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September 4th, 2013 6 comments

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Doctor Who Experience Finalist in Tourism Awards

Doctor Who Experience a FINALIST in National Tourism Awards for Wales 2013
Following an intensive shortlisting process and on-site visits by award judges, the Doctor Who Experience is delighted to announce that we are now a FINALIST in the Regional Tourism Award category at the National Tourism Awards for Wales 2013.

The interactive, multisensory attraction opened in July 2012 in the spiritual home of Doctor Who – Cardiff Bay. Visitors to the Doctor Who Experience take part in an adventure with current Doctor Matt Smith, facing some of the most well known monsters in the history of the show and attempting to reunite him with the TARDIS. Following this exhilarating walk-through adventure, guests are free explore the largest collection of Doctor Who props and exhibits ever assembled in a huge, free-flow exhibition.

The National Tourism Awards ceremony and gala dinner will take place on Thursday 21 of November at Venue Cymru Llandudno, two days before Doctor Who Celebrates its 50th anniversary. In this momentous anniversary year, there is no better place to celebrate the Doctor than at the Doctor Who Experience.



  • AG1

    September 23rd, 2013 - 9:04pm

    Great news and well deserved. Here’s hoping to being the winner! good luck!

  • Bekah

    September 20th, 2013 - 8:24am

    So wish I could go but I live in California. Bit of a trip. 🙁

  • The Big Blue Box

    September 5th, 2013 - 9:53am

    It doesn’t surprise me. When I went there, I spotted at least 5 different languages and 7 different accents echoing around in the shop.

  • crazy guy

    September 4th, 2013 - 6:19pm

    in a way i kinda hope they update this by the time the 12th doctor comes out maybe by refurbishing it and that way they could have more monster parts on the walkthrough thing and of course a different story i guess with the 12th doctor and the new tardis instead of the 2011 one cause it would seem a bit outdated but not that i want the eleventh doctor to gone for good because he is my best doctor by far

  • Christine

    September 4th, 2013 - 4:11pm

    They well deserve to be a finalist. I’ve been there twice and it really was a great experience. Admittedly, I enjoyed the exhibition the most but seeing the younger fans participate in the happenings during the interactive walk through is also great. So, thumbs up for them and let’s hope this is an award they will win!


    September 4th, 2013 - 3:32pm

    Go to the UK to see famous London landmarks like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace ?, no thanks pal, I’m off to tour the locations that Doctor Who has been filmed at over the last 50 years, and pay a visit to the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff where the show is filmed today !! 😀

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