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August 3rd, 2010 34 comments

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Amy’s History Hunt – Now Online

New Adventure with Karen Gillan as Amy!

From The Official BBC Site…

The series may be over but we’ve got a special adventure featuring Karen Gillan as Amy Pond.

It’s called The History Hunt and is an interactive game where you must help Amy and the Doctor. It’s not one of our new Adventure Games but it does involve you following clues and entering the world of the Doctor! It’s full of exploration, fun and exclusive videos and its available now.

It’s just one of the many things we’ll be bringing you in the weeks ahead. The Eleventh Doctor’s debut series may have finished, but here on the site it’s Doctor Who all year round!

Click the image below to take you there…




  • joshua

    March 9th, 2013 - 6:22pm

    pooing is cool

  • resurtuys

    December 3rd, 2011 - 1:01pm

    How do you check the code coz i can’t

  • I love Doctor who

    February 5th, 2011 - 9:14am

    the code is 2606201011

  • de379

    August 25th, 2010 - 6:52am

    i dident even find out the painting

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