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March 30th, 2012 158 comments

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Sneaky Set Pictures – Daleks – All of Them!

Sneaky Set Pictures – Daleks – All of Them

From the official site…

Sneaky pictures fresh from set…
Not much had been confirmed about the Doctor’s forthcoming adventures but we think it’s safe to say we can expect to see the return of perhaps the Doctor’s most legendary foe.

Here are some sneaky pictures fresh from the set of Doctor Who where the Daleks are being wheeled before the cameras once again. But which design? The answer is ALL OF THEM!



  • Anonymous

    April 1st, 2012 - 1:20pm

    There’s a picture of it going around now, it’s an Emperor Guard from The Evil of the Daleks.

  • matt smithy

    April 1st, 2012 - 8:34am

    I’m finaly back from wales and can see the images! Looks like the doctor who team have been bussy getting together all these daleks!

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    April 1st, 2012 - 7:49am

    Cool :), but at the moment, it looks like only a 70’s Dalek, Time War Dalek and Paradigm Scientist Dalek are present, but for all we know, more pictures like those shown above maybe posted online sooner or later.

  • booboo

    March 31st, 2012 - 10:32pm

    Reports from the set and tweets by SM suggest even a 1960s Dalek is being used

  • The Stetson of Chaos

    March 31st, 2012 - 6:36pm

    Turning them in to stone won’t kill them, as they will then become Angels (that’s my theory). There are so many ways:

    1) My theory.
    2) Get killed by one.
    3) Go to the past.
    4) Leave the Doctor in a “heartbreaking” way.

    Guys, heartbreaking doesn’t mean only DEATH!

    Ooh, now that I said Death, I’d love a story with Death in it. 8)
    And also who else would love a Halloween Special, cause I would! 😀 😀

  • Anonymous

    March 31st, 2012 - 6:12pm

    Steven Moffat isn’t really into killing people, so as he has pointed out he really needs to start making up for years of neglecdting it.

  • Mr who 63

    March 31st, 2012 - 5:39pm

    Yeh, but Karen Gillan said she wanted to be out for good, and Steve Moffat, that is the man who turned doctor who upside down, he could do anything!
    Maybe Rory leaves Amy for Jenna Louise Colmens’ character.

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    March 31st, 2012 - 5:10pm

    Yes, but in The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, the Angels had evolved into sadistic killers. If they’re constantly evolving then it’s possible they could turn people into stone.

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    March 31st, 2012 - 4:58pm

    I’d say half and half really.

  • cybermat6

    March 31st, 2012 - 4:31pm

    weeping angels can send people back in time so maybe the angels send The Ponds to the past.

  • The Stetson of Chaos

    March 31st, 2012 - 4:27pm

    Matt smithy, I didn’t say it’s for children only, it is a family show. But there are more children 8-16 watching it than adults.

  • matt smithy

    March 31st, 2012 - 4:04pm

    Doctor Who is a family show, not just for 8 year olds.

  • Anonymous

    March 31st, 2012 - 3:21pm

    Until I saw the base, I thought it might be one of the grey Daleks they used in the 80s.

  • The Stetson of Chaos

    March 31st, 2012 - 2:28pm

    I’ve just realised: The Ponds won’t die! Stven Moffat is tricky, like what he did with River. 😉

    My theory is that the Weeping Angels turn them in to stone. I know it’s horrible, but what else?

    Or else Moffat hasn’t got a trick this time, they do die. It’ll probably be something like Rose. Save the world and they die or save them and the world is doomed.

    Any other theories?? 😀

  • Anonymous

    March 31st, 2012 - 1:52pm

    i think they need

    autons and nestene
    madame kovarian (not a monster but great villian)
    headless monks
    vashta nerada
    family of blood

  • Cyberman97

    March 31st, 2012 - 11:45am

    Need more:
    Hand bots
    I like all doctor who series8)

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    March 31st, 2012 - 11:03am

    Judoon need a break as well if I’m honest.
    2007-Smith and Jones
    2008- The Stolen Earth
    2009- Judgement of the Judoon (NSA book)
    2010- Brief appearances in The End of Time Part Two and The Pandorica Opens
    2011- Brief appearance in A Good Man Goes to War

    And yes, Series 6 was awesome! 😀

  • The Stetson of Chaos

    March 31st, 2012 - 10:52am

    Yes, they do need a break. I think we need:

    Headless Monks

    And I thought Series 6 was awesome. 8)

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    March 31st, 2012 - 10:50am

    The Cybermen need a break! Like the Daleks, they are being terribly overused! Although it’s good to (finally) have our Cybermen back and not the Cybus ones, just give them a break. Their slowly getting rusty! 😉

  • The Stetson of Chaos

    March 31st, 2012 - 10:38am

    I’ve been reading comments on the Series 7 Trailer and New Companion is Jenna-Louise Coleman pages, and many people are saying that Series 6 was bad and that the Flood should return.

    The Flood??!!?!? They are way to scary, they freak me out and as Doctor Who is also aimed to 8 year olds (I’m 11 though) that’s probably scary for them. Ok, I’m not saying that The Silence and the Weeping Angels aren’t scary (that were in Series 6, this isn’t a thriller series!), but adding The Flood is taking it a bit too far. I think they should keep the Weeping Angels for Series 7 and leave the scary ones, just put Cybermen and new NOT scary aliens.

  • Cyberman97

    March 31st, 2012 - 9:23am

    Yeah thats a good theroy hopefully its true!:)

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    March 31st, 2012 - 8:21am

    I have a couple of ideas of how Classic Daleks and Time War Daleks could be featured in the New Series –

    1) They merely appear as flashbacks in newly filmed footage.

    2) The 2010 Daleks travel back in time during different points in their species own history before the Time War, allowing them to encounter past incarnations of their Travel Machines.

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    March 31st, 2012 - 7:53am

    Have a great holiday Doctor Stu!
    It’s possible The Eternity Clock will be out by the time you get back!

  • Me

    March 31st, 2012 - 7:30am

    Here comes someone who has studied Daleks a little too much 😀

    Everyone’s talking about #4. It has the colour and base of Dalek Sec (an NSD) but the ‘bobbles’ don’t have the ridge that they should. should help differentiate between types with its ‘Dalek Autospy’

  • Doctor Stu

    March 31st, 2012 - 7:21am

    going on hols now see Ya hopefully the eternity clock will be out when i get back in two weeks. By evryone Happy messagng!

    ps: epic pics

  • IronsideDalek

    March 31st, 2012 - 1:26am

    I’d like to see Julian Bleech or Terry Molloy as Davros again. It would also help to explain different factions.

  • IronsideDalek

    March 31st, 2012 - 1:21am

    I think more that the Paradigm Daleks, being the Daleks purest form, see the other types of Daleks as inferior, the classics fighting back against the Paradigm, and the Time War Daleks being impure and being hated for it by the other two Dalek factions.

  • BigBang

    March 31st, 2012 - 1:18am

    Maybe it is just me, but this seems like another Moffat slight of hand. Giving blogs a talking point to hide the bigger story. If this is all the daleks, then it would seem that the time-lock is either damaged or broken. So we get all the timelords too?

  • Hennezwho

    March 30th, 2012 - 10:45pm

    I think this episode is going to be quite a big episode!

  • Randomizer

    March 30th, 2012 - 10:28pm

    they are probably just revamping the new ones like they did in 2005, well excited 🙂 want to know if the dust is production of model or series spoiler…

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