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July 30th, 2014 5 comments

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Doctor Who Edinburgh Screenings

Doctor Who and Dynamo first-look screenings announced

Tickets available to the public

The 39th annual Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival powered by YouTube (GEITF) announces the exciting first-look screenings of TV episodes and features showing as part of this year’s festival, with tickets also available to the public (on sale from 4th August).

All showing at Edinburgh’s The Filmhouse Cinema, screenings for 2014 include the first episode of the hotly anticipated eighth series of Doctor Who, the first episode of the new series of Dynamo: Magician Impossible, followed by a Q&A with Dynamo himself, and Showrunners, a behind-the-scenes look at the fascinating world of the US’s television showrunners.

Kicking off the sneak-peeks will be the feature-length first episode of the new series of Doctor Who, entitled ‘Deep Breath’, playing on Thursday 21st August, followed by Showrunners and Dynamo: Magician Impossible following on Friday 22nd August. The full schedule is as follows:

Thursday 21st August – The Filmhouse Cinema, Edinburgh

· 16.45 – 18.05: BBC One’s Doctor Who – ‘Deep Breath’

Written by Steven Moffat, the first episode of the hotly anticipated new series of Doctor Who will see Peter Capaldi launch as the 12th Doctor, one of TV’s most iconic roles, alongside Jenna Coleman as his companion Clara. Making a spectacular return to the big screen, the premiere episode of the eighth series will be screening in selected cinemas across the world from 23rd August – but with its screening on 21st August, GEITF is one of the places you can see it first! The episode was produced by Nikki Wilson and directed by Ben Wheatley.

Tickets will be available from Monday 4th August, and can be booked through The Filmhouse Cinema in person, by phoning 0131 228 2688.

Book online at

Tickets for Doctor Who and Dynamo: Magician Impossible will cost £10 / £8 concession, Showrunners £6 / £4 concession.



  • Activa

    August 13th, 2014 - 10:03pm

    Got me some tickets.

  • Doyouhearthem?

    July 30th, 2014 - 7:25pm

    What were the odds that I’d be getting home from holiday on the 23rd?

  • The Wooden Cyberman(News)

    July 30th, 2014 - 6:35pm

    Well lucky for my family up in Scotland.. 🙁

  • Anonymous

    July 30th, 2014 - 3:26pm

    I think we all do


  • The Twelfth Doctor

    July 30th, 2014 - 12:20pm

    I so want to go! I so want to go!

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