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May 1st, 2015 4 comments

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Radio 4 Extra: Tom Baker returns as the Doctor

Doctor Who – Destination: Nerva Ep 1/6
Saturday 16 May – 6.00pm-7.00pm

New to Radio 4 Extra: Tom Baker returns as the Doctor in a full-cast audio drama. Made for Big Finish Productions in 2012, this is the first time these seven stories will have been heard on radio.

The Doctor and Leela (played by Tenko’s Louise Jameson) respond to an alien distress call beamed direct from Victorian England. It is the beginning of a journey that will take them to the newly built Space Dock Nerva, where a long overdue homecoming occurs.

A homecoming that could bring about the end of the human race.

Nerva first appeared in the 1975 television episode Ark In Space, which inspired Nicholas Briggs, the writer and director of this episode. This is the first time Tom Baker has played the part of the Doctor since the television series.

These six stories will also see the TARDIS go to a museum of everything, the time of Boudica and London (during a future energy crisis) and conclude with a showdown with some old enemies.



  • Anonymous

    July 13th, 2015 - 12:06pm

    It’s good the he’s return

  • Rufus

    May 2nd, 2015 - 8:26pm

    Hello Sixth Doctor fan they have big finish doctor who on already I can’t remember which evenings but there usually on at 6pm in the week sometime and then again at midnight although I think they said last week that this week is gonna be Sarah jane adventures but just have a look they’ve had a run of Sylvester McCoy ones on which have been really good and if it’s not doctor who around that time it’s usually some kind of sci fi.

  • The Doctor and Handles

    May 1st, 2015 - 6:31pm

    You’ll love it!

  • SixthDoctorFan200

    May 1st, 2015 - 5:35pm

    Sounds great !!! Can’t wait to try Big Finish 🙂

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