bringing the face book twitter culture to Who… but so 2024. Irritating and treacherous characters with stupid 2024 names. And urine references which were so unecessary. I expected uric acid to be the thing which destroyed the creatures – but no. Nice tiwst at the end and quite a suprised when the ble eyed girl showed her true colours.
    It was okay but I wouldnt be bothered about watching again. Wonder why Davies stopped short of saying they didnt want the Doctor among them because he was black. It wasn’t out an out expressed like that but that was obviously what the issue was. And the social media controlled humans were the perfect Aryans.

  • Anon

    June 1st, 2024 - 7:39pm

    Really enjoyed that one.

  • Obi what

    June 1st, 2024 - 4:24pm

    Best thing about it like 73 yards is that ncuti is hardly in it! The acting by all is pretty bad in my opinion.
    This week again, awful characters you don’t care about, more stupid comments from the doctor fancying people and a ridiculous ending!
    As an observation, why are still to this day white people regarded as racist? It’s like white people have to keep apologising for the slave trade years. What about a character of colour that dislikes white people? Either way it feels like segregation is still happening, especially with regards to the LGBQT community. And that’s the word right there, community. The new word for segregation, us and them, community! I don’t agree with it at all. We’re all equal, no one group or person is better than the next.
    Stories, imaginative stories. Ideas no one has thought of before, is it so hard?!
    One more series of this and I think (and hope) it’s gone!

  • LindyPepperBeanHater

    June 1st, 2024 - 1:20pm

    A step down from 73 Yards but still a very good episode, I’d give the main plot a 6.5/10 as it was fairly standard but still very entertaining. But that ending was 10/10 all the way, I was not expecting that at all Lindy I loved you but then you had to go and be that???

  • Cully’s Pal

    June 1st, 2024 - 12:37pm

    Well it sounds like a reworking of The Macra Terror. Might give it a go. At least it looks as if there’s a potential decent alien menace in this one. I’ll report back.

  • U.N.I.T.

    June 1st, 2024 - 12:48am

    Fun episode

