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May 16th, 2010 27 comments

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The Hungry Earth – TV Trailer

Doctor Who – The Hungry Earth
Saturday 22 May
6.15-7.00pm BBC ONE and BBC HD

It’s 2015 and the most ambitious drilling project in history has reached deeper beneath the Earth’s crust than man has ever gone before – but now the ground itself is fighting back.

In the latest episode of the time-travelling drama, written by Chris Chibnall, the Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in a tiny mining village and find themselves plunged into a battle against a deadly danger from a bygone age.

The Hungry Earth – BBC TV Trailer…

The Hungry Earth – Next Time Trailer…

Doctor Who Confidential

Saturday 22 May
7:00pm – 7:45pm

After Effects

Behind-the-scenes series about the making of Doctor Who, narrated by Alex Price. A hole in the ground makes for a tricky affair for both cast and crew as Confidential finds out how the production team really make the earth move. Plus, a journey through the production process of a Doctor Who epsiode from the cutting room to the living room. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Meera Syal.



  • chloe

    May 5th, 2011 - 11:31am

    I love Doctor who

  • Dr Who

    December 5th, 2010 - 8:36am

    Its a good episode! 🙂

  • Joshua T. Ferguson

    May 22nd, 2010 - 6:52pm

    Posted by: Ood Sigma
    Nice mix of the doctors real name:
    Theta Sigma (from The Armageddon Factor)

  • booboo

    May 17th, 2010 - 7:35pm

    It won’t be him

  • dr who fan 2010

    May 17th, 2010 - 7:07pm

    hi matt r u matt smith? really? can u tell me what the pandorica thingy is all about as im desperate to know

  • Zygon134

    May 17th, 2010 - 7:05pm

    is this really matt smith? no offence if it is….but i doubt he would set up a website like this. Are you?

  • Hector Sadler

    May 17th, 2010 - 8:57am

    This episode will be interesting. The Doctor with an extra Compainion Rory Amies Husband or Boyfriend? & a fimilar face from Goodness Gracies Me star.

  • AlphaOmega

    May 16th, 2010 - 12:05pm

    The grey part is a MASK!!!!

  • the 11th doctor – used to be DRWHO?

    May 16th, 2010 - 10:22am

    when the doctor takes off the “sillurian” face it might be just a mask

  • daniel king (13years)

    May 13th, 2010 - 8:48pm

    I am the biggest doctor who fan ever. i cant wait for the episodes to be on DVD. I Just wanted to ask you a qusteion. What is it like working and snogging a hot chick like Karen Gillan? and Do you like her?

  • rosanna calvierri

    May 10th, 2010 - 7:01pm

    matt are you really really really really matt smith

  • ian j

    May 9th, 2010 - 1:46pm

    give the lad a chance, he.s just started ive been watching doctor who since it started many many years ago im impressed by what ive seen he,s good and getting better everybody wonderd who david tennant was when he became doctor for the changes every show needs to change to keep it fresh, well done the BBc

  • Matt

    May 8th, 2010 - 9:35pm


    This episode was very funny to film, very funny indeed!!! The “Silurians” are returning! (With a very odd twist) It’s a very enjoyable episode! But again, i cannot say too much, but there is a line in the episode, a funny one, which i thought i’d tell you! “We are fixing the soil, something damaged it in our dig…” “I’ll fix you, YES I WILL” haha, see if you get the reference 😉



  • hi

    May 8th, 2010 - 4:55pm


  • niddy

    May 8th, 2010 - 4:55pm

    wow cant wait to watch it

  • Thetasigma

    May 8th, 2010 - 8:13am

    King Gerbil, have to agree with Barry Rix on this one…The Silurians in “Warriors of the deep” were a different clan to those in the Pertwee stories yet looked the same and were instantly recognisable as Silurians. Even in the Big Finish story “Bloodtide” they were another different clan but deisgned to sound the same and be recognisable for what they were. Now I’m not saying that the original costumes were amazing, but at least they were an atempt to be something truely alien, not just a ‘middle ages’ soldier with a token prosthetic head. I have a horrible feeling that these new silurians will sound VERY human as well ! Time will tell on all this but at the moment I’m fearing for the future and what else will be changed for the sake of change…Such a shame as MS and KG are doing a fantastic job on the show !

  • king gerbil

    May 7th, 2010 - 8:21pm

    barry rix-the silurians arent spoilt but are changed alot- its ur decision-the new ones are the old ones cousins

  • king gerbil

    May 7th, 2010 - 8:18pm

    this episode looks great!!!!!!!! Silurians!!!!!!!!!!!

  • dandaines

    May 7th, 2010 - 5:45pm

    how can rory leave in this episode when its a two parter and set in the future

  • amy’s half brother, lampy

    May 7th, 2010 - 7:39am

    rory leaves in this episode.

  • TimeLord2

    May 6th, 2010 - 11:09pm

    So they have drilled deeper into the earth’s crust than the Inferno Project! This story seems like a respectful nod to Season 7, which can only be a good thing!

  • Barry Rix

    May 6th, 2010 - 7:22pm

    I hope that the Silurians will not be spoilt, like the Daleks have, change for change sake.

  • Time Lord President

    May 6th, 2010 - 6:26pm

    I saw a pic of the Silurians in DWM there far better and worst than the old ones

  • Ood Sigma

    May 6th, 2010 - 6:16pm

    Really looking forward to these to see what they have done to the silurians and if there are any past references

  • the doctor’s adventures

    May 6th, 2010 - 5:22pm

    I meant to say I cant wait to see them I fogot to put wait in

  • the doctor’s adventures

    May 6th, 2010 - 5:21pm

    I cant to see The Silurians they look more better than they were before and a bit scarier but what I noticed is that their heads remind me of the Great Dragon’s head in MERLIN but all in all they look brilliant.

  • Peter Cushing

    May 6th, 2010 - 4:10pm

    The Silurians are in this, looks like Rory’s along for the ride to

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