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October 31st, 2009 3 comments

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Waters of Mars News and Reviews

The press screening has now taken place for Doctor Who The Waters of Mars. David Tennant gave the transmission date of Sunday 15th November live on Air during a GMTV interview.

There have been many interviews and news articles some of which you can see below…

Lizo Mzimba made the following comments on Twitter Just after the press screening …

Just about to watch Waters of Mars. Sitting directly behind David Tennant and Russell T. Davies.

Wow. Great episode. And fab new End of Time trailer.

Very emotional and scary. New territory for The Doctor.

Audience here quite shell shocked by the intensity.

First scene of next special will be shown at Children In Need. Which is 3 minutes of the Doctor arriving on the Ood sphere.

You can see news articles and previews and the following… BBC News, CBBC Newsround , Sfx Magazine, Digital Spy,,, Mail Online

ITN News Interview…

Channel 5 Interview…

BBC News Interview…

Gmtv Interview…

BBC Breakfast the day before with Russell T Davies and Waters of Mars clip …

Waters of Mars -Sunday 15th Nov 7.00pm

Mars, 2059. Bowie Base One. Last recorded message: “Don’t drink the water. Don’t even touch it. Not one drop.”

Starring David Tennant as The Doctor and guest starring acclaimed British stage and screen actress Lindsay Duncan, The Waters Of Mars is the second Doctor Who special to be screened this year.

Lindsay plays Adelaide – the Doctor’s cleverest and most strong-minded companion. She and the Doctor face terror on the Red Planet in one of the scariest adventures yet.

Neighbours, Flying Doctors and Casualty star Peter O’Brien also guest stars as Ed, Adelaide’s second-in-command at the base.

The Waters Of Mars is written by Russell T Davies and Phil Ford and is directed by Graeme Harper.



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  • Androvax

    October 30th, 2009 - 3:36pm

    great will make a date in my diary can’t wait till the 15th

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