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May 18th, 2024 26 comments

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Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 3 Boom

Saturday 18/05/2024 on BBC iPlayer at 00:00 and 18:50 on BBC1

Caught in the middle of a devastating war on Kastarion 3, the Doctor is trapped when he steps on a landmine. Can he save himself and Ruby, plus the entire planet… without moving?

The Season 1 Steelbook is available to order from, and



  • RPG74

    May 23rd, 2024 - 12:02pm

    Even if the show clicked with the worldwide audience, the homegrown audience would still be a problem. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Beeb dump it from the schedules next year and make season 2 an Iplayer only release.

  • Doctor Stu

    May 22nd, 2024 - 1:20pm

    There’s no way it’s going to be massive success on Disney plus worldwide

  • RPG74

    May 20th, 2024 - 11:18pm

    Come to think of it, if the series happened to be massively successful on Disney+ worldwide then it’s possible it could still be produced mainly for the global audience. But how likely is that?

  • Theta sigma

    May 20th, 2024 - 10:54pm

    Viewership. Whatever way you look at it is at an all time low let’s just quietly give up as this is just terrible

  • Cully’s Pal

    May 20th, 2024 - 10:37pm

    Boot RTD and his ‘chums’ out and give J Michael Straczynski a go. Couldn’t be any worse and Babbylon 5 was one of the few series to challenge Dr Who as top sci fi show.

  • Doctor Stu

    May 20th, 2024 - 10:26pm

    I just want the thing to die now, it’s so sad watching it be absolutely hated by 90% of the audience. Just let the thing rest. Woke ruins absolutely everything

  • RPG74

    May 20th, 2024 - 7:49pm

    Oh dear. Consolidateds for the first two episodes are out: 4.01 million for Space Babies and 3.91 million for TDC. Even if the quality of this season improves as we hope, one suspects that the writing may be on the wall for nuWho. Personally, I think TCORR at Xmas did all the damage. A lot of people looked at it and went ‘Nah’.

  • Cully’s Pal

    May 20th, 2024 - 10:04am

    This episode took fifty minutes to pull off a scene that was covered in a far better five to ten minute segment of Genesis of the Daleks. The Doctor wasn’t reduced to tears then. The scene was dealt with in a far better way than 50 minutes of depressing gloop.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    May 19th, 2024 - 6:21pm

    It was a typical Moffat Episode but Auntie Beeb and that great cash burning machine Disney it’s now partnered will have to do better than that.

  • Dalek Eye Stalk

    May 19th, 2024 - 2:41pm

    ‘Boom’ is a great story. Full of tension and superb acting. Moffat writes another classic. Really enjoyed it. Best episode of Season 1/Series 14/Season 40 so far.

  • Cully’s Pal

    May 19th, 2024 - 1:29pm

    Interesting news about the ratings. Odd though because while certain circles are making excuses for them thinking back The Two Doctors was getting around 6 million per episode and ratings at that time was one of Grades excuses for ‘resting Dr Who.

  • Rob Gardner

    May 19th, 2024 - 10:54am

    Over the sea to Skye, that’s where I wish I was, without a tv signal or internet connection.

  • RPG74

    May 19th, 2024 - 10:32am

    2.04 million viewers overnight. Ouch.

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    May 19th, 2024 - 12:11am

    Amazing episode. Great performances, dialogue and tension. I don’t know know where he falls in my ranking yet, but I absolutely adore the 15th Doctor. Ncuti Gatwa was inspired casting.

    I wonder if 73 Yards will continue the upward trend for the 15th Doctor’s era so far, but Boom will be tricky to beat!

  • RPG74

    May 18th, 2024 - 11:41pm

    I mean, it was okay. Not terrible, but I certainly don’t think it was anywhere near being Moffat’s best. The problem is, as with the first two episodes it was a gimmick rather than a story. Talking babies! A musical! Now the Doctor stuck on a landmine for a whole episode! They need real plots, rather than padding out half-decent high concept teasers to 45 minutes. As for Ncuti, well, I get the criticisms, but I think he deserves a full series before we can make a final judgement. Onward to next week, and let’s hope things improve.

  • Anon

    May 18th, 2024 - 10:09pm

    See the unpleasant comments have started. Ncuti can’t act! Yes he can. His use of honey is no different to pertwee saying my dear all the time. If you don’t like it stop watching. The episode was great, the acting of ncuti and millie was great. But then I get the impression that certain people don’t like anyone. They have been spouting the same nonsense for years now. Just stop watching. Simple solution. Leave those who enjoy it to enjoy it in peace.

  • Obi-Jiff Kenobi

    May 18th, 2024 - 8:34pm

    Wordy, preachy, dull.

  • Whovian

    May 18th, 2024 - 8:02pm

    Moffat has really let himself down with this one! Absolutely rubbish, feel sorry for Ncuti and Millie having to play along with this awful story!

    And if its just going to be a rehash of series 7 going forward, RTD, its been done, come up with something more original

  • Cully’s Pal

    May 18th, 2024 - 7:36pm

    Ghastly the entire thing with its overbearing music and overbearing emotion and sentimentality got on my nerves. I felt like shouting for a sick bag at the end of the episode.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    May 18th, 2024 - 7:30pm

    Havent seen this one yet but hoping against hope that its a slow burn to getting better instead of a woke train to disaster.

    (Missed the boat for comment it would seem the other week.)

    “Devil’s Chord” was all right.

    As for “Space Babies” my reaction was mostly appropiately:


  • Doctor Stu

    May 18th, 2024 - 6:34pm

    I just can’t take it seriously, yes it was better than the first two disasters but the supporting cast are good actors, the Doctor and ruby just aren’t. It’s a mad dichotomy of watching proper Drama and then all of sudden you’re back with Nucti and it’s hard to watch, or he’ll drop the most un-doctory words like gyal or honey. And it’s just so jarring and cringe worthy the way he delivers lines. So I start to enjoy the episode in the scenes where the two main characters aren’t there. It’s series 11 all over again where the mediocre acting just makes every episode unwatchable for me. I wish it was something I could ignore.

    But if that woman is going to be the new companion we’re going to end up with a Doctor/companion pairing where the companion is ten times a better actor than the Doctor. Which is just awful, he’s still the totally wrong choice for the Doctor

  • Anomie

    May 18th, 2024 - 9:45am

    A great episode full of tension and drama. Moffat returns with a boom!

  • Haza14

    May 18th, 2024 - 9:32am

    Another great episode! All so different so far! Ruby getting shot so dramatically felt a bit glossed over in the final moments, you’d have expected her to be a bit more shaken up. But other than that, fantastic stuff. Ncuti and Millie’s performances are spectacular. I find myself wanting more scenes of them just talking to eachother! Haha

    That final line too! Great stuff Moffat. Next week’s looks creepy! Another different style. Really enjoying this series so far!

  • Anon

    May 18th, 2024 - 9:21am

    Great episode. Moffat is such a great writer. I liked he brought back elements from his own era

  • Gordon

    May 18th, 2024 - 1:28am

    This was superb. Moffat absolutely smashed it out of the park and knocked it into a field 5 miles away. Best episode of the rtd2 era so far plus next weeks look creepy too

  • Tom Williams

    May 18th, 2024 - 1:04am

    Watched it already without spoilers but wasn’t a episode too my like tonight would off more been interesting if something more dramatic had happened tbh

