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October 24th, 2015 75 comments

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What Did You Think of The Woman Who Lived?

Now that the highly anticipated sixth episode of series 9 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.

Doctor Who Legends of Ashildr Hardback

Never-before-told stories of The Woman Who Lived. Ashildr, a young Viking girl, died helping the Doctor and Clara to save her village. Brought back to life by the Doctor using alien technology, she is now immortal – The Woman Who Lived.

Since then, Ashildr has kept journals, detailing her extraordinary life. The stories in ‘The Legends of Asildr’ are selections from these journals. It offers a remarkable glimpse into Ashildr’s adventures over her first three hundred years, from enduring the Black Death in London to pirate voyages through the mythical Fortunate Isles. Written by Justin Richards, James Goss, David Llewelyn and Jenny Colgan.

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  • fan of clara

    November 2nd, 2015 - 11:31am

    MaxP, honest opinion, Peri, Leela, Jo Grant and any other companion should have no reason to get themselves practically out of the costume.

    And no, its not absurd, for some unknown reason, a lot of males seem to prefer blonde women. I read somewhere a few years ago that when the show came back, they “wanted a young, attractive blonde woman to bring in the viewers”. I personally did not watch doctor who until The Runaway Bride, as least Donna wasnt blonde.

  • anon

    November 2nd, 2015 - 11:24am

    Some Bloke, i completely and utterly agree one million percent. And i too was looking forward to episode ten, but since i found out that so-called actress is in it, not so much.

  • anon

    November 2nd, 2015 - 11:21am

    CJ, why is it whenever anyone moans about Capaldi or the storylines, you instantly have to have a go at the person making the comments?! It is their opinion, not yours!

    And both Matt Smith and David Tennant are great actors who both made the role of the Doctor their own in their own ways.

    Seriously, i have noticed that its mainly you who has a go at anyone who puts Capaldi, Steven Moffat or the storylines down in anyway. As far as i am concerned, all the episodes so far APART from The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lives were quite good.

    As for the latter, they were complete and utter garbage. Maisie Williams can not act at all and the storyline was utter rubbish. The most feared lifeform in the universe (or whatever) and they turn out to actually be a Laurel and Hardy tribute act.

    Rant over!

  • Anonymous

    November 2nd, 2015 - 1:10am

    Matt Smith was okay, but his storylines were TERRIBLE.

  • MaxP

    November 1st, 2015 - 10:16pm

    So fan of Clara, you want all female companions to show no flesh. That’d mean no Leela, or Jo Grant, who wore mini-skirts. Also your claim people don’t like Clara cause she isn’t blonde is utterly absurd.

  • Bow Ties Are Cool!

    October 31st, 2015 - 4:57pm

    So far in my opinion
    1. Under The Lake
    2. Before The Flood
    3. The Magician’s Apprentice
    4. The Witche’s Familiar
    5. The Girl Who Died
    6. The Woman Who lived

  • CJ

    October 30th, 2015 - 9:53am

    Sorry to say this but if your going to watch it and then complain about how rubbish it is and how it’s going downhill then I’d suggest you stop watching it… IMO there is nothing wrong with the scripts and yes Matt Smith might of been a brilliant Doctor but I think Peter Capaldi plays a brilliant Doctor better then both Matt Smith and David Tennant

  • Olga

    October 30th, 2015 - 9:37am

    Unfortunately, I agree with what you said.

  • Mrs Cook

    October 29th, 2015 - 5:15pm

    I think that the scripts are rubbish. Can we get back to what it was like pre Peter Capaldi. He just doesn’t cut the mustard at all. When Matt Smith was the Doctor he was just brilliant. Now it’s just going downhill. I’ve been watching the programme since the very beginning. Sadly now it is lacking. Please don’t let Ashildr be the new companion.

  • fan of Clara

    October 28th, 2015 - 11:46pm

    The Metal Lord, quite a lot of people like Jenna Coleman as the companion, me being one of them. Guaranteed, the only reason that a fair share donr like her is cus she isnt blonde. At least Clara dresses decently….. Need i mention Peri? The show is meant to be family friendly, she turned it into a bit of light filth and in my opinion the most WORST companion to ever set foot in the Tardis.

    I really dont want to see Clara go, but thats what Doctor Who is about, change.

    As long as a companion does not show far too much “adult material”, thats the main thing. I have said the above as i dont know what words arent allowed to be said and dont want to be banned from the site.

  • MaxP

    October 28th, 2015 - 10:06pm

    Anonymous, the show these days is suffering, made it seems to appeal mainly to children. This may be a minority opinion among die hard Whovians but I know I’m not the only one who thinks it. And I take no pleasure in feeling this way, why would I? It used to be my favorite show but these days there’s none of the dark horror it used to have and it rarely if ever reflects current events in the real world.

  • MaxP

    October 28th, 2015 - 9:59pm

    The point of the last 2 episodes has nothing to do with my point that it is quite frankly an utterly unbelievable coincidence that an alien lion man comes from a planet called Lionus Delta, and it is undoubtedly the worst kind of hack writing.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    October 28th, 2015 - 11:10am

    It was OK and could be equallly have been called “The Episode That Was Middling” before hopefully getting back to form from the “The Zygon Invasion.”

  • Obsie

    October 27th, 2015 - 9:31pm

    “Anonymous”, you’re correct 3 and 4 were my Doctors. Tom Baker’s Doctor I disliked intensely when he took over in ’74 and I was 12 years old. However, he grew on me, I noticed the mood and atmosphere change, bringing in aspects that were new to me and made me actually think ; snapping me out of complacency. I too remember the “dross” you talk of and shudder seeing it as an adult now. I applaud the exploits of 12 being an alien, not just coming from a different planet; rather more to make the audience actually think again at showing how alien we are at being shocked at his attitudes, surely his character is not to be ridiculed because he snaps tersely, is aloof and sometimes sombre. His unpredictability is the excitement which makes us watch. This Whovian will accept the changes needed to make the show go forward. As for your “Primeval” phase, The Doctor sorted that out in “Inferno” too, lol.

  • Anonymous

    October 27th, 2015 - 4:27pm

    And yet no reference to Romana.

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