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The Final Moments of The Name of the Doctor
The Final Moments of The Name of the Doctor
The Final Moments of The Name of the Doctor – Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2 2013
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The Final Moments of The Name of the Doctor
The Final Moments of The Name of the Doctor – Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2 2013
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May 19th, 2013 - 11:17amif he is the forgotten doctor, it makes you think how many other forgotten doctors there are!
Dalek Smith
May 19th, 2013 - 11:10amguys i think i have figured out who john hurts doctor is he is the first doctor, william hartnell was the first regeneration, john hurt did something so bad the only way to get away from it was to run away, change his appearance and change his name hence the reason matt smith said that whatever john hurt did it was not in the name of the doctor because it was before he became the doctor
May 19th, 2013 - 11:10amI think there are 3 possible scenarios for this “Doctor” (for what my opinion is worth):
1. He’s the 11th Doctors clone from Bad Wolf… we know DT and Rose are on their way back for the 50th.
2. He’s the original Doctor, eg before William Hartnell, a “Ground Zero” Doctor if you will
3. He’s the Valeyard.
Time will tell, and whilst #3 is my favorite option, I think the signs are all pointing towards #1… and he’s NOT the 8th/9th Doctor!
May 19th, 2013 - 11:07amI agree that this is probably the version of the Doctor between Macgann and Ecclestone that ended the time war – Clara didn’t see him in the time stream because almost all of the incarnation is time-locked with the time war – this could have been an echo of the last moments as whatever he did to end it could have forced his regeneration into Ecclestone
May 19th, 2013 - 10:49amAll the other doctors were all running or even fleeing. John Hurt (or whoever he is playing) didn’t run, he stood his ground. He is most likely the man who stood his ground in the Time War.
If he is the 9th Doctor then it means Matt Smith is the 12th which means there is only one more incarnation for the Doctor unless River made him a kind of “Super-Time Lord”.
May 19th, 2013 - 10:45amMatt Smith recognised him as a past incarnation, and the Valeyard is a future incarnation, as stated in bothe Trial of a Timelord and Name of the Doctor, so I don’t think it can be the Valeyard.
As a seperate point, I don’t think the Valeyard could come in without the show getting much darker, so surely it couldn’t still be a children’s show
May 19th, 2013 - 10:43amI think this John Hurt Doctor will be the one who destroyed Gallifrey and hopefully the 50th special will finally put the whole time war thing to rest. I mean let’s face it we were never going to see the time war and I for one am getting a bit fed up hearing about it as we know the outcome. Good episode,good cliff hanger let’s hope the 50th pays off.
May 19th, 2013 - 10:32amHe’s a past doctor.
But Clara saw all the DOCTORS and since this one didn’t act under the name of the Doctor she didn’t see him.
It’s more than likely that he’s from the time war.
May 19th, 2013 - 10:30amThe majority of people who watch dip in and out mate. It’s for joe average, not you
May 19th, 2013 - 10:30amBut river gave him her remaining lives, so he has more than one, and they will find a way to make him live longer, don’t worry!
Andy Hall
May 19th, 2013 - 10:28amAgreed. That just felt cheesy.
May 19th, 2013 - 10:20amI have just watched this weeks episode. Breathtaking. I have one question, does the arrival of John Hurt mean that Matt Smith is no longer going to be in the programme?And what about Clara? Thanks!
May 19th, 2013 - 10:19amNo don’t think so,Dr.10 met Rassilon in his final story if you recall so it’s not him.
May 19th, 2013 - 10:19amMaybe he is in league with the silence!
May 19th, 2013 - 10:19amIn my opinion – Hurt’s ‘doctor’ is from the time war and sits between the doctors we know as 8th (pm) and 9th (ce). The doctor chose his name and as he said in NOTD it is a promise. The actions he took during the time war could not be carried out in the name of the doctor which is way Hurt wasn’t technically one of the incarnations of the doctor but he is still a past, regeneration of the time lord we know as the doctor. This would make Matt Smith the 12th doctor and as the valeyard is an amalgamtion of the doctor between his 12th and final incarnations then it won’t be an unknown addition to new who if the valeyard is used when smith’s run comes to its end as a I’m sure the valeyard was Googled a lot in the last 24 hours 🙂
May 19th, 2013 - 10:09amwell he doesn’t look like the 9th, he looked like the future one or someone else, how can he be the 9th doctor even if Christopher played the 9th, or was he supposed to be the 9th instead of Chris.
May 19th, 2013 - 10:02amWhy have “Introducing John Hurt as The Doctor” on the screen???????? We know it’s a Doctor – we’re in his time line. They might as well have put “this is all fiction and all characters are played by actors”.
Big D
May 19th, 2013 - 9:57amI like it. Would love to see a pre Hartnell for the 50th Special.
Big D
May 19th, 2013 - 9:49amBut isnt he already doing that? I mean, look at viewing figures. Also on a personal note, as a ‘Whovian’ from the very beginning and having attended many conferences/festivals etc, I know an awful lot who have cast aside their scarves and sonic screwdrivers in despair and frustration at trhe way it has gone.
Big D
May 19th, 2013 - 9:40amEither Valeyard or Doctor Zero (the reason why he became The Doctor and left Gallifrey in the very beginning – this would fit well with a 50th anniversary special and bring it full circle as it were)
the astronaut of death
May 19th, 2013 - 9:37ami think it is the 8th doctor just older
May 19th, 2013 - 9:37amDont we need to remember this is all leading up to the 50th & we KNOW tennent is cast????
Gotta go with journeys end docotr who ages (so was DT on beach with rose but aged to look like john hurt)
May 19th, 2013 - 9:34amOh id have LOVED that
Andy Hall
May 19th, 2013 - 9:14amMe too. Totally agree.
May 19th, 2013 - 9:12amI think he might turn out to be the original incarnation of the Black or the White Guardian… Forged from who is now known as The Doctor.
May 19th, 2013 - 8:40amIf he is an past doctor and clara seen all of him then could he not be an older 8th doctor and since he is still alive then the next three doctors didnt happen, technically and this means that all the enemies that those three stopped prevail, sort of like what the great intelligence wanted
May 19th, 2013 - 8:28amHe’s not wearing black, he’s wearing a mixture of clothing from 8 and 9
May 19th, 2013 - 8:28amHe said that regenerate thing as a joke and if we think to when river gave him her regenerations she had left then he has + another 11 regenerations but in angels take manhatten the doctor used a regeneration to fix rivers wrist
May 19th, 2013 - 8:10amI think this doctor is a duplicate.
Remember the way tennant talked to his ‘dupe’ in journeys end? That he was born in battle and was only filled with anger? Well i think this one was duplicated in the time war and became more time lord than they ment him to be.
Or a more strong theory is that he is a time lord who also escaped the time war by killing many time lords possibly and has been going around calling himself the doctor and telling other races about him who forgot him with the whole doctor who thing. He has been going around telling them all so they would hunt and kill the doctor who he may hate for a reason we dont know yet
Son of Strax
May 19th, 2013 - 8:08amI think the operative word here is PART. The Doctor is now in his own Time Stream. He could encounter all his past, present and future regenerations. Therefore John Hurt, John Barrowman or even Mickey Mouse could play cameo versions of all Doctors. As Time is paradoxical, his entry in to his time stream may have been the cause of the Time Wars in the first place (or last place as the case may be)