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September 17th, 2010 28 comments

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Death of the Doctor short synopsis

The British Film Institute has a short synopsis for the upcoming Sarah Jane Adventures story Death of the Doctor starring Katy Manning and Matt Smith.

A special preview and panel discussion with Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Brian Minchin (Producer), Gary Russell (Script Editor) and Edward Russell (Brand Manager) is to take place on 12 Oct at 20:00, details of which can be found Here

When the Doctor is declared dead, old companions Sarah Jane and Jo Grant meet for the very first time, and join forces to discover the truth.

As an interstellar conspiracy gathers around UNIT HQ, Clyde finds that he holds the fate of the Time Lord in his hand – quite literally!

In other news from the BBC Press office…

Sarah Jane Adventures Quiz

Viewers who press the red button after the popular children’s drama can test their knowledge in the Sarah Jane Adventures Quiz. They can also watch clips from the show and answer questions put to them by the Bannerman Road Gang; test their memory and observational skills; and if they make the grade they can go to the website and download a special certificate saying they have passed the “Red Button” level of the Sarah Jane Academy.

Available this October.

Clips from series 4 of The Sarah Jane Adventures currently showing on CBBC to promote the Autumn season…



  • K-9 Fan

    September 29th, 2010 - 8:46pm


    luke gone 🙁

  • booboo

    September 26th, 2010 - 8:13pm

    Unfortunately they didn’t sell very well

  • doctor stu

    September 26th, 2010 - 8:08pm

    does anyone know why theyve stopped making sarah jane action figures?

  • doctor stu

    September 26th, 2010 - 8:07pm

    trailer and synopsis looks great. They Should Make New sarah jane action figures for the new series

  • sally

    September 25th, 2010 - 4:18pm

    can’t wait to watch it

  • james butler

    September 25th, 2010 - 9:22am

    y is it called death of the doctor dose he die i hope he dose not die

  • Anonymous

    September 22nd, 2010 - 8:30pm

    srah jane starts on the 11th and 12th of October read it in magazine

  • nomers

    September 22nd, 2010 - 6:27pm

    i did not see it but as long it has my dr i think he is not die he cant be rithg guys be cuse dr who well be that just think a bout it

  • crazy fan

    September 20th, 2010 - 7:56pm

    I so want to see it.i saw the other doctor(10th)one and this looks really good FANTAIC!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  • doctor who mania 321

    September 20th, 2010 - 5:53pm

    on you can see death of the doctor clip 🙂

  • Genwarren12345

    September 19th, 2010 - 6:45pm

    Looks Great. Can’t wait!

  • who crazy!

    September 19th, 2010 - 6:40pm

    There is a new tardis now so more power 😆

  • terriermon

    September 19th, 2010 - 3:41pm

    clyde holds the fate in his hand because clyde still has artron energy inside it from when he touched the tardis

  • Jimbub123

    September 19th, 2010 - 12:32pm

    It sounds good. What is it?

  • Jimbub123

    September 19th, 2010 - 7:38am

    What do you call that song on the trailer backround?

  • Bilal

    September 18th, 2010 - 8:51pm

    I think this is going to be a wonderfull episode and those aliens which have big beakes will be my favouite aliens! the epiosde would be better if the doctor come in it alot and Amy Pond and Maybe the tenth Doctor!

  • dr what

    September 18th, 2010 - 6:52pm

    i have who is that new kid

  • Agent190

    September 18th, 2010 - 6:26pm

    has anyone seen the clip yet?

  • Anonymous

    September 18th, 2010 - 2:42pm

    Have you lot seen the new clip of the Death of the Doctor on Youtube

  • amie smith

    September 18th, 2010 - 11:19am

    Cant wait to watch it !!!!!!! 🙂

  • AJK

    September 18th, 2010 - 7:27am

    cant wait for it

  • lorraine

    September 17th, 2010 - 9:23pm

    i cnt wait 4 it

  • alfie

    September 17th, 2010 - 8:31pm

    the doctor declared dead? wicked!

  • Juddon Platoon

    September 17th, 2010 - 8:13pm

    Sounds amazing and it looks it too by the way Jo goes rock on

  • drmjmorgan

    September 17th, 2010 - 6:40pm

    if this was a dr who episode, it would be a doctor-lite episode

  • Trev

    September 17th, 2010 - 5:41pm

    Sounds like The Doctor won’t be in it much!

  • C@A

    September 17th, 2010 - 4:40pm

    Sounds like an amazing episode!!!

  • Callum Metcalfe

    September 17th, 2010 - 3:34pm

    The episode sounds BRILLAINT

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