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November 12th, 2014 53 comments

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Children in Need Christmas Episode Special Preview


The BBC Children in Need Appeal Night takes place every year in November. The Appeal show is a whole evening of entertainment on BBC One with celebrities singing, dancing, and doing all sorts of crazy things to help raise money.

There are also plenty of one-off specials of your favourite programmes, which in the past have included Doctor Who, Strictly Come Dancing, The One Show, EastEnders and much more!

The Exclusive picture of The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Santa Claus (Nick Frost) from the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special.

Fans saw the first preview of the Christmas Special episode on the BBC Children in Need appeal show.

Image courtesy of BBC Pictures





    November 28th, 2014 - 11:07pm

    If the CHRISTMAS episode is like most of the 8th series episodes then no more DOCTOR for me I’m afried to say.


    November 25th, 2014 - 7:18am

    The episodes title has now been revealed as – LAST CHRISTMAS.

  • Dalek-Troop-390

    November 22nd, 2014 - 11:38pm

    The Box that Saved Christmas

  • Doyouhearthem?

    November 19th, 2014 - 7:47pm

    Theory (I didn’t think of it): Father Christmas is a time lord.
    Makes sense in a kind of eerie way:
    bigger on the inside bag,
    lots of jobs in one night,
    continuing Gallifrey search theme.

    Quite honestly, this is just a theory, and if it turns out to be true then I apologise for potential spoilering.

  • Dalek The Supreme

    November 17th, 2014 - 5:04pm

    The elves seem like they might get annoying after a few minutes, but I’ll give them a chance. Dark Santa is going to be interesting to see, though…

  • Dalek The Supreme

    November 17th, 2014 - 5:03pm

    You know, after the darkfest that was Dark Water/Death in Heaven, and the darker tone of the last two Christmas specials it’ll be nice to have a lighter episode for the Twelfth Doctor’s first Christmas special…

  • the astronaut of death

    November 16th, 2014 - 6:15pm

    me too!

  • The five doctors

    November 16th, 2014 - 1:32am

    I just rewatched it and saw what elf is Strax

  • yognot

    November 15th, 2014 - 7:54pm

    Just saw it on YouTube. Can’t wait for Christmas day.

  • dan23uk

    November 15th, 2014 - 12:30pm

    Yes I sew this.


    November 15th, 2014 - 7:25am

    Strax the Sontaran.

  • The five doctors

    November 15th, 2014 - 1:36am

    What one is Dan Starkey ?

  • Anonymous

    November 15th, 2014 - 12:30am

    probably something like the doctor is coming to town or he knows when you awake, something along those lines

  • AlphaOmega

    November 15th, 2014 - 12:08am

    Yeah, but was as the Architect, so we didn’t see it for long….

  • AlphaOmega

    November 15th, 2014 - 12:06am

    Leave it to Moffatt to turn Santa into a bad guy XD

  • CG

    November 14th, 2014 - 11:55pm

    I don’t really care how if this turns out to be a bad episode (though I’m sure it won’t) I just want either Clara to stay with the Doctor or tie things up properly before leaving.

  • Dalekparadigm2

    November 14th, 2014 - 10:20pm

    After the clip I would guess at…

    The Naughty List

    or something similar

  • Dalekparadigm2

    November 14th, 2014 - 10:12pm

    That was really good. Dan Starkey as an elf! That’s the least costume he’s ever worn in Sci-Fi. Capaldi’s hood looks good. Clara’s back. Not only a dark doctor but a dark…SANTA!!!

  • Doctor Stu

    November 14th, 2014 - 10:11pm

    Hmmm seems interesting looks like Santa might be some sort of villain maybe or one of those people who think they’re real then it turns out they’re not. I’m a bit more excited for the episode after this clip then I was after the final though to be honest.

  • the astronaut of death

    November 14th, 2014 - 9:44pm

    the dream before Christmas

  • TheReal McCoy

    November 14th, 2014 - 9:20pm

    That was great!!! BUT WHAT IS THE TITLE MOFFAT?!?!

  • Lol lol

    November 14th, 2014 - 8:59pm

    OMG Clara’s back woo hoo

  • Anonymous

    November 14th, 2014 - 8:50pm

    It’s was the first thing

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