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December 3rd, 2016 46 comments

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What did You Think of Class Episode 8 The Lost?

Coal Hill acts like a beacon across all of space and time to any being who might want to use it for mischief….you’ll have to be on your guard.

Facing an impossible choice, our heroes must use all they’ve learnt to save Earth. But how far are they prepared to go? And will they have to pay a price?

Unable to recover from the truths they have faced, the gang has splintered. Liberated from enslavement, Quill prepares to take her revenge.
But they must reunite when the Shadow Kin return, raging a ruthless, unrelenting war.

Resolute to claim April’s heart and Charlie’s weapon, Corakinus threatens to kill their families until he has what he desires – and the friends must fight to prevent him.

This time, not everyone will make it out alive.

Class is available to buy from

Class is available to order on DVD or blu-ray from


Also available: Three novels – Joyride by Guy Adams, The Stone House by A.K. Benedict and What She Does Next Will Astound You by James Goss – that follow Patrick’s vision for the series and provide a thrilling extension of this new fictional universe.

All 3 books are available to order from

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  • Oh No Not the Adipose

    December 5th, 2016 - 10:35am

    Couldn’t agree more with your ranking!

  • Ja

    December 4th, 2016 - 7:08pm

    Haha same here! I saw the YouTube thumbnail and got excited and annoyed 🙁

  • Lol Hayden

    December 4th, 2016 - 2:44pm

    Well I’m really sad it’s over now 🙁 Never mind, I can’t wait for christmas, series 10 and hopefully in the coming months we get a series 2 confirmed.
    Here is my ranking:

    1) Detained
    2) The Lost
    3) The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
    4) The Coach With the Dragon Tattoo
    5) For Tonight We Might Die
    6) Brave-ish Heart
    7) Nightvisiting
    8) Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart

    Best Parts:
    1) Charlie and Matteusz’ relationship – Literally made the whole show so relatable and enjoyable
    2) Miss Quill’s arn thingy – It gave the whole series an amazing second story line, loved it.
    3) The tears, they were sort of glossed over most of the time but they still made the series amazing.

    Worst Parts:
    1) The Shadow Kin – 4 episodes was way too much. Yeah, episodes one and eight were good but they were ruined in 4 and 5 which could have been an amazing way to bring more monsters in and to widen the universe.
    2) The family characters – I didn’t like a lot of the family characters and they just seemed quite unrealistic especially in episodes 4 and 5, which I don’t think they should have been so included.
    3) April and Ram’s relationship – Their relationship was okay and I saw it coming but it just moved way too quickly and should have been investigated more

  • prototype dalek

    December 4th, 2016 - 12:23pm

    Loved it, best episode of the series I think, very good and loved the cliff-hanger with the Weeping Angels and what happened to April! My mum stopped watching it after episode 4 but I convinced her to watch the finale and she thought it was the best of the series and very good, so its got to be good 🙂

  • Doctor Stu

    December 4th, 2016 - 12:01pm

    What if the Angels are feeding off the tears in time and they’re giving the governors all this knowledge of whatever creatures come through the tears so that they can deal with the problem quickly and efficiently before it becomes a large threat so they have a reason to keep the tears open and keep feeding

  • Anonymous

    December 4th, 2016 - 10:39am

    Oh, Y’all Wanted A Twist Eh! Come On Series 2, Let’s Get WORKING ON IT!

  • The Outcast

    December 4th, 2016 - 2:29am

    I watched the weeping angel scene from this episode. Probably will be something that will be resolved in either Class series 2 (if that happens) or series 10.

  • Doctor Stu

    December 4th, 2016 - 12:51am

    Thank god Matteusz and Charlie are still alive. I saw Rams dad coming but Aprils mom threw me hard. I had the weeping angel reveal ruined in a thumbnail on YouTube so that annoyed me. Honesty haven’t been on the edge of my seat for so long. Much better than the series 9 final

  • glawton

    December 4th, 2016 - 12:09am

    series 2 now please


    December 3rd, 2016 - 11:55pm

    Generally I liked Class as I thought the first half of the season was really good, but I do think that some things could’ve been toned down. April and Ram are in love, Charlie and Matteusz are in love, like did we need both? It all felt a bit heavy
    But there were really good moments in it, and the characters were all really good

    I think the main thing I didn’t like it was the Shadow Kin, as I didn’t think they were very ‘young adult’
    I could not take Corakinus seriously sometimes with his corny ‘maggot’ lines and that whole thing in episode four with the moment of cuddling. The vashta nerada were much better ‘shadow people’ and were much more scary
    It was also weird how a punch from Quill could knock him down considering he’s some towering huge guy. and how did he get knocked back when ram hit him with the chair? While ram is bleeding out and only with one leg?

    and to be honest, I don’t know why April just couldn’t get her heart back from him. It was a good plot, but it’s just way too complicated now, and totally random… another thing that makes Corakinus look less scary and makes everything make less sense

    also in ep 5 the shadow kin just looked silly. all that time april and ram and all the parents (who didn’t add much to the plot) were chatting, Corakinus or any other shadow could’ve just killed them all – their not exactly honourable as they invade shadows

    also how did Corakinus get his kingship back while he was trapped in that cell? April was fully in charge

    Overall I did enjoy most of Class, but I think the main thing that let it down was the shadow kin. they were just weak villains, and at times they were poorly handled, in episode 4 and 5, and their story at times didn’t make sense – especially the whole april transfer thing

    even though the resolution was good, from day one it was just a bit like – ‘ok he’s definitely going to use it eventually’

    I think the series should’ve been longer, and had more time to explain things… a bit like Torchwood series one I think series one of class has just been finding its feet

    having said all that if there’s no series 2 i’ll be really annoyed as I hate unresolved cliff hangers and need to see what happens to april!

  • DoctorFan

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:40pm

    Won’t be surprised if (probably a two parter at least) will have one of the episodes titled arrival of the angels or angels of hell

  • Anonymous

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:38pm

    Arrival of what??

  • Anonymous

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:37pm

    How do you think they will get April’s body back and how will they stop it from aging and rotting?
    Could they perhaps put her body in the cabinet until they find a way ?

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:13pm

    Well, I wasn’t expecting that for a twist! Surely not even someone with lots of experience at guessing plot twists would have got anywhere close to a WEEPING ANGEL APPEARING! Patrick Ness, you’re such a liar…

    Anyway, that was a fantastic episode. Time to rank them all! Easier said than done since the top 6 are all good episodes in my opinion. I’m less fond of the 2-parter in the middle but still enjoyed it.

    1) The Lost
    2) For Tonight We Might Die
    3) Detained
    4) The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did
    5) The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
    6) Nightvisiting
    7) Brave-ish Heart
    8) Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart

  • Part Gollum Part Time Lord

    December 3rd, 2016 - 8:57pm

    What a way to finish it- phenomenal. Left speechless (also, WEEPING ANGELS!!!!! AGGGHHH!!!!!)

  • Jordan Scott

    December 3rd, 2016 - 8:44pm

    THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! WEEPING ANGELS! That’s got to tie into series 10! What a finale!! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    December 3rd, 2016 - 8:32pm

    I hope the arrival/weeping angel storyline ties in with series 10 of doctor who, cause I just can’t wait a year to find out whats happening.

    Also, think about it, moffats final series seeing his greatest creation launching a full scale invasion, it has to happen!

  • The Flying Shark

    December 3rd, 2016 - 7:15pm

    So good! If there isn’t a Series 2, I’ll be so furious.

  • James

    December 3rd, 2016 - 7:14pm

    Weeping Angels! I did not expect them to show up. The finale of Class was brill and I hope it will tie into doctor who series 10. I also hope there is a second series of Class!

  • The Dalek Whovian

    December 3rd, 2016 - 6:19pm

    Now that would be cool

  • The Dalek Whovian

    December 3rd, 2016 - 6:19pm

    I though Class was good… but I think it could have been so much better if it hadn’t focused on the Shadow Kin so much. SPOILER WARNING: anyway I feel like this series would have been better if it had a better range of monsters. A good story needs a good villain but as cool as they look I think the Shadow Kin are not as interesting compared to the other monsters in this series. And they were in half of the episodes. What annoys is that this episode teased a Weeping Angel invasion of Earth which sounds a billion times more interesting than the whatever the Shadow Kin want to do. I hope there is another series that can focus on other monsters but by the looks of that ending maybe not.

  • IntoDarkness

    December 3rd, 2016 - 6:18pm

    I’ve been thinking about something and no one has even mentioned it …
    Was the guy at the end the Shopkeeper from SJA.
    I know it is the same actor but is it the same character ?

  • Jay Glover

    December 3rd, 2016 - 4:42pm

    Hell Bent Must be in Shame Now

  • Anonymous

    December 3rd, 2016 - 1:28pm


  • Anonymous

    December 3rd, 2016 - 1:14pm

    Series 2 needed!!!

  • Dalekparadigm2

    December 3rd, 2016 - 11:09am


    Ima die Ima die. Dad it, ima die….

    Firstly, WEEPING ANGELS!!!!!! – your show was scary enough, now this?! AAAAAAAGH

    I actually gave myself brown trousers when Tanya’s mum got done in. We knew Ram’s dad was gon die cos it was in last week’s trailer…

    Patrick Ness you madman, give us another series boi!!

  • Thewhoman

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:53am

    Oh wow! The Weeping Angels?! We need a series 2!

  • Leaderoftheshadowkin

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:50am

    Aaaaah! That Was SOOOOOO GOOD! When the weeping Angels turned up I was woah! When corakinus woke up I was like omg AND THEN IT WAS APRIL! I actually screamed when Tanya’s mum died I wasn’t expecting it! Woah that was amazing! Series 2 is needed!

  • Anonymous

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:46am

    I NEED SERIES 2!!!!!!!!!

  • CyberDalek123

    December 3rd, 2016 - 10:37am

    Brilliant! Can’t wait to see what happened to April at the end and the Arrival

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