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What Did You Think of The Woman Who Lived?
Now that the highly anticipated sixth episode of series 9 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.
Doctor Who Legends of Ashildr Hardback
Never-before-told stories of The Woman Who Lived. Ashildr, a young Viking girl, died helping the Doctor and Clara to save her village. Brought back to life by the Doctor using alien technology, she is now immortal – The Woman Who Lived.
Since then, Ashildr has kept journals, detailing her extraordinary life. The stories in ‘The Legends of Asildr’ are selections from these journals. It offers a remarkable glimpse into Ashildr’s adventures over her first three hundred years, from enduring the Black Death in London to pirate voyages through the mythical Fortunate Isles. Written by Justin Richards, James Goss, David Llewelyn and Jenny Colgan.
Available to order in the UK from www.amazon.co.uk
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Doctor Stu
October 25th, 2015 - 12:33amEveryone was bigging up last episode and I couldn’t understand why because I thought it was kind of awful but now everyone is hating on this episode and I can’t understand why I actually liked it it was much better than last week the action was good the comedy wasn’t cringy I didn’t think and it had a nice ending
Fave episodes in order
The Witchs familiar
The end of the magicians apprentice
The woman who lived
Under the lake
Before the flood
The girl who died
Peking Homunculus
October 25th, 2015 - 12:06amAce was already Dorothy, i would point out.
October 24th, 2015 - 11:54pmDave, you was obviously watching a completely different program, Maisie’s character was so dull and boring i was falling alseep watching it.
October 24th, 2015 - 11:52pmUnfortunately, cheap comedy continues… It wasn’t that terrible but far away from my favourites. To be honest, the story was a bit boring. It could have been better. The villain was “funny” again. I still don’t really like Maisie Williams. She’s not the best actress and you can immediately see that Peter Capaldi’s acting is way better. I know he’s older but there are two options: you have a talent or you don’t have it. On the other hand, from what I saw I expect the next episode to be more interesting.
When The Doctor Was Me
October 24th, 2015 - 11:51pmFor me these two episodes, though not a 2 parter but connected, have been the weakest entry for the series so far, and possibly the weakest of Capaldi’s era to.
The plots were messy, they were in places boring and the constant cringe worthy puns and gags just ruin the flow.
Capaldi is a great Doctor but the writing is letting him down. He was outstanding in the Davros scenes in the TWF. But here he is forced to perfrom a very weak and childish performance.
Masie Williams though good, was not utilised very well at all, she is capable of so much more!
One final note on these stories. I feel that had we had TGWD then the Zygon 2 parter and then TWWL the whole ‘What took you so long’ thing would have sat better. They were just to close together to gather enough anticipation to want to see Ashilda again!
Overall this series has been ok. I would rank the stories of far:-
TMA – 3/5
TWF – 4/5
UTL – 3/5
BTF – 3.5/5
TGWD – 1/5
TWWL – 1/5
October 24th, 2015 - 11:35pmI hope not. Of course the new companion will be soon because Clara has been long enough but not Ashildr/Me, please.
October 24th, 2015 - 11:27pmCertainly not the best episode of the season, but it was fine nonetheless. I liked the humor and the absence of Clare, though being a little weird, was okay for a time. I do want Ashildr/Me ( I loved the moment at which the guards came in and called ‘Lady Me! Lady Me!’) to come back at some point. The selfie at the end and The Doctor telling her he’s going to keep an eye on her… it would be stupid if she didn’t.
Cannot wait for the next episode. Because Zygons.
Time traveler
October 24th, 2015 - 11:17pmHooray the teraleptals got mention from the visation 5th doc story and Cpt jack does this mean john barrowman is coming back one day hope so maybe this yr ending that would be a great cliffhanger with him and ashildr
October 24th, 2015 - 11:06pmI think regarding the immortality chip….the presumption would be that if she gave it to her baby the baby would be a permanent baby forever.(she herself being hundreds of years old and not ageing a day)..and who wants to be a few weeks old and stay like that for all time……….that’s my guess
October 24th, 2015 - 10:53pmBooboo, it says the Girl Who Lived at the top!
October 24th, 2015 - 10:51pmOk so we’ve had the witches (familiar) and wizards (magicians apprentice), scarecrows (10th Dr story), tin men (the Mire), and now we’ve had the lion. I’m getting a wizard of oz vibe. Clara is going to turn out to be Dorothy.
I thought this episode was a bit better than last week but still nowhere near good enough. Masie Williams was ok this time although I couldn’t help thinking why didn’t she use the other immortality chip on her baby that died of the plague?
I hated the lion king thing (he was wearing a crown!) and yet again NOBODY DIES!!! It’s too tame. Make it darker please.
the astronaut of death
October 24th, 2015 - 10:49pmapparantly she is coming back in episode 10
The Silent Silent
October 24th, 2015 - 10:23pmMy favorite part of this episode was when it ended !
Prof Horner
October 24th, 2015 - 10:21pmWhat I liked about this episode was it stop in one place. and there was no double talk and timey wimey nonsense.
October 24th, 2015 - 10:18pmOh, how annoying and frustrating this episode was ! Wouldn’t it have been great just to have the episode re-worked, with just the Doctor and Ashildr sitting down and talking for the whole episode and let some of the good acting and dialogue shine, with that carrying the story, getting really into the real drama of what was being said, without it being swamped with buffoonery that should have stayed in the awful Matt Smith era, and the dreadful comedy throughout- the house break scene-the hanging scenes and especially the tasteless gags, they’re just not needed – if I want stand-up comedy gigs, they’ll be a raft of them coming out for Christmas on DVD (!!) I still thought this week was better than last week, however…..! The Zygon episode does look good, hopefully up to the standard of the first four stories and not these past two, which, whilst I have seen worse, were rather bad, on the whole.
The Sonic Monkey
October 24th, 2015 - 10:12pmOnce again this season fails to wow me. Next week looks promising though.
The Silent Silent
October 24th, 2015 - 10:07pmNo. Just No.
Btw: Where was Clara ???
The Five Doctors
October 24th, 2015 - 10:01pmMy ranking so far!
1. Before The Flood
2. The Magician’s Apprentice
3. Under The Lake
4. The Witches Familiar
5. The Woman Who Lived
6. The Girl Who Died
Although there hasn’t been a bad one in the bunch!
October 24th, 2015 - 9:46pmI hope Ashildr does replace Clara she is a much better stronger character, can give a lot more to the show than Clara ever can
October 24th, 2015 - 9:45pmI give it a 7/10. I found it good but the cat creature in it was underused. My episode ranking so far goes:
The Magicians Apprentice 9/10
The Witches Familiar 8/10
Under the Lake 8.5/10
Before the Flood 8/10
The Girl who Died 7.5/10
The Woman who Lived 7/10
WFK DVD Collector 15
October 24th, 2015 - 9:39pmSeries 9 Part 1:
The Magician’s Apprentice 7/10
The Witch’s Familiar 5/10
Under the Lake 7/10
Before the Flood 7/10
The Girl Who Died 1/10
The Woman Who Lived 1/10
Overall: 28/60
the astronaut of death
October 24th, 2015 - 9:31pmmagicians apprentice 8.5/10
which s familiar 9.5/10
under the lake 8/10
before the flood 8.5/10
the girl who died 6.5/10
the woman who lived 8/10
The Temporal Jelly Baby
October 24th, 2015 - 9:30pmEpisode rankings for series nine part one:
The Magician’s Apprentice: 9/10
The Witch’s Familiar: 10/10 (amazing episode)
Under the Lake: 7/10
Before the Flood: 8/10
The Girl Who Died: 6/10
The Woman Who Lived: 6/10
The super whovian
October 24th, 2015 - 9:27pmA very good episode interesting story and characters
the eternal doctor
October 24th, 2015 - 9:23pmI give it a 7/10
my rankings at the moment go
Magicians apprentice 9.5/10
before the flood 9/10
the witches familiar 8/10
under the lake 7.5/10
the girl who lived 7/10
the girl who died 4.5/10
I thought the episode had a good plot, I preferred Ashildr in this episode. I agree with doctrue about the cat creature being under used. I felt like the graphics of the fire balls falling was quite bad, but I loved the slow-motion seen. Ashildr will defiantly return (I think) but I think if she does captain jack will. I felt like it was a stong episode, I really enjoyed it, even though it comes 5th place; that is only because the others were outstanding. how many school children has the doctor taken in his tardis?
the only thing that I would change is the cat creature being it in more. next week looks really good. the trailer was awesome so looking forward to the next episode.
October 24th, 2015 - 9:23pmWhat did I just watch ? Absolutely awful, one of the worst episodes since the reboot. An incomprehensible plot with an extra from The Wizard Of Oz and a completely wasted Maisie Williams. After a bright start this series just fell off a cliff.
October 24th, 2015 - 9:15pmLoved it. Brilliant performances by both Masie and Peter.
October 24th, 2015 - 9:14pmThats 45 mins of my life i will never get back.
Slow story, rubbish monster, boring acting by MW and too many hanging and adult jokes.
Hope The Zygon Invasion is better.
And i really do hope that Ashildr is NOT going to replace Clara, as it will just be a repeat of how Clara came to be in the Doctors life, the only difference being that Ashildr is immortal, Clara was echoed through time.
We need to see story potential like the opener
October 24th, 2015 - 9:10pm8.5/10, great plot but the cat creature was definitely underused.
The Five Doctors
October 24th, 2015 - 9:08pmI loved it!