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August 2nd, 2012 313 comments

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Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer / Screenshots

Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer

From The BBC…

We’ve been promised blockbuster episodes for the new series of Doctor Who… and the trailer released today shows just how blockbuster they’re going to be!

There’s a real epic quality to much of the trailer – we see majestic snowy plains, a terrifyingly vast array of Daleks, huge explosions, the Doctor and the Ponds plunging through an enormous tunnel of light and even dinosaurs on a spaceship! But it’s also great to get a glimpse of River Song and scary little moments like Rory and the stone cherub…

Image courtesy of BBC Pictures



  • Trailers de peliculas

    April 26th, 2014 - 5:18am

    wow…awesome images, remains surprised .. great site .. Greetings!

  • Jim

    August 25th, 2012 - 9:44am

    At 1:09 the teradactyls sound like the slitheen when they’re about to attack!

  • Proffesor When

    August 19th, 2012 - 10:32am

    I wonder why? Leaves more mysteries concerning that episode.

  • booboo

    August 19th, 2012 - 9:42am

    yes i saw that

  • Proffesor When

    August 19th, 2012 - 9:22am

    Hey Booboo, did you noitice the weeping angel was chained up? You can see it in the sixth picture from last.

  • Proffesor When

    August 14th, 2012 - 8:47pm

    Has anyone noticed that the Cowboy robot’s ‘face me’ is differant in both the trailers? I prefer the first scream, its more scary 🙂

  • Bigger on the Inside

    August 14th, 2012 - 8:35pm

    Yeah but it looked sideways and strange!

  • The Spaceman

    August 14th, 2012 - 12:44pm

    Probably just a ring

  • Bigger on the Inside

    August 14th, 2012 - 12:05pm

    On the promo pic does anyone know what is on Amy’s finger, the like tube on her right hand?

  • TheWhomobile

    August 14th, 2012 - 10:46am

    To me it looks like the same image but mirrored, which explains why they seem to be the wrong way round.

  • Anthony

    August 14th, 2012 - 10:05am

    i got anoyed and thought its flipped ?

  • Bigger on the Inside

    August 13th, 2012 - 1:00pm

    My friend told me, so of it isn’t confirmed delete the comment, Ive been on holiday so I don’t know what has happened or has been confirmed while I was away, it’s just what I was told, so I’m not too bothered it it is deleted!

  • Bigger on the Inside

    August 13th, 2012 - 12:58pm

    It is confirmed that Clara is the next companions name, the doctor says it in the filming of the new series quite a lot, and Clara is Elizabeth slackens middle name so it is a nice way to remember and respect her!

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