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December 8th, 2017 94 comments

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Doctor Who Twice Upon a Time Brand New Trailer

Two Doctors, one destiny. The magical final chapter of the Twelfth Doctor’s journey is coming. Don’t miss ‘Twice Upon a Time’ this Christmas at 5.30pm BBC1 Christmas day.



  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    December 23rd, 2017 - 7:24pm

    In other words, voting on Steven Moffat’s part of the episode. Chris Chibnall has written Jodie’s scene.

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    December 23rd, 2017 - 7:22pm

    When the poll for ‘Twice Upon a Time’ comes out, can we all vote on the overall quality of the episode rather than our opinions on the final minute or so of the episode? It’d just be a shame if the split opinion on Jodie Whittaker’s casting affects the rating for Peter Capaldi’s final story.

  • T.A

    December 23rd, 2017 - 6:49pm

    What just happened? Oh we did not have enough money to another regeneration sorry.

  • whovian

    December 23rd, 2017 - 4:29pm

    Ash, i felt the same as you for the so-called sneeze regeneration. In a way it was good to show a change of the effect but also when you dont expect that to happen after seeing the drawn out regeneration, its a bit of a shock. When the camera went to Clara after the change, her face looked about as surprised as i was.
    as if to say “what the eff just happened?!”

  • Adam

    December 23rd, 2017 - 11:23am

    simon.ss1 puts it perfectly…you don’t mess with and change the gender of an iconic 54 year old established male character…it’s not cute,smart,fresh,bold or new…but Stupid…and it’s the BBC trying to be ‘Hip’ and ‘Getting with the times’ just to appease a small minority who are of the same mindset…
    Splitting the shows fans is the most saddening part of it all…as for me..along with others..Doctor who as we’ve known it for 50 plus years ends this christmas day…

  • T.A

    December 22nd, 2017 - 10:29pm


  • Pats86

    December 22nd, 2017 - 9:53pm

    Consequences of actions T.A, as Chibnall might find?

  • T.A

    December 22nd, 2017 - 9:09pm

    Noooooooo, my future as the 22nd dr is ruined.

  • Pats86

    December 22nd, 2017 - 8:51pm

    T.A with comments like that you will never be employed by the BBC!

  • T.A

    December 22nd, 2017 - 6:39pm

    It’s not just about the gender, it is also about the agenda pushing things they have been implanting in to the show. If you want an example look at what the bbc are doing with their staff, just to look progressive in today society.

  • T.A

    December 22nd, 2017 - 2:12pm

    I think was people did not like about it that is was very underwhelming, and a bad good bye for Matt.

  • Ash

    December 22nd, 2017 - 1:17pm

    I’ve never understood the fuss over the “sneeze” regeneration. It really took me by surprise, and I think that was the point they wanted to get across: one second the Doctor is Matt Smith, the next he’s Peter Capaldi. I was expecting another dramatic one so it really caught me off guard when I first saw it, and I liked that. Different strokes, of course, I can see why some were put off by it, but I don’t think it was a bad thing for me.

  • Doctor Stu

    December 22nd, 2017 - 11:29am

    The idea of potentially having a female Doctor goes back to classic who when the idea was always a possibility and back in 2005 when the series was being brought back there was speculation of a female doctor and similarly leading up to David Tennants regeneration. For me this isn’t a new idea and I’ve had 10 series’s to get used to it. I can’t speak for everyone but a majority of people loved Missy surely that’s ‘changing established lore’. For me I find jt so difficult to find the issue because I just genuinely don’t care it doesn’t bother me, as long as the writing improves dramatically I’ll stay loyal. The Doctor is still a male role model but now can be a female role model too like Rey, Jyn etc. I always felt the companions work as role models as well for their bravery, intellect etc.
    And Politcally correct bothers me so much this term is stamped on everything. For me ‘PC’ is the people who say ‘let’s ban the term Father’s Day because some people might not have a father’. Jodie’s casting for me is two things; the writers choice, or the fact of having equal representation on television which is an entirely different thing. We’ll all have different opinions but for me I see no issue, maybe if they’d announced the doctor was now going to have 7 arms I’d have an issue but for now no. And I didn’t mean to come across as blunt as I did in the previous comments, there’s how you say something in your head and then how it looks written down.

  • Pats86

    December 22nd, 2017 - 8:12am

    Doctor Stu, you are way off the mark. It is not about the seeing a female on TV for at least one series! the lore and history of this show has been tampered with in the last few years.
    Would anyone stop watching had a male been cast? No, everyone would watch to see how he did. Will everyone watch now Jodie has been cast? No they will not, this is not rocket science, it is too much a change for some and I respect that.
    Moffat and Chibnall have purposely alienated many fans from the show now without a care for those fans who have watched for as long as they can remember.
    I personally have watched all my life, over 40 years, I have signed petitions to get the show back after it’s cancellation in the late 80s, I have continued to buy all the books, video’s, magazines to try keep it alive and it worked we got the Doctor back.
    And for what? So someone could turn up and rip the lore and rich history up without a care for those who had a male role model who was anti violence to look up to. Yes we have female role models too, but it did not have to be the same character.
    Both my wife and daughter are not happy of the change, my daughter will no longer watch! And I know a large number of long time fans will not watch anymore, male and female.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    December 22nd, 2017 - 1:16am

    Doctor Stu.Again your claim that us dissenters cannot handle a woman for a series just misses the real point which is that we believe that the CONTEXT of this change is all wrong. NOT the gender as such. If in fiction/fantasy the gender seems clearly established and not even a discussion point for most of over 50 years there are certain expectations as to how the character can continue to be accepted and developed without alienating much of a viewer and fan base that this is turning something into something they no longer recognise however much it is claimed to be still the same.(Other than if this a reflection of infiltration by a PC agenda by a publicly funded organisation, the BBC, that gives the green light to Moffatt’s in universe tinkering which is carried on by Chibnall.)

    If the Doctor had always been female and then was changing into a male the same basis of consternation would apply just as if Lara Croft, Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor suddenly had a gender reassignment.

  • simon.ss1

    December 21st, 2017 - 9:17pm

    I’ve also watched Doctor Who from the first episode in 1963, and the Christmas special will be the end for me, too.

    I’ll give at least the first few of Jodie Whitaker’s run a go. But what the BBC don’t seem to realise is that – despite it being called ‘Doctor Who’ and no matter how good it is – it won’t actually be Doctor Who, any more than James Bond would still be James Bond or Miss Marple would still be Miss Marple if either of them changed gender.

    It’s a bit ironic that it will end where it all started for me 54 years ago, with the first Doctor Who!

  • Doctor Stu

    December 21st, 2017 - 5:20pm

    People are basically saying they can’t handle seeing a woman on tv for at least one series of a television program

  • Pats86

    December 21st, 2017 - 4:41pm

    Rikki Krystal, I fully respect such a decision to stop watching, I have had the same thoughts also. I am going to give it a go and see how it goes.
    It’s extremely sad that many life long fans like yourself are leaving with Capadi’s Doctor, what makes it so difficult to take is it need not have happened and we have had the fan base split, and this is done by supposed fans in Moffat and Chibnall! They should be ashamed of themselves.

  • Rikki Krystal

    December 20th, 2017 - 3:55pm

    Doctor who is also dead to me after the xmas story.
    I have watched from the very first episode in 1963,so it will be a sad day.
    But i still have the classics,on big finish.
    So long doctor who,and thanks for all the fish.

  • The Outcast

    December 18th, 2017 - 7:21am

    Did we ever find out what exactly the Watcher was? I know that it appears in the mind during regeneration, but how did the 4th Doctor’s take physical form?

  • Mick C

    December 18th, 2017 - 12:15am

    As long as they don’t ever,ever do that ridiculous regen from Tom Baker to Davidson again I’m happy with just a normal regeneration.

  • Doctor Stu

    December 17th, 2017 - 2:14pm

    I loved matts regeneration it was perfect in the TARDIS after his ‘doctor was me’ speech and Amy comes back to guide him to his regeneration. The only thing that spoilt it for me personally was the ‘instant’ regeneration I’d have preferred the fire and light version. 10’s is still my favorite because I absolutely loved his ‘farewell’ tour of his companions and rose being the first and last face he saw (let’s forget about ood Sigma for a moment). But I agree I want capaldis to be fitting of his character

  • T.A

    December 17th, 2017 - 12:27pm

    I know hopefully we don’t get another sneeze regeneration.

  • R1ch1e

    December 17th, 2017 - 12:21pm

    My biggest hope for this episode is that Peter Capaldi gets the regeneration scene that he absolutely deserves.
    I remember being so disappointed with Matt Smith’s actual regeneration. He should have regenerated on top of the tower blowing up loads of Daleks and having ‘Love from Gallifrey boy’s his last words and then the Twelth Doctor born in the ashes. That would have been awesome. Instead they went down the soppy route to try and make us all cry.
    Matt Smith deserved so much better than that and so does Capaldi. I really hope he gets the send off he deserves.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    December 16th, 2017 - 5:33pm

    Dr Stu it should by now be past debate that it was only possible for Chibnal to choose a female for the role because of Moffat’s in universe tinkering and in so doing Chibnal has shown he assents to that agenda.

  • T.A

    December 16th, 2017 - 1:11pm

    I think the bbc will push their agendas heavily in the next couple of years, they all ready started with season nine and ten.

  • Doctor Stu

    December 16th, 2017 - 10:44am

    The new writer wanted a woman, a woman was cast

  • The Moffat Paradox

    December 16th, 2017 - 10:40am

    The problem is for those who us who feel that the casting IS too PC/SJW motivated and think.Congratulations Moffat/ Chibnall/BBC You’ve done it now! (And you call yourself fans).After “Twice Upon A Time” many hitherto faithful fans will just no longer want to know.

  • Pats86

    December 14th, 2017 - 10:34pm

    I agree, I intend to give it a go but those that don’t should not be called not true fans, it’s their choice and if they can’t watch because of such a drastic change then so be it.

  • T.A

    December 14th, 2017 - 10:33pm

    Personal I don’t care if they are a male or female, what I am worried about is that the bbc will push their pc agenda even more now.

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