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July 12th, 2010 20 comments

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Blood of The Cybermen Walkthrough

Blood of The Cybermen Walkthrough

We have added a Blood of The Cybermen Walkthrough to our games page which will be updated as further adventures become available.

Although many of you will have already completed it we have added screenshots of each level and tips and information which will help you finish it should you get stuck.

To go to the games page click Here




The Doctor and Amy materialize in the Arctic – where members of a survey team are turning from flesh to metal and digging something sinister from under the ice that’s been waiting thousands of years – an army of Cybermen!

This is your chance to be the Doctor. Are you ready for the challenge?

You can Download the game for free in the UK, see a trailer, screenshots and concept art on the BBC site Here



  • Anonymous

    October 11th, 2011 - 5:37pm


  • 100 Percent Winners

    April 20th, 2011 - 12:24am

    Please consider this a warning before you read any further! If you are looking for gambling advice, this is not for you! We are here to make money and WIN every single bet we place!

  • bouncingdalek

    November 10th, 2010 - 8:31pm

    joshua in noa first yu hafe to doo the steam vents 2.then wen the slave warks to the gas thin qik turn the weal to delete the slave!

  • Angel Tim

    October 22nd, 2010 - 9:09pm

    I’ve already compleated city of the daleks (the first one) and TARDIS (third one) but I’m still very puzzeled about the ending. I asked Amy and she said that I needed to get over to the gantrees. where are they? What will happen next?Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase can you tell me how to do it when one of you figure it out!

  • crazy fan

    September 26th, 2010 - 4:42pm

    i couldn t do the timer at end how do you get down!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  • joshua

    August 29th, 2010 - 12:28pm

    how do u defeat the first cyber slave

  • de379

    August 5th, 2010 - 9:23pm

    ive played both city of daleks and blood of the cybermen but wondering
    whens THE NEXT ONE OUT seen the pics on the site they land in the vissuliser room of city of the daleks and have to fight another monster
    i think thats home to all the monsters in time and space

  • Anonymous

    August 2nd, 2010 - 5:19pm

    @the 100th dr sorry i havent replied for a while if it did have long vision it should be that you have to run to a room get an axe smash the window perch yourself on the window than onic the mat simples(squek)

  • crazy fan

    August 1st, 2010 - 8:54pm

    I nealy finshed the blood of the cyberman but at the end its hard with the timer. my friend Beckey has not stared it yet but we both fished the first city of the daleks :).

  • dalekship 101

    July 30th, 2010 - 10:50am

    Its been about 4 weeks since this come out so its about time that the next one comes out 🙂

  • 1000th doctor78

    July 28th, 2010 - 12:20pm

    hey flaw 1 more thing if the cybermat had very long vison that would be hard to get through and well, every would say blood of the cybermen would be put the hard doctor who donloadable game ever.

  • the 11th doctor – used to be DRWHO?

    July 27th, 2010 - 3:10pm


    Response To Where is the chamber where Amy is being held?
    go to the black thing after you awoken the Cybermen go to the lift turn the mouseand then your on the second floor. when the cyberman went past follow it and where there’s a hole go in there then sonic the cuffs, then press the buttons until you explode the wall then go on the railing thing and get to the control room. then theres a puzzle like how you awoken the cybermen. then 3 cybermen come, chislom shoots them with the cyber arm and then when the doctor says “only 60 seconds left!” go to the gantries and then run and where it says examine on the lift click the mouse and get out quickly!

    from the 11th doctor – used to be DRWHO?

  • the flaw games

    July 22nd, 2010 - 8:10pm

    to defeat the 2nd cyberslave go near the computor thingy when the cyberslave is away from you and you will see an option to do something then click on your mouse than go near the door and flip the swith then it is dead

  • 1000th docter78

    July 22nd, 2010 - 5:00pm

    How do you defeat the 2nd cyberslave?

  • Doctor Bill

    July 21st, 2010 - 3:42pm

    Why would the Mondas Cybermen have the same armour as the alternate reality Earth Cybermen? I think they should be different, unless the man who invented the Cybermen on earth discovered a real Cyberman from Mondas and reverse engineered it so he could mass produce them.

  • dalekship 101

    July 20th, 2010 - 6:43pm

    When does the next one come out?

  • Dawn

    July 20th, 2010 - 4:10pm

    Where is the chamber where Amy is being held?

  • someone

    July 17th, 2010 - 10:58am

    do you think you could also do a collectables guide?

  • the flaw games

    July 13th, 2010 - 5:49am

    if you want to go on it in america type in on the internet google uk go on it type in doctor who the official site click on itgo to 5the games section and at the top it will say blood of the cybermen.

  • Alex

    July 13th, 2010 - 1:32am

    So does anyone know if they’re actually going to release this thing in North America? There’s been no word and July is nearly half done.

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