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November 1st, 2010 97 comments

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Doctor Who Experience – Full Press release

The Doctor Who Experience

From the BBC Press office

Step into the TARDIS and be part of the adventure… Doctor Who Experience – starring you as the Doctor’s companion

Date: 01.11.2010

BBC Worldwide invite you on a journey of a lifetime. Step inside the TARDIS this spring to take a starring role in your very own Doctor Who adventure at the Doctor Who Experience.

Opening in London on Sunday 20th February 2011 at London’s Olympia Two venue, the Doctor Who Experience promises to be an unmissable adventure featuring an exhilarating and unique walk-through experience and an awe-inspiring exhibition.

Visitors will be invited to step through a crack in time to become the Doctor’s companion on an adventure. Their challenge will be to reunite the Doctor with the TARDIS whilst fending off threats from a Dalek spaceship and Weeping Angels along the way, before exploring the wonders of Doctor Who at an out of this world exhibition.

The Doctor Who Experience allows visitors to join the Doctor on a journey through time and space, encountering some of the best-loved and scariest monsters from the hit international television series. Special scenes filmed with current Doctor Matt Smith combine with amazing special effects and the chance to enter a recreation of the modern TARDIS interior topped off by a breathtaking 3-D finale. The walk through experience is a fully contained interactive Doctor Who adventure, which puts the public at the heart of the action.


The exhibition element of the Doctor Who Experience will chart the success of the show from the first series in 1963 to the most recent episodes starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. Displays will include items never seen before including original costumes, the Tom Baker TARDIS police box and two authentic TARDIS sets from the eras of David Tennant and Peter Davison. The public will also be able to get up close and personal with iconic sets from recent series, including the Pandorica Box and Chair and confront numerous monsters including several generations of the Daleks and Cybermen as well as Silurians an Ice Warrior and a Zygon.

Steven Moffat, Executive Producer and show runner for the hit television series comments: “The Doctor Who Experience is a fan’s dream come true – a fully interactive adventure that will allow viewers of the show to get as close as possible to some of the scariest monsters from the series. It will also be the first time that Doctor Who artefacts from all the show’s 47 year history – classic and new – will be on display together, many of them being seen for the first time. And never mind that, this is the day the Doctor teaches you how to fly the TARDIS through time and space, and takes you into battle with all his deadliest enemies in a brand new adventure. So steady your nerves and bring your own sofa – the Doctor needs you!”


Doctor Who star, Matt Smith, who has recorded a series of special, new scenes exclusive to the Doctor Who Experience comments: “The whole concept of the Doctor Who Experience, which will give fans a chance to star in their very own Doctor Who adventure, is massively exciting! I hope as many people as possible enjoy boarding the TARDIS next year to embark upon an exhilarating and sometimes terrifying adventure through time and space.”

BBC Worldwide is pleased to announce that it is planning to relocate the Doctor Who Experience to a long term home in Cardiff in 2012.
The Doctor Who Experience promises to be an unmissable adventure for the whole family to enjoy.

The Doctor needs your help – are you brave enough to step in to the TARDIS and join the adventure?

Door Price / Advance peak / Advance off-peak

* Adult: £20.00 / £18.00 / £15.50
* Child (5 to 16): £15.50 /£14.00 /£12.50
* Under 5’s are free
* Family of 4: £62.00 / £52.00 /£46.00
* Schools/Groups/Tour Operators: separate pricing.

Tickets for the show are on sale through



  • booboo

    January 11th, 2011 - 8:25pm

    we are going on the first day in feb, i hope you have a great time

  • Sally & Joshua

    January 11th, 2011 - 8:23pm

    We (Mummy and Joshua who is 4 years old) are so excited to have booked our tickets to come to the exhibition in Feb! We live in Manchester and are travelling down by train and coming to London for the first time ever. Never been on a tube, never seen london so we’ve used our summer holiday funds to come for 2 days and see Dr who… very very excited by it all!! We love Dr Who very much… and Mummy is coming back in May to see David in his new west end play too!!

  • Lalalab Bob

    January 8th, 2011 - 4:14pm

    i went to the doctor who prom and that was BRILLIANT and my dad brought me tickets to this and it sounds even more brilliant than the prom! i cant wait!

  • DoctorWho4Eva

    January 8th, 2011 - 10:10am

    This looks so cooooooooooooooooooooool……..
    i have to go……..
    looks great, i bet this will be better than DW Live.
    😀 😀

  • dr who mega fan900

    January 8th, 2011 - 9:56am

    Im going to the dr who experience with my graphics class at school to learn how, graphics are used to make dr who, im really looking forward to it as I love dr who, Ahhhhhh cant march just hurry up???

  • fezes are cool 24564789957

    January 7th, 2011 - 8:14pm

    i’m going for my birthday witch is tue 22 march but i’m going on sun 20 march cause i got school on tuesday 22 march

  • 21cwh04

    January 6th, 2011 - 6:27pm

    Went to ‘Doctor Who Live’ which was amazing! I’ve got the advance TARDIS tickets for this so I’m stupidly excited!!

  • The Doctor’s Biggest FAN!

    January 5th, 2011 - 6:46pm

    I’ve got a preveiw ticket for the 17th! Im gonna be the first person in!

  • the big,biggest big fan of wocky woo

    January 5th, 2011 - 6:25pm

    sorry i spelt biggest wrong

  • the big,bigest big fan of wocky woo

    January 5th, 2011 - 6:23pm

    OMG! im going and i am mega excited!!!!!!!!!!lulu 11

  • mama who

    January 1st, 2011 - 11:05pm

    Been to Dr Who live was amazing !!! i have already bought tickets for the Dr Who experience in London ! didnt realise it was going to be in Cardiff too ?!? oh well its so worth it 😀 x

  • dr who fans

    January 1st, 2011 - 5:22am


  • julie

    December 31st, 2010 - 9:55pm

    oh my giddy aunt….ive just booked tickets for march for me and my gorgeous daughter….so excited

  • biggest dr who fan

    December 29th, 2010 - 12:46am

    my dad just baught the tickets !!!! i almost died when he told me 🙂

  • amz

    December 27th, 2010 - 4:06pm

    i got preview tickets im going on the 18th!!!! i got them for xmas !!!
    it looks realy good

  • Australian Dr Who Lover

    December 26th, 2010 - 6:59am

    Have just watched ‘Dr Who at the Proms’. Loved it, Loved it, Loved it!
    Is the ‘Dr who Experience’ coming to Australia?? Pleeeeeese do. It should. Many fans downunder.

  • twelth doctor

    November 16th, 2010 - 4:16pm

    when does everything come to london????? karen gillan did ONE toy sighnin in glasgow,and australia,u have all the goodies episodes playing on you tv stations and we are not allowed for some reason,so we dont get everything,but i do agree WHY do the usa get exclusive figures?????? UK IS WHERE DR WHO IS FROM,just like the wrestling the us get the lot,so usa,ha ha if you want to see this dr who exiibition u gotta travel!!!!!!!!!!!


    November 15th, 2010 - 6:42pm

    drwho is cool when matt smith comes on the tv

  • Space fish

    November 14th, 2010 - 4:56pm

    This looks soooooooooo cool

  • crawford alford

    November 12th, 2010 - 7:25pm

    i wonder if my son Lyle will twist my arm to take him 🙂
    Oh well……dare say we might make it
    He is a BIG fan

  • angelus100

    November 12th, 2010 - 5:47pm

    Og course it is London and Cardiff. London because they have the big exhibition centres and transport links and Cardiff because it is home. They can’t transport a museum roudn the country.
    Dr Who live went to makor cities. Come on you all know you’ll travel if you are a real fan.

  • the doctor

    November 11th, 2010 - 5:27pm

    i really want to go [falls to the floor and weeps]why?! why?!


    November 9th, 2010 - 6:43pm

    some of u think youre hard done by i live in ireland and we never get doctor who here except for doctor who live in belfast which i had to drive 3 hours to go see

  • Heart of Tardis

    November 9th, 2010 - 4:49am

    Fantastic Sounds like a taste of things to come for the BIG 50th Anniversary 2013!!

  • Jean

    November 8th, 2010 - 9:34am

    Hi All sounds Very Exciting!! Sooo looking forward to it. Just wondering how they can exhibit the old artefacts. I believe most of them were sold off when they closed the Dr Who Museum in Blackpool last year. Just wondering.

  • dalek stratagist

    November 6th, 2010 - 11:12am

    yes booboo but do they sell figures, dvds, cds and books that exsit


    November 6th, 2010 - 7:22am

    I live in Louth 😀 and i want it to go to somewhere like Manchester or Nottingham, so it’s close to me.

  • cazgaz

    November 5th, 2010 - 10:49pm


  • The Whofan101

    November 5th, 2010 - 8:39pm

    Come to the Notts, we rarely get any Who-related Exhibts

  • The Doctor

    November 4th, 2010 - 10:15pm

    Du they have exclusive merchandise there??????????

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