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October 1st, 2011 206 comments

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What Did You Think – The Wedding Of Riversong?

What Did You Think Of The Wedding Of Riversong?

What Did You Think Of The Wedding Of Riversong – Was it one of the best stories yet or just not as good as you had hoped, plus, which were your 2 favourite episodes from the second half of series 6 ? Vote in the panels below.



  • Doc Kal

    October 4th, 2011 - 5:42pm

    too many loose ends in the normal reality rather than the alternative, matt smith is great, but needs russell t davies to help moffat to write better stories.
    best stories this season were
    1 impossible astronaut
    2 day of the moon
    3 doctors wife
    4 let’s kill hitler
    5 closing time
    6 night terrors
    craig owens & donna noble should return to as regular companions & jack in the odd episode just to give the show a bit of character again

    the only unpredictable thing in the last episode was a tribute to the brigader, but what about sarah jane the doctors oldest companion.

    matt smith is a superb doctor & needs tennent & eccelston style stories to really elevate him as i rate him very highly indeed

    oldest question in the universe is DOCTOR WHO?, which is probably the theme of the next series with either river or the tardis giving us the answer or possible a rival timelord (omega) as the symbol has appeared in series 6 several times
    let’s hope there are vast improvements

  • RandomGardener

    October 4th, 2011 - 11:41am

    So if the Doctor did not tell River Song his name, what did she tell him in the Library that caused him to instantly trust her? It can’t be the ultimate quesstion, he did not know it was at that point.
    Did he tell her his name at some other time? Does he know the answer to the question?

    • Nigelp

      October 4th, 2011 - 9:44pm

      In the library, River did tell the Doctor his name.

      In the week’s episode, he didn’t tell her his name – so that is yet to come. IOW, more River in the future (or is that past?!)

    • cyberleader199

      October 5th, 2011 - 4:46pm

      past… future… past….no future….no past no….im so CONFUESED??!!(.COM)

  • fredbear5150

    October 3rd, 2011 - 10:51pm

    I’m really liking Matt Smith as the Doctor now even though I didn’t think anyone could equal Tennant. But I feel sorry for him under the writership of Moffat because he has not had good enough stories to really shine in the role.

    I really am getting bored with these series-spanning, universe-quaking story arcs, can we NOT just have a season of good “Doctor defeats the monsters” stories?

    I understand there will be a 2012 season, I do hope we get a new assistant, Karen Gillen is very pretty and a reasonably good actress but with this “childish” Doctor, you need someone with a little maturity – Catherine Tate would have been perfect playing alongside him.

    Still, the signs are that maybe the Doctor is going to be working under a lower profile from this point on so maybe that’s the end of huge story arcs.

    Oh, and the last episode failed for me completely. Far too contrived, I thought the tesseract robot thing was a pants idea knicked from a 1970s comic like Whizzer & Chips, and hopefully good riddance to River Song who has totally annoyed the hell out of me since she appeared.

  • Devilgotchi

    October 3rd, 2011 - 10:00pm

    Blimey, What a load of @#$$# rubbish that was. I want my money back.

  • Gareth Stafford

    October 2nd, 2011 - 10:27pm

    Continuing the upward trend of the episodes in this series, this episode had some nice references to the past, and a long overdue tribute to the Brig – bit disappointed that the episode wasn’t dedicated to him, but there you go….

    Let’s see what Christmas brings….

    • The Moffat Paradox

      October 3rd, 2011 - 4:52pm

      “Steve moffat saying’all the questions are answered here’when acc not one of them were.”

      I agree.What is this? Postmodern scriptwriting?
      The patient viewer wants to see a plot that has a coherence, a consistency ,a logic and sensible resolution instead of characters saying “silence will fall when the question is asked” which is unknown.So why should the viewer not just cease caring and switch the channel in angry response?

      Explain for example why and how in the “Pandorica Opens” this Silence wants to destroy the universe with the Tardis and how they do it?

      Explain or spell out better for example if the girl in the Impossible Astrounaut/Day of the Moon in the spacesuit instead of the adult River is her being prepared for killing the Doctor by this Silence years before she regenerates and becomes the Alex Kingston River?

      Explain how if the Silence believes the Doctor is the greatest threat to everything he is any worse than what they attempt to do in The Pandorica Opens.

      Throwing everything including the kitchen sink into a series end without grounding in more COHERENT Plotting or thinking your cleverer than you are is an insult to the avid viewer.

    • lepter

      October 3rd, 2011 - 5:43pm

      moffet paradox….COMPLETELY AGREE!!

      Destroying the universe is real clever. Silence will fall because they made it fall, not the doctor. It is they that are the greatest threat to the universe.

      And the lodger tardis. What was that all about?

      How did the silent know rory was the man who dies and dies again? He died in the dream lords world, (ie a fictional world) and in the silurian cave, swallowed by the crack that removed all memory of him. How would they know about what happened to him?

      Why would the death of a robot be a fixed point?

      Why would the doctors death, or preventing the fixed point from happening stop time? It didnt in waters of mars!

      Time standing still at 5.02…except it didnt time still passed as one word followed another!!

      What was the point of the marriage? They only needed to touch to cancel each other out.

      The races said they would help…and NONE DID!

      The dalek…another throw away monster like the cybermen in a good man goes to war.

      So many lose ends and pointless story threads.

      Look at RTD stories. Much better overall.

    • Anonymous

      October 3rd, 2011 - 7:15pm

      The answers are:

      To kill the Doctor

      It was an early attempt to kill the Doctor and they would have succeeded if Amy hadn’t shot it and Melody escaped which wreck their plans.

      That is going to be explained when the questtion is answered.

      The TARDIS was a piece of equipment used by the SIlence no explanation is given to it’s purpose but that is what it is a sign of.

      Because they are telepathic and can see varoius timelines.

      Because the SIlence made it one thinking it was teh Doctor who would be killed.

      Time is relative.

      He wanted to prove to River that he loved her so that they could actually touch, otherwise she wouldn’t do it.

      Because they couldn’t get in and it was only to prove a point so the help wasn’t accpeted.

      That’s the point, this isn’t a Dalek story, it is just to explain the plot slightly better and set up the Tesselecta’s apperance.

      All the answers are in the programme if you pay attention.

  • Fox Mulder

    October 2nd, 2011 - 9:52pm

    Very Clevwr twist at the end but the episode was Rubbish. That’s my views

  • Nigelp

    October 2nd, 2011 - 9:25pm

    River still doesn’t know the Doctor’s name, so she isn’t married.

    Also, she hasn’t been given his sonic screwdriver yet.

    This means more River to come.

    • Fox Mulder

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:57pm

      Yeah more river maybe they will show the doctor and river have a proper emotional romantic moment, the night before she goes to the Libery were she dies. is it me but the doctor doesn’t have feelings for river yet does he.?

    • Anonymous

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:29pm

      Well somebody is going to ask him “Doctor Who?” and get an answer at the fields of Trenzalore. Why not River?

  • matt smithy

    October 2nd, 2011 - 9:17pm

    hold on, in the first series 6 trailer, there was a clip of a naked river song. when did that come into play?

    • King of the weevils

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:48pm

      It was meant to be in the impossible astronaut,as was the Nazis in the POW camp, but was cut. Another thing you may not know is that the doctors line about napoleon(I believe that’s how you spell it) was meant to be in the impossible astronaut but was cut but appeared in last nights episode.

    • Anonymous

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:55pm

      It might not have been, we can’t be certain if the line about Napoleon was edited out of The Impossibel Astronaut or not, or if it was deliberately only in The Wedding of River Song.

    • King of the weevils

      October 2nd, 2011 - 11:02pm

      According to DWM:the eleventh doctor vol 3 the line was originally cut from the impossible astronaut but info about the wedding of river song was probably unknown back when it was being written and researched so yeah could have been a delibrate cut or cut but to be put in this ep instead.

  • hellosweetie

    October 2nd, 2011 - 8:51pm

    The wedding of river song was an enjoyable episode but too many loose ends left dangling to be interwoven into the next series.Its been a strange series,didnt like the way the series was aired in two parts,felt like its trying too be too clever for its own good at times and lost some of its humour.I am also beginning to get tired with Amys character.Does anyone know if the christmas special will be just the Doctor or will Amy/Rory be in it as well?I really hope it’ll be a fun,stand alone special with no mention of the silence!

    • King of the weevils

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:54pm

      Amy and rory will appear in the Christmas special however judging by the filming pictures and all we know about the plot so far they may not have much to do again apart from be in some kind of danger and mainly focus on the doctor

  • THE DR

    October 2nd, 2011 - 4:21pm

    Right,it was an ok episode with some questions un-answered but how on earth are you supposed to give away all the answers in one episode.And also the commenters who are saying loads of questions have been un-answered i agree but Doctor Who?hasnt been asnwered for 48 years!!!!!So i dont know what ur complaining about!!!!!!

    BRING BACK RUSSEL T BUT KEEP MOFFAT HEAD WRITER!!!!!!!!!!!!(It would be interesting!!!!!!)

  • me

    October 2nd, 2011 - 2:18pm

    Can someone plz answer these
    Is Madame krovian still alive as she only died in the wrong world and at the end river told Amy she isn’t a killer as it didn’t really happen

    Why did amy remember she was friends with the doc in the other world and river did aswell and Rory didn’t have a clue he was married to Amy in the other world and didn’t know he knew the doc in the other world but Amy knew they were married and had a child in the other world

    • Anonymous

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:31pm

      Because she grew up with a crack in time in the wall of her bedroom so she can remember things that did not happen and see alternate timelines. Similarly her daughter inherited this from her mother but Rory was unaffected by them.

  • Zocalo Uk

    October 2nd, 2011 - 12:55pm

    Three things about this episode…
    1. Brigadier “tribute” superb.
    2. “Doctor Who?” has ALWAYS been the question posed by the show. Nice to have it confirmed…
    3. Karen Gillan was HOT in this ep.

    • Zocalo Uk

      October 2nd, 2011 - 12:56pm

      Amy + Red lipstick + machine gun. Nice!

    • sheepinafez

      October 2nd, 2011 - 2:05pm

      i agree

    • King of the weevils

      October 2nd, 2011 - 5:03pm

      I also agree

    • Anonymous

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:32pm

      Miss Gillan did not, apparently she felt she wasn’t sexy enough in it.

      Makes you wonder what would have happened if they had done it how she wanted.

    • Anonymous

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:46pm

      She didn’t think so.


    October 2nd, 2011 - 12:12pm

    just to day, the music was great, and alex kingston did a stunning performance, and roium was hilarious

    • King of the weevils

      October 2nd, 2011 - 12:32pm

      I agree it was a great ep but closing time and the girl who waited were my faves with night terrors, the wedding of river song and let’s kill hitler following closely and the god complex being my least fave out of series 6:part 2

    • TARDIS

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:00pm

      i love the music at the begining

    • King of the weevils

      October 2nd, 2011 - 11:12pm

      I take it you’re referring to the music after the previously(which went on for a bit too long but it had “I am the doctor” so I won’t complain) as for the music after the previously that reminds me of something also the music just before the reveal that the soothsayer was the doctor sounded a lot like a variation of “The pandorica” from series 5.

    • dr who

      October 6th, 2011 - 4:23pm

      hated it

    • TARDIS

      October 6th, 2011 - 4:59pm

      no the music that starts when it say 5:02pm

    • King of the weevils

      October 8th, 2011 - 6:39pm

      That’s the music I was talking about. Only the very end of it features a bit which sounds like “the pandorica” but turns out that was in let’s kill hitler.


    October 2nd, 2011 - 12:08pm

    Wait a sec, if the Doctor had to die for the time to go back to the way it should be, how come it did? The Doctor didn’t die, it was the Teselecta that was shot? Can someone help!


      October 2nd, 2011 - 12:12pm

      i thought the same!


      October 2nd, 2011 - 6:39pm

      So can anyone help?

    • matt smithy

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:15pm

      yes. It waasn’t a fixed point that the doctor was killed (as well all thought for the hole series), it was a fixed point that the teselecter was shot.

    • mollusc man

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:21pm

      I think it’s because it was never the doctor in the first place. The silence ‘created the fixed point in time by performing the act at lake silencio, a ‘still’ point in time. As it was never the doctor in the first place, they created the fixed point around the tessellector’s death, not the doctor’s.

      I think. 🙂

    • CG

      October 2nd, 2011 - 11:17pm

      How did the tessellector start to regenerate? In the impossible Astronaut it clearly starts to regenerate. But in the wedding it does not.

      I don’t think Mr. Moffat thought this through at all.

    • matt smithy

      October 3rd, 2011 - 6:44am

      me nether. my exuse is that it was an effect

    • lepter

      October 3rd, 2011 - 5:29pm

      fixed points?? Wasnt the mars base leaders death on mars in waters of mars a fixed point? She didnt die on mars yet time didnt stop then. She died on earth instead. Why didnt the fixed point just move. Why was the doctors death a fixed point at all? Why is he SSOOO important that Time stops if he doesnt die???

      Why would a robots death be a fixed point? That makes even less sense!

    • matt smithy

      October 3rd, 2011 - 6:02pm

      ok, explaniation time.
      there are things that must always happen, and some miner things that don’t make much differecnce.
      the things that must always happen are things that make a big deal too history ex: the eruption at pompeii ext..they are “fixed points”
      the miner things are things that don’t make a huge difference if they are changed. like the mars thing, if it did not explode, then the thing from this ep would happpen. but it exploded still. the only differece was that some people survived.
      now, everyone thought that the doctor died at lake silencio, and on outher planets it would proberbly be history (makeing it a fixed point). if the doctor did not die, then this would happen. now, just because it was a robot does not meen it is not a fixed point.that would be like saying “it wouldn’t matter if R2D2 died in the first movie because he is a robot”. R2 had a big roll to play in the next movies. if R2 did die, a load of things would have happened differently and time would be confusing.
      does that help you? hope it didn’t confuse you 🙂

  • gordon

    October 2nd, 2011 - 11:33am

    Moffat to go? NO WAY! If moffat goes we will get no answers. I do find you wont really be able to define his series until his era ends when we have all the info

    • Thetasigma

      October 2nd, 2011 - 3:45pm

      But thats just the point ! I dont think we’ll ever get all the answers and that IS the definition of the Moff Era !

    • Fox Mulder

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:53pm

      If the Moffat goes I’ll be having a party

    • Fox Mulder

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:54pm

      If Moffat leaves I hope Matt goes with him

    • Anonymous

      October 2nd, 2011 - 11:09pm

      Patience is a virtue. This is exactly why we are stuck with so many one parters because everyone wants to be spoon fed the answers and can’t wait a year or four for a plot arc to finish.

  • 47

    October 2nd, 2011 - 10:48am

    Dreadful. Self indulgent writing and predictable. The sooner the programme moves away from River Song, Rory and the increasingly vexing Amy and the whole universe, and beyond (!), evolving and revolving around them and the Doctor the better.
    Best episodes were the opening two-parter, Night Terrors and Closing Time, I hope the series moves forward with the arc set up at the end of series.

    • Jim

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:21pm

      Very disappointed at how Amy showed up guns-a-blazing rat-a-tatting at the Silence and then murdered Kovarian. Doctor Who is now glorifying violence. The 30 second guilt at the end doesn’t make it better. Rory saw Amy kill Kovarian and was clearly troubled by it, but did nothing to stop it. This sends a bad message to kids to stand by and say nothing when their friends commit an evil act. Moffat has to go before he ruins the morality of Doctor Who any more and makes it more and more like an “action” series instead of drama. This is not even getting to all the needlessly confusing plot strands. Someone like Gareth Roberts should take over who is more grounded in character-based writing and morality (killing the Cybermen with love — much better than the guns), or bring back RTD.

    • Jim

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:26pm

      P.S. I also loved “Night Terrors” and “ClosingT Time.” I think they were my favorite episodes of the season because they were actually about something — a father always loving his child no matter what. Although it is troubling that there were hardly any women in either episode. Doctor Who does not write women characters well under Moffat. Rory I am okay with when the show doesn’t show him as just another “tough guy” killing things, but the Amy/River stuff has definitely ruined the show.

    • Fox Mulder

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:55pm

      It was god awful but the twist at the end was epic

  • me

    October 2nd, 2011 - 10:19am

    The fields of trensalor ( however you spell it) will be the 50 th anniversary because it says the fall of the 11 th ( doctor )

    Who agrees

    • King of the weevils

      October 2nd, 2011 - 11:24pm

      It might not be. Smith is currently signed till 2013 which doesn’t mean he will leave then as he once stated he wanted to beat tom bakers run as the doctor and do at least 8 years so we may not be at the fields of trenzalor till 2018

  • sheepinafez

    October 2nd, 2011 - 9:33am

    amazing episode up until the end well done moffat you made them get marryed just as evryone predicted would happen after the libry episode but hay hopefully thats the last were gonna see of river shes getting boring now

    • mollusc man

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:26pm

      Ahh. But did they actually get married? That was an aborted timeline, firstly, and then there’s the fact that the doctor didn’t tell her his name.

      Mr Moffat is not finished with river song just yet i’m afraid.

  • The Supreme

    October 2nd, 2011 - 9:30am

    It was all right but i was expecting more

  • Ryuko

    October 2nd, 2011 - 9:14am

    My parents and I really enjoyed this episode! Dad’s been following the Doctor forever and he’s quite excited about the question “Doctor Who?” It’s reminiscent of the 7th doctor, where it was implied several times that he has this magnificent identity but will not tell anyone or let anyone else know – except for a select few, obviously. In any case, exploring that again should be fun!

    Some episodes confused and disappointed, but overall I’ve enjoyed this series. Matt Smith has quickly become one of my favorite doctors! 😀 Looking forward to what will come next!

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    October 2nd, 2011 - 8:08am

    I had a damn good feeling it was the Tesilector [ sorry if ive spelled it wrong ] that would end up being shot by River rather then the Doctor himself, seemed obvious to me since ” Let’s kill Hitler ” was broadcast.

    • mollusc man

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:34pm

      I was really suprised by tessellector reveal. Maybe because it was so simple when i was expecting something massively convoluted and mad.

      Or maybe i’m just stupid. 🙁

  • Last of theTimelords

    October 2nd, 2011 - 3:02am

    Wait did the Doctor reveal his name!?Can someone tell me if he did or not!?

    • jedi jim

      October 2nd, 2011 - 3:15am

      only to river

    • dalek eternal

      October 2nd, 2011 - 7:31am

      no he said look in my eye

    • cyberleader199

      October 3rd, 2011 - 5:14pm

      remember rule one:the doctor lies………….

  • Jimbocurns

    October 2nd, 2011 - 1:23am

    I thought the episode was exciting but they left themselve having to put too much into a 45 minute episode. I wish they would make the final episode a double whammy, as that story could have been awsome.
    I would have loved to have seen more aliens pick up the fight, perhaps an actual wedding on a cool world.
    I loved the way the silence attacked but a final battle after a bit more being revealed about them would have been cool.
    All in all I enjoyed it but 45mins was not enough time to say everything they wanted to say.

  • torchwoodfan101

    October 1st, 2011 - 11:50pm

    If its called The WEDDING of River Song, all she did was tie hand up with a bow tie and kiss the teselecta.

    • karen

      October 2nd, 2011 - 7:05am

      You are thinking Christian wedding. Lots of cultures use tying two hands together as a sign of union.

    • sheepinafez

      October 2nd, 2011 - 9:28am

      but she still kissed a teseleca

    • jedi jim

      October 2nd, 2011 - 4:23pm

      But the Doctor was in the teselecta, besides, have you never heard of a proxy marriage?

    • Anonymous

      October 2nd, 2011 - 11:28pm

      That is a genuine type of wedding. In fact it’s where we get the term “tying the knot” from.

  • Jonathan

    October 1st, 2011 - 11:11pm

    Where was the Wedding?
    River Song was great as always and the Brig tribute was sweet but the only down side was Madame Koverian wasn’t used as much as I wanted her too

    • me

      October 2nd, 2011 - 10:14am

      But she will be back as she only died in the other universe so tn the real universe she is alive

      But were all the army men madame krovians or amy and river and Rory and took over

    • Joanthan

      October 2nd, 2011 - 4:35pm

      I think they took them over

  • doctor dave!

    October 1st, 2011 - 11:00pm

    this series was werid in many,many ways they had times were it was just brilliant ,this episode was good but they’ve made so complicated that half of the time you just dont know whats going on,steve moffat saying’all the questions are answered here’when acc not one of them were,still this question of the sience but its obv the questions ‘whats the doctors name’after dorium at the end dr who dr who dr who??????

  • Will

    October 1st, 2011 - 10:51pm

    most underwhelming series since 2005’s comeback. perhaps the absence of any dalek action has left me unsatisfied. This series was weak. You could barely see anything it was so dark, looked low budget (apart from the few seconds where you see london in the collided timeline in the finale) and there were barely any good classic monsters.

  • The Master

    October 1st, 2011 - 10:20pm

    Booboo update the timeline!

  • simon w

    October 1st, 2011 - 10:05pm

    a brillient episode. There are still loads of questions left unanswered from season 5.
    1 What was up on the second floor in amy’s house on the out side u can see the ground and first floors and not a second flood.
    2 What made the markings on the ground outside amy’s house.
    3 Who take control of the tardis when River was in it when we heared Silence will fall and then it blows up.
    4 in leadworth there is a duckpond without any ducks on it.
    thats my rant done lol. I hope we see River again in the next could off seasons. roll on christmas.

    • doctor dave!

      October 1st, 2011 - 10:53pm

      1.) they couldnt really be bothered to pitch that in
      2.)it was demons run
      3.)the silence
      4.)the cracks in time

  • mollusc man

    October 1st, 2011 - 10:04pm

    This has been very much a ‘marmite’ series. You either thought it was the best series ever or the worst thing ever to grace British television.

    I have to agree with the former. Every episode, bar one, has been a joy to watch and i especially loved this one.

    Damn you ‘curse of the black spot’

    • Thetasigma

      October 1st, 2011 - 10:15pm

      And yet ironically, COTBS Was the ONLY ep I really liked in this series ! Tonights ep was rubbish and left WAY too much undone and too many questions still needing answers. Time for the Moff to go now I think !

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