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November 10th, 2009 4 comments

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Radio Times Full Cover/Gallery

In The New Issue…

“With its terrifying army of zombified creatures sporting cracked veins and white pupils, The Waters of Mars, the first of David Tennant’s final three episodes, might also be his scariest yet”…

There is also a Radio Times Waters of Mars Gallery Here

This weeks Radio Times Cover…


“Doctor Who can be funny, wise, whimsical, exciting, heartbreaking, you name it,” says Russell T Davies, the series’ showrunner and, with Phil Ford, co-writer of this episode, “but I suppose the scary ones linger, because fear is such a vivid emotion, and very little stuff on TV is actually frightening. Good old-fashioned fear is Doctor Who’s domain. It’s what the viewers come for, especially kids.”

Also this week:

Find out what Terry Wogan’s doing on the set of Lark Rise to Candleford and see what else Pudsey’s got up his furry sleeve for this year’s Children in Need (Friday, BBC1/BBC HD)

Other places of interest…

Digital Spy have a new Waters of Mars gallery

Radio Times Doctor Who pages



  • James

    November 12th, 2009 - 3:24pm

    Apparently it isn’t the first few minutes, it is a collection of clips as the first few minutes is too plot heavy. All from RTD himself in the doctor who mag.

  • booboo

    November 11th, 2009 - 2:30pm

    They are showing the first few minuets of the Christmas special.

  • Doug

    November 11th, 2009 - 12:46pm

    are they doing any children in need stuff this year?

  • The Master

    November 9th, 2009 - 8:34pm

    Fabulous, I though it would be Children in need.

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