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July 22nd, 2013 219 comments

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Daleks’ Return For The 50th Special First official Images

Daleks’ Return For The 50th Special First official Image!

From the official site

The BBC has announced that the Doctor’s most famous foes, the Daleks, will return to Doctor Who in the show’s fiftieth anniversary special. We’ll bring you more news about the adventure as it emerges, but for now, here’s the latest press release in full:



The Doctors, Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt will battle the deadly Daleks, the BBC announces today, in the show’s 50th anniversary special.

Returning to BBC One on 23 November the highly anticipated adventure will star: Matt Smith; Jenna Coleman; David Tennant; Billie Piper; John Hurt and Joanna Page. In a surprise twist in the recent series finale it was revealed John Hurt would be playing a Doctor, alongside Smith and Tennant.


The Daleks are the second monster to be announced for the 50th and will join the shape shifting Zygons, which have only appeared in the show once before in 1975. The Daleks were one of the first monsters to terrify audiences in 1963, 50 years ago, cementing their place in British popular culture.


Steven Moffat, lead writer and executive producer, said:

“The Doctor once said that you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies, so it’s fitting that for this very special episode, he should be facing the greatest enemies of all.”

The 50th anniversary episode was shot earlier this year at BBC Cymru Wales’ Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff and across South Wales. Filming also took place in iconic London locations the Tower of London and Trafalgar Square for a huge stunt, which saw Matt Smith dangling from a TARDIS alongside Nelson’s Column.



  • Esterath

    July 22nd, 2013 - 10:32am

    The 50th sounds really awesome! Can’t wait to see it!

  • Scott the Raptor

    July 22nd, 2013 - 10:14am

    I’m actually quite upset. We Brits pay for the programme to be made, and Americans get to see trailers first!


    July 22nd, 2013 - 10:12am

    THEY WONT BE :angry:


    July 22nd, 2013 - 10:11am

    Wow awesome pictures guys.

    Hey I wonder what Clara’s reaction will be when she meets the daleks…again also it’s gonna be cool to see JOHN HURTHIMSELF FIGHT THE DALEKS 🙂

  • Nelsonator

    July 22nd, 2013 - 10:07am

    I don’t know if the paradigm daleks are in this?

  • Matt

    July 22nd, 2013 - 9:43am

    I do believe she’s playing the Queen, (whichever The Doctor marries or gets it on with?) Because she’s been seen on shooting photos wearing queen-like clothes 🙂

  • doc fan

    July 22nd, 2013 - 9:41am

    it was just bound to happen

  • Time’s Ending……

    July 22nd, 2013 - 9:39am

    Yes I agree with Doctor 909, having looked the photos of the daleks, it very much looks like they could well be on Gallifrey during the Time War, going a wee bit further, I wonder if they will be leading upto the on scene we have never ever seen on Doctor Who, namely the regeneration of the 8th doctor into the 8th & half 8th & half Doctor, perhaps the regeneration was only partially completed and so the 8.5 Doctor knew he had to – ” what I did, I did without choice, in the name of peace & sanity”. I suspect we’ll find out, certainly the wait is worth it……

  • booboo

    July 22nd, 2013 - 9:30am

    we will see something but dont know how long and yes i think its unfair the people who pay for it are excluded for seeing it.

  • Sam (UDWF1)

    July 22nd, 2013 - 9:29am

    I can’t help but notice the Gallifreyan symbols… surely it can’t be the Time War!

    Then again, there are speculations that the episode will see the Doctor and Clara tumbling through the Doctor’s timeline after the events of the Name of the Doctor

  • TheWhomobile

    July 22nd, 2013 - 9:28am

    Oh so we can’t ever see it? That seems a little unfair 🙁

  • MadManWithABox

    July 22nd, 2013 - 9:15am

    It’s been shown at comicon yesterday, though moffet begged the fans not to film it and put it online

  • matt9982

    July 22nd, 2013 - 8:57am

    Opps forgot my email, lol

  • Anonymous

    July 22nd, 2013 - 8:56am

    I think Joanna page is going to play john hurts companion as 10 and 11 both have a companion so maybe that’s who she will play

  • Anonymous

    July 22nd, 2013 - 8:49am

    I have a feeling this will be a flashback

  • TheWhomobile

    July 22nd, 2013 - 8:45am

    Well this certainly looks interesting although I didn’t ever really want to see the TW. Anyone know when the trailer is going to be released?

  • RYCBAR123

    July 22nd, 2013 - 8:34am

    First of all: Yay time war! Second: What if Tennant is somehow playing the Metacrisis Doctor? It’s Doctor Who, anything can happen! 😀

  • Cyberking281

    July 22nd, 2013 - 7:41am

    When i saw the title of this page “Daleks’ Return For The 50th Special First Official Images”‘ i got quite excited, but i just hope the Cybermen return too

  • Matt Smithy

    July 22nd, 2013 - 7:18am

    This looks like the time war! 😀

  • Doctor 909

    July 22nd, 2013 - 7:05am

    It looks like there will be some Gallifrey sences because there is a gold galifrayian ball (picture 1) and it looks like there is a chair or a gold door (back of picture 1). Love the Daleks this should be amazing


    July 22nd, 2013 - 7:02am

    IT’S THE LAST GREAT TIME WAR !!!!!!!!!!!

    Look at the 2nd picture closely, and you’ll notice just to the left of the Dalek, there’s the familiar round Gallifreyan text !!!!!!!.

    All these years we moan about never seeing the Time War, and now we get to see it 😀

  • Dalek: the Supreme

    July 22nd, 2013 - 4:23am

    Daleks? Oh, YES! Maybe we will see the Time War like many (Including myself) have speculated! I do hope we see some Paradigm Daleks too, but if these ones are from the Time War, I doubt it. I was honestly thrilled with their opinion in Asylum of the Daleks, and this feels like icing on the cake of epicness! 😀

  • Adam

    July 22nd, 2013 - 2:13am

    Ooooo now this should be good. Clara removed the doctor from there minds so they don’t know who he is from the episode asylum of the daleks.

  • Anonymous

    July 22nd, 2013 - 2:10am

    Asylum had so mich promise, but yet again, moffet proves je can ruin even the most coolest plots

  • Sebatron

    July 22nd, 2013 - 2:02am


  • poojoo

    July 22nd, 2013 - 12:56am

    finally. missed the daleks. Hope its not like Dalek Asylum that was quite bad but still interesting. Just want to see some exterminating!!!!

  • Jeremy

    July 22nd, 2013 - 12:42am

    This will be since its his greatest enemies!!!!

  • James Mullan

    July 22nd, 2013 - 12:37am

    Daleks are back for the fifty anniversary, this is going to go down in television history. Looking forward to what John Hurt’s Doctor is all about and what he don’t to break the promise.

  • Will

    July 22nd, 2013 - 12:16am

    This looks excellent! So glad to see the Daleks back to celebrate their 50th too.

  • Jamie

    July 22nd, 2013 - 12:11am

    Daleks on Gallifrey! The Time War!

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