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September 19th, 2015 215 comments

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What Did You Think of The Magician’s Apprentice?

Now that the highly anticipated first episode of series 9 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.

Where is the Doctor? When the skies of Earth are frozen by a mysterious alien force, Clara needs her friend. But where is the Doctor, and what is he hiding from?

As past deeds come back to haunt him, old enemies will come face-to-face, and for the Doctor and Clara survival seems impossible…

Doctor Who Series 9 Part 1 DVD and Blu-ray

Peter Capaldi returns as the Doctor alongside Jenna Coleman with guest stars including Maisie Williams and Rufus Hound as well as the brilliant Missy (played by Michelle Gomez).

Part 1 contains the first three two-part stories plus 3 exclusive mini-documentaries on how each two-parter was created.

3 x Doctor Who Extras (behind the scenes)

uk-flag-small Available to order on DVD or Blu-ray in the UK from or

usa-flag-small Available to order in the USA from



  • 2doctors2000

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:51pm

    A 5inch re-release?

  • Doctor Stu

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:45pm

    Well there were no bodies so they’re not dead but it was still brilliant I was so shocked to see Davros back it felt more like the series final

  • cj

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:45pm

    I would mind it!!!

  • Doctor Stu

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:44pm

    Missy’s dead, Clara’s dead Davros is back the TARDIS has been destroyed omg it was the best episode since 2008 like can we all just take a moment….

  • Davros

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:44pm

    Ha ha ha ha ha hA!!!!!!!!

  • 2doctors2000

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:43pm

    Due a Davros figure re-release in case any 2008 ones are damaged, surely they have the sculpt and he is exactly the same model and actor of course, or even a 3.75 inch version? Wouldn’t mind that!

  • Davros

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:42pm

    I must say, my creations have done well, but if you are to tamper with my timeline Doctor, then do it, kill me, see what happens then!

  • Davros

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:37pm


  • Davros

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:37pm


  • Tim M

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:36pm

    What a brilliant opening episode. A perfect mix of drama and humour. Plus great to see Davros return and be at the core of the story. Missy coming back was also superb. Clara was used very well in the context of the story, and Capaldi was astonishing. He truly put in a stunning acting performance. He is now well settled into the role of the Doctor…and looks like being one of the very best. Excellent 9/10.

  • Doctor11

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:23pm

    Best opener ever!

  • Nigel M

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:17pm

    Started off well, went a little bit silly with the guitar/tank thing, then…whoosh absolutely brilliant.

    One question though. Davros obviously survived the hand-mine things, but were his injuries caused by them ? Did the Doctor create the wheelchair-bound Davros by leaving him there in the first place rather than rescuing him ?

  • Anonymous

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:15pm

    I think the middle was one of the best parts imo


    September 19th, 2015 - 9:14pm

    FANTASTIC OPENER! Action, drama and fantastic adventure. I loved how they expanded Missy’s character, and Clara is on top form. Fantastic shock and surprises! One of my favourite first episodes in a while! Julian Bleach! Amazing!

    Not sure if it was worth killing the TARDIS, Missy and Clara though, as we already know they will be back. That bit was lacking.

    But apart from that!

    That was an EPIC Dalek episode, and that is how a Dalek episode should ALWAYS be done!

  • daleksean

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:10pm

    Wow. I was shocked to see Davros and of course Skaro. Can’t wait for next week.

  • cj

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:08pm


  • when I say run….

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:05pm

    have to say that was the best episode for a while, didn’t like series 8 at all but if this is the direction this series is going its to be back on form. The doctor now seems to have settled into a more defined character.

  • The Surgeon

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:03pm

    Tell you what, if the rest of the series is like that, well done Mr Moffat. Superb.

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:02pm

    Wicked? A reference to Ace? 🙂

  • Dalek Supreme

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:01pm

    Oooh, Ooooh. Yeah, it was ‘quite good’ to say the least. A bit unfocussed for the first ~15 minutes, but it gets on track quickly, and blimey is that a cliffhanger. Effects are better, acting usual high quality, and the story seems a little less…’unitdy’, shall we say.

    I got some questions though. Snake guy is here because? Well acted, really awesome visuals, but I don’t know why he/she/it’s here. Skaro and Missy will be explained, I’m sure of it. Davros too, so does that mean he survived Journey’s End, or is that beforehand?
    Slight nitpick-When did the Time War end? 2005, when the Bad Wolf, one of the most powerful beings in Dr. Who said ‘the Time War ends.’

    Oh, and Clara possibly died. A+ Moffat.

  • DannyTheNerd

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:00pm


  • WFK DVD Collector 15

    September 19th, 2015 - 9:00pm

    I thought overal, it was ok. Couple of cringeworthy moments, but it did keep quite serious most of the time. My main problem with the episode is a scene that lasts just a few seconds. How was the Mark I dalek that captured Clara & Missy from “The Daleks” moving on a floor that wasn’t metal? I think that it should have been the special weapons dalek, but hopefully it will get explained next week, as it also appeared to have a blue light for an eye instead of a white disc. The daleks from “The Power of the Daleks” and “The Evil of the Daleks” also had these new blue eyes…

    Also, so good to see Davros and the Doctor talking alone. Found that scene quite suspenseful…

  • CJ

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:57pm

    That is true!

  • The Legend Doctor

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:56pm


  • Rufus

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:56pm

    Forget missy and Clara …what about the tardis!!

  • CJ

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:55pm

    Ah, but we don’t know for sure… 😀

  • EndlessTimelord

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:54pm

    That is just fantastic!!!! Even Moffat made Missy better just killing people like they’re flies!!!!! This has got to be the BEST series yet! 10 out of 10! 😀

  • Colin B

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:53pm

    So the Special Weapons Dalek now lights up when talking. Wicked

  • MoogWhoCraft

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:52pm

    FRIKKING DAVROS PEOPLE! This was kept so quiet! So many “spoilers” for Series 9 were leaked on the internet, BUT THIS!
    Beautiful writing from Moffat, and overall the best Doctor Who episode ever!!

  • Anonymous

    September 19th, 2015 - 8:51pm

    Clara and Misst aren’t dead. Missy teleported before she was exterminated and did the same to Clara.

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