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October 24th, 2015 75 comments

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What Did You Think of The Woman Who Lived?

Now that the highly anticipated sixth episode of series 9 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.

Doctor Who Legends of Ashildr Hardback

Never-before-told stories of The Woman Who Lived. Ashildr, a young Viking girl, died helping the Doctor and Clara to save her village. Brought back to life by the Doctor using alien technology, she is now immortal – The Woman Who Lived.

Since then, Ashildr has kept journals, detailing her extraordinary life. The stories in ‘The Legends of Asildr’ are selections from these journals. It offers a remarkable glimpse into Ashildr’s adventures over her first three hundred years, from enduring the Black Death in London to pirate voyages through the mythical Fortunate Isles. Written by Justin Richards, James Goss, David Llewelyn and Jenny Colgan.

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  • Big D

    October 27th, 2015 - 12:19pm

    Really didn’t like the first part of this story but part 2 was okay. MW was far better than the previous episode and the interaction with the Doctor was very good. I think she would make for an interesting companion.

    However the Bedknobs and Broomsticks subplot was completely unnecessary, whilst the whole immortality thing, whilst making for an interesting story, was frustrating. Would the Doctor really have allowed Clara to convince him to save Ashildrs life in that manner? The Doctor would know he would be condemning her to a life of loneliness etc and wouldn’t the Doctor then take responsibility for her and take her with him?

    Remember that this is nu Who. A Doctor for the enlightened 21st century. A Doctor who carries a burden and a sense of responsibility and love for planet Earth and it’s inhabitants. A Doctor who has and does experience loneliness himself.

    I’m sorry but this doesn’t make sense to me and again shows the inconsistencies in SMs oversight of the show.

  • Doctor Stu

    October 27th, 2015 - 9:03am

    Clara telling The Doctor ‘I’m not going anywhere’ basically means she’s gonna die pretty soon

  • Clarice

    October 27th, 2015 - 7:08am

    YES TO ZYGONS. I have to say I missed them, just makes me so nostalgic for the older seasons of Who 🙂

  • Clarice

    October 27th, 2015 - 7:06am

    ^^^I could not agree more with what you wrote! I have my own opinions about the episodes, and I always log onto this fan site to see that everyone else has COMPLETELY conflicting opinions from me. I personally think that’s the beauty of Doctor Who though, that the content is so diverse and it always brings out some kind of emotion in people to get the conversation going.

    Also I’ve seen that the writers have received heaps of criticism on this page, but it’s not like every single script can be a hit with every single person. I personally thing the writers are doing a great job this season with brilliant one-liners and a good balance of sentiment, intensity, and humor. I really don’t want this season to end, but I’m so excited to see where it goes!

  • Clarice

    October 27th, 2015 - 7:02am

    Ah the end scene with Clara hit me in the feels…they’re starting to prepare for her departure from the show already :'(

  • fire eater

    October 26th, 2015 - 11:14pm

    The best part of the episode for me? Trailer for The Zygon Invasion.

  • Some bloke

    October 26th, 2015 - 10:42pm

    I hate to say it but the last two episodes have been APPALLING! Two WHOLE episodes just to feature a character/actress who (as far as I can see in this series) is TOTALLY pointless and irritating! Both episodes were just excuses to introduce a pathetic character who, yet again, is made immortal or somehow special in relation to the Doctor’s life! (SPOILER ALERT) I know she’s meant to be in episode 10 as well which I am now utterly dreading! Fans of both Doctor Who and Game of Thrones hyped these two up SO much just because it was Maisie Williams from one TV show with a massive fandom crossing over to another TV show with a massive fandom! I think I would have hated these two episodes less if it wasn’t Maisie! I just don’t think she has enough power and gravitas to carry the role of someone who is meant to live (supposedly) as long as the Doctor! (I know she only says she’s lived for 800 years but there is the possibility of her living for 2000) And DON’T get me started on that selfie image of her in the background *Casually* raising an eyebrow to it’s highest point looked ridiculous

    –RANT ENDS– 😀

  • The Metal Lord

    October 26th, 2015 - 5:46pm

    Stand back! Somebody actually likes Clara! Be afraid! Be very afraid!

  • Obsie

    October 26th, 2015 - 5:11pm

    After 48 years of watching the programme I must admit struggling a bit to viewing the show. No disrespect to Mr Capaldi. Changes I can and have endured all this time however, so I will probably still watch it. However, it seems to have lost something along the way.

  • Anonymous

    October 26th, 2015 - 10:21am

    liked the references to Captain Jack. & the end scene with Clara.

  • collector

    October 25th, 2015 - 11:58pm

    So true.

  • Anonymous

    October 25th, 2015 - 11:06pm

    It’s about time they brought Mr Slap back!

  • MaxP

    October 25th, 2015 - 10:43pm

    I’m sorry but when an alien comes from a planet named coincidently with an English word that’s based on what the alien looks like, it’s terrible writing and one of the absolute worst aspect of sci-fi. A lion man from Leonus Delta (or whatever it was) I’m sorry. Terrible. As bad as the the lava monsters from Pyrovelia or Dragon men from Draconia.

  • MaxP

    October 25th, 2015 - 10:39pm

    The show is absolute rubbish these days for sure, but the sonic screw driver that seemed to do everything and was always being waved around was one of the main contributing reasons for the aforementioned rubbish status. Sunnies and guitar make a very cool Doctor IMO.

  • The Flying Shark

    October 25th, 2015 - 7:48pm

    I thought it was quite good, but I think Clara needed to be in it for more than just the last scene. I liked the references to the Terileptils and Captain Jack.

  • doctor no more

    October 25th, 2015 - 6:33pm

    what a poor story if there was one,this series is sinking quickly after the last one was dire.the first 2 episodes shone some light that it might get better after bringing davros back with a half decent story.this episode with a creature borrowed straight from beauty and the beast and now resembling a kids show was terrible but thankfully clara was back at the end.the doctor playing a guitar most episodes and now with sonic glasses and no screwdriver is just ruining a good show,with moffet killing off characters and then bringing them back with no explaination is very poor story still watching through love of what has gone before,i just hope someone gets back to writing a good dark story that we can connect to when matt and david shone playing the doctor.

  • Dalek the Supreme

    October 25th, 2015 - 6:25pm

    A really decent episode. I’m glad they decided to use the fact that the companion balances out normal life with TARDIS life to give us a break from Clara, as I know she isn’t the most popular companion. Her absence gives the dynamic between the Doctor and Ashyldr (Did I spell her name right?) time to develop. I like the concept of the episode, seeing the Doctor’s affect on the people he leaves behind. The fact that Ashyldr has cut herself off from people because of the pain of immortality works really well, and the fact that she doesn’t even remember her village is heart-wrenching. Sam Swift the Quick (I think that’s his name) was a really enjoyable character. I’d love to see more of him. I like the message the episode is giving, but I do have some problems. Ashyldr’s sudden realization that she cares has very little buildup, so it feels like it came out of nowhere. The lion man has very little development, and ultimately feels like a generic, interchangeable villain. The conversation about immortality feels a little repetitive, and I feel like they could have cut some of that dialogue to develop Ashyldr’s Heel-Face Turn and the lion man’s character. Ultimately, I think it’s the weakest of Series 9 so far, but still a decent episode.

  • Dalekparadigm2

    October 25th, 2015 - 3:41pm

    Really good episode and a well done to Treganna for the writing. Its food to know there’s another two immortals for Captain Jack to hang out with. Could be a spin off story one day… An almost Clara-free episode but it let Capaldi shine. Maybe a little too much humour though and a fart joke… I can look past that though

    So, my currant list of favourite episodes goes:

    -Under The Lake
    -Before The Flood
    -The Magician’s Apprentice
    -The Woman Who Lived
    -The Witch’s Familiar
    -The Girl Who Died

  • The Surgeon

    October 25th, 2015 - 3:00pm

    So far in my opinion
    1 (best) Under the Lake
    2 Before the Flood
    3 The Woman who Lived
    4 The Girl who Died
    5 The Witch’s Familiar
    6 The Magician’s Apprentice

    However, I still think they’ve all been brilliant! What a series so far.


    October 25th, 2015 - 2:50pm

    Just watched and loved it! Fantastic character moments. Leandro was a little underused, but I can’t fault it other than that. Loved the Jack reference and all the history references.

  • the ergon

    October 25th, 2015 - 12:38pm

    I felt as though I was watching CBBC rather than late prime time telly, although the adventure of ashildr would be a good spin off series for big finish.

  • Obsie

    October 25th, 2015 - 12:09pm

    Curiously it reminded me of “Blackadder the Third” in parts; the one where Miranda Richardson played the part of “The Shadow”.

  • Anonymous

    October 25th, 2015 - 10:58am

    This is what I love about DW…based on all reviews and scores both here, forums and in the press this is arguably the weakest story of the series….yet you love it…which is great.

    I think this is both the strength and weakness of such a diverse fan base…one fans pleasure is another fans despair.

    Just shows what a hard job the production team have…knowing that no matter what they do someone will always be calling for their heads.

    Personally…I enjoyed it…but there has been far better this year…and last year…far better…some top quality stories already in 12s era…some of the best in about 35 years.

  • valdez

    October 25th, 2015 - 10:08am

    Finally, a decent episode, perhaps the best of the Capaldi era. I’ve hesitated to criticize the Twelfth Doctor, because everyone here gets so mad when we all don’t just love it, but the writing hasn’t been anywhere near the level of the 11th. But tonight I felt it. Yes. All is not lost.

  • Anonymous

    October 25th, 2015 - 9:08am

    I think many are getting hung up on the monsters of the last two episodes. Granted, they were weak but they were never meant to be anything more than a plot device to move the actual story on. The story was really about Ashildrs back story, the Doctor playing ‘god’, Ashildrs mental and physical journey and dealing with immortality with the Doctor facing up to what he created etc etc. That story was marvellous with some lovely touches. Although I think it could have been done in 1 60 min episode, it probably had to be done over two episodes to illustrate Ashildrs journey.

  • Moog Who Craft!

    October 25th, 2015 - 7:52am

    My episodes in order;
    The Girl Who Died
    The Magician’s Apprentice
    Under The Lake
    The Woman Who Lived
    The Witch’s Familliar
    Before The Flood

  • Anonymous

    October 25th, 2015 - 7:00am

    My episodes in order
    Before the flood
    Witches familiar
    Magician’s apprentice
    Under the lake
    The woman who lived
    The girl who died

  • Anonymous

    October 25th, 2015 - 6:58am

    I agree

  • Peking Homunculus

    October 25th, 2015 - 6:18am

    Lion people from another dimension? Smells like Tharils to me. I know, saying all leonine people are the same is racist but, well you know

  • Anonymous

    October 25th, 2015 - 3:27am

    Taking year sevens Foy ty quan do (I don’t know know how to spell it, matrial arts)

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