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November 30th, 2010 54 comments

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A Christmas Carol – 6.00pm Christmas Day

Doctor Who Christmas Special – A Christmas Carol

High Definition programme 6.00pm Christmas Day 25th December

Matt Smith stars in the Doctor Who Christmas Special

Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way The Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser, in a festive edition of the time-travelling adventure, written by Steven Moffat. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

Amy Pond is played by Karen Gillan, Rory Williams by Arthur Darvill, The Doctor by Matt Smith and Kazran Sardick by Michael Gambon.




  • DJB

    January 17th, 2011 - 11:50pm

    Truly awful, lost interest half way through, the Welsh thing’s getting a bit tiresome too!

  • Mantrid Switchdoktor

    January 9th, 2011 - 12:57pm

    Like Jake & others, I have been a loyal fan of Dr.Who since the William Hartnell days & the quality of stories was generally very good (even if the sets were, well..a bit shaky)-certainly far better than other kids programmes of the time.However, glad as I was to see Dr.Who return with Christopher Eccleston after the TERRIBLE stuff we had to endure under the John Nathan-Turner/Bonny Langford “pantomime-endings” era, I have to say the programme has plunged to an all-time low since the arrival of Matt & the departure of GOOD WRITING and it saddens me no end.
    The start of this decline definitely began with the likes of Peter Kaye & other “celebrities” making cameo-appearances seemingly just for the sake of it and we are definitely back in those bad old days of terrible stories, just like the one served up at Christmas, which I think will lead to the show being cancelled..again….what’s next?..Ruth Jones?..well, she is Welsh and so must be appearing soon, God Forbid!
    Yes..the CGI & good music are all very good & well, but I reckon that very soon we will see the Daleks or Cybermen wheeled-out again to save the brand…probably after a run of badly-written/badly (or over) acted episodes..just pray that if this happens, the storylines are at least decent & above all, imaginative!
    Sorry I’ve went on a bit, but this is a programme I have been passionate about since episode no.1, way back in 1963 and I hate to see what is happening to it now.

  • Keith

    January 3rd, 2011 - 10:30pm

    At this rate, it won’t be long before the show gets cancelled. The Christmas one was rubbish except for the singing. Never seen a show go so pear shaped so quickly.

  • The Pandorica

    December 30th, 2010 - 8:28pm

    I really liked this episode, the acting was brilliant!

  • Jake

    December 30th, 2010 - 8:18pm

    Dr Who, Christmas Carol. I’m old enough to have watched Dr. Who since it was first aired in Black & White, and have always been a loyal fan. The recent few years have been the best, especially with David Tarrant. But this Christmas special was absolute rubbish.

  • Steve Baker

    December 27th, 2010 - 9:58am

    I love Dr Who and have done since the 70’s but I’m afraid to say this episode missed the mark by quite a lot, it was one of the most boring and predictable episodes ever. I almost just turned it off as it was that bad, also the BBC have a very misleading advert on showing Dalek’s going through check in at an airport with the tag line “all your favourites are back for Christmas” well where were they? The Christmas special is a great time to capture the imagination of new Dr Who viewers but I seriously doubt that this will happen this year.

  • Chelsea Pete

    December 27th, 2010 - 12:16am

    Just seen the Xmas Special and I have to say I totally disagree with all the nay-sayers. I thought it was a brilliant episode, fresh and captivating. Great cast, great story and welcome Matt Smith. Loved it from start to finish!

  • Brian Huggins

    December 26th, 2010 - 6:57pm

    I have watched Dr Who forsince childhood, and the 2010 Chistmas special was the most boring episode ever, where was the monsters, where was the aliens, where was the excitement. Matt is the most original Dr since the start can you not make the storylines equally original. Please so back to thye ground breaking storylines and adventures

  • Tabby G

    December 26th, 2010 - 3:41pm

    A whole universe of monsters, aliens, unknown civilisations to play with- The end result? A flying shark and a bunch of people in Victorian costumes (recycled, I summise, from some BBC period costume drama to save cash no doubt). What a yawn and waste of tax payers money-An austerity Christmas indeed! Take some imagination pills asap….!

  • sam G

    December 26th, 2010 - 3:29pm

    Utter rubbish- we couldn’t even watch it all-what were they thinking?-they seem to have lost the plot completely- what a disappointment for Christmas day.

  • Heckla

    December 26th, 2010 - 4:11am

    Absolutely terrible!

  • alex

    December 25th, 2010 - 7:02pm

    just could not watch this rubbish and i love dr who
    Steven Moffatis so good (coupling) so why is he doing so bad with dr who
    good music just wont cut it (gambonn is great but why is this not working )

  • Type 40

    December 18th, 2010 - 9:34pm

    wow! 🙂 sounds intersting! your right, his new jacket is fab- much better than his old one!

  • the biggest doctor who fan

    December 3rd, 2010 - 6:57pm

    cant wait it looks awsome and i love his new jacket

  • ComeAlong,Pond

    December 2nd, 2010 - 4:13pm

    I think Katherine Jenkins will be very good as Abigail for A Christmas Carol.

  • king gerbil

    December 1st, 2010 - 4:48pm

    i think this looks pretty good-another good reason 2 look forward 2 christmas

  • Doctor J

    December 1st, 2010 - 9:52am

    DW A Christmas Carol Im glad they are basing on one of Charles Dickenson’s famous christmas story with Michael Gambon and Katerine Jenkins. Flying Sharks I wonder if they cause the space liner to crash with Amy and Rory onboard. That’s what I like about DW it has a great imagination for a story.

  • bdayboy

    December 1st, 2010 - 5:59am

    the doctors coat looks rubbish
    the title is rubbish
    but it will be good
    in an awful kind of way

  • Juddon Platoon

    November 30th, 2010 - 9:32pm

    I hope they give a refrence of Death of the Doctor

  • The Pandorica

    November 30th, 2010 - 8:08pm

    The Doctor’s new jacket looks a bit too stripy.

  • PandoricaMan1903

    November 30th, 2010 - 7:17pm

    In the papers a couple of months back there was ment to be a shark (as seen under Matt Smiths arm) ment to be JAWS dunno why?

  • booboo

    November 30th, 2010 - 6:45pm

    No its on at 6.00pm

  • docbrown

    November 30th, 2010 - 5:50pm

    this is on at 7pm on xmas day

  • HollyLovesMattSmith

    November 29th, 2010 - 3:32pm

    Just saying, but one of you asked when it would be shown.

    I think you’ll find it will be Christmas Eve/Day depending how the bosses at the BBC feel.

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