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January 26th, 2020 85 comments

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What Did You Think of Fugitive of the Judoon?

Now that the Fifth episode of series 12 has aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.

Trigger-happy space police the Judoon are targeting 21st-century Gloucester. The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham race back to Earth in order to prevent them doing too much damage to the cathedral city.

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  • Pats86

    January 26th, 2020 - 9:10pm

    Not sure what to say at this point? I need to think about how I feel about this episode and it’s possible ramifications.

    The end credits to say introducing Jo Martin as the Doctor, just as John Hurt was.

    Not a fan of captain Jack but the scene when he thought Graham was the Doctor made wish it was true!


    January 26th, 2020 - 9:05pm

    I’m not sure how I feel about that, it seems Chibnall is just throwing everything at us at once, I hope it’s all relevant and actually pays off. It was so good to see Jack, and just affirms that he has more life and character in him than all three of Whittaker’s companions put together – this week showed us again how useless those three are. I don’t think I can pass judgement until we find out all the answers, but I hope Jack comes back as I worry that this one off appearance may be a bit gimmicky, because really anyone could’ve delivered the Doctor that message, why did it have to be him? What’s the relevance? And that portion of the plot wasn’t really relevant to the whole Judoon thing, it just got Whittaker’s ‘fam’ out of the way so she could get on with the main plot. Yeah, so as much as I loved Jack, it did feel a bit shoehorned in… my thoughts on it keep changing!

  • Trenzalore

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:57pm

    I really enjoyed it, the best 13 story by far. The story was clever and straightforward which for an episode with so many surprises was really needed, and something Moffat never got right. A story arc like this is exactly what has been missing and the references to the past were nicely employed – though the reliance on past doctor who monsters/characters/plot devices (unknown past doctors, the chameleon arc) perhaps shows they’re struggling to give Jodie her own iconic monsters/characters. However, can’t wait to find out what the lone cyberman is all about and who this new doctor is – it clearly isn’t as straightforward her being before the 1st doctor or 13 would remember, maybe its part of the Masters plan as we surely haven’t seen the last of him.

    I really enjoyed Whittaker here, things like tensions within the TARDIS team is something the show really needs to finally add some depth to these characters – although again Yaz struggles to stand out, I hope the writers know that making her do police stuff every episode doesn’t make her instantly a fully formed, fleshed out character, but there was still some nice companion moments (like when Graham looked at that cake lol).

    Finally the episode just looked really good, possibly the best directed of 13s run – the scenes around the lighthouse reminded me of the movie The Ring – it had a great foreboding vibe. The music seemed quite mature here too. Its a shame that the episode was proceeded by two not great episodes putting people off – the promotion for the episode seemed almost an admission that the last two episodes weren’t great and suggests they must be keeping an eye on the viewing figures. I just hope the show gets more consistent – theres no reason why every episode shouldn’t be like today’s but I imagine it will go back to normal next week until the Cyberman episode.

  • Savo79

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:48pm

    By far the best episode of thirteens run. Brilliant to see Jack back, hope to see more of him in following episodes or it’s a bit of a waste. Actually want to tune in next week to see were it’s going. I will be unimpressed if their messing with established continuity but it’s not worth getting annoyed yet as we don’t know where it’s going. Could be alternate Universe or false memory or something else entirely. I prefer Ruth’s Tardis, they should use that set instead of the himalayan rock salt showroom. There are still some potential issues given that this episode sets up a lot of questions and is only going to be satisfying in the long term if the answers are any good, I still think there’s too many companions to give any of them space to develop or guest stars to have enough room in the run time but this episode was better written and above all entertaining. Here’s hoping the series has turned a corner and is going somewhere exciting.

  • The Seventh’s Doctor Umbrella Stand

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:39pm

    I think this is either going to be an alternative timeline doctor. Or this is going to be linked to the faces that were shown to the doctor in one of the orginal series episodes. The name of which escapes me.

    I am loving the reaction of some on here. People forget that Chris Chibnall has always been a massive fan of the orginal series so I do not expect him to go even close to change the doctors past permanently.

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:39pm

    People need to calm down. They are being so ridiculous. Oh and if the person who is unhappy with the thought there was another regeneration cycle before hartnell is so adamant they are done then you have to end with Smith not capaldi. Capaldi is the first doctor of his new regeneration cycle. I find the idea intriguing. This could bring the idea of the other into play. A doctor who goes back to the genesis of time lord society.

  • The Ergon

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:36pm

    The show veered off slightly with the inclusion of ‘The War doctor’ so why not here?

  • RuthAintTheDoctor

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:36pm

    I liked the episode but it wasn’t a timelord, it was a Gallifreyen. Looking good Chibbers just don’t let the real fans down

  • Jordan9364

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:28pm

    Enjoyed it at first but reaaally hope they don’t do what I think they’re doing. All I could think of was THAT article ‘leak’

  • The last doctor

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:21pm

    Why do I feel like, whatever this story arc is, it’s going completely rewrite the canon. If my gut feeling turns out be true that the doctor has another regeneration cycle before the 1st doctor. Then I refuse to see jodies doctor and all the stories as canon. therefore the doctor will have ended with capaldi in my heart. It was so sad to see jack used as a cheap move by the bbc, Jack Could have been in smith and capaldi stories, they wait until the show is on the thin ice and bring him back to try and get back on the side of diehard fans

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:18pm

    Unbelievable. We don’t know what the storyline will be. We don’t know that the past is being rewritten. In fact it isn’t. The doctor states emphatically that ruth isn’t from her past. Seems to me it’s likely to be an alternative universe. And yet people are being ridiculously overdramatic. Personally I don’t mind if the past is rewritten. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a show. And I loved it.

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:18pm

    I need more time to process that before I can even begin to give coherent thoughts on it, but it was definitely the best of Jodie Whittaker’s era so far.

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:17pm

    Utter utter trash after watching since 67 im joining the rest of the millions and giving up on this insult to Dr who

  • The Ergon

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:16pm

    Could they be facilitating a female version of Doctor Who to run alongside the male version?

  • Obsie

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:13pm

    I feel as though I’ve just had the last 50yrs of the programme ripped out of me.

  • prototype dalek

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:12pm

    Must admit, I did get confused with everything after a while with the Judoon, Time lords, other Doctor, Jack being back, Ruth’s partner. Just thought it was too much in a short amount of time and in the end know nothing more about anything.

    Am glad to see Jack back after 10 years.

  • James Guthrie

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:12pm

    I knew none of this, not even a hint, and it was WONDERFUL! No spoilers! And completely mind blowing as a result. I think this is my favourite 13th Dr episode so far. Changing the Dr’s history? Bring. It. On!

  • Simon W

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:12pm

    WOW,WOW,WOW,WOW now that’s what I call an BRILLIANT story 2 Doctor’s a timelord and Captain Jack. So either the Doctor (13) was made to forget the Ruth Doctor and she is a Doctor from before we know as the 1st Dr or the other way around cant wait to find out let’s hope Captain Jack will be back this season.


    January 26th, 2020 - 8:12pm

    I loved it, simply loved it. Not a complaint in my head, roll on next week.

  • Hazumu

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:11pm

    Could this be the emergence Of a certain unbound Doctor…

  • ColinB

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:09pm

    What an amazing episode.
    The Judoon.
    Captain Jack.
    Another tardis.
    Another doctor (ruth) who is brilliant as the doctor.
    Another gallifreyan.
    Good story filled with teasing questions.
    The lone cyberman mentioned (teaser)
    Future and past mixed up.
    So far this is best episode hand down.

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:09pm

    So cornball rewriting past doctor’s history I give up

  • Get Chibnall OUT…NOW!

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:07pm

    Oh dear. What started as a reasonably good story, became instead a turn of events in the Doctors past. I am not amused. It is potentially treading on the legacy of the FIRST Doctor William Hartnell. I am done with this show, and I shall be writing to the BBC for the immediate sacking of Chris Chibnall.

  • When The Doctor Was Me

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:05pm

    Ok, so the Judoon stuff was great!
    I’m VERY worried about where this Doctor thing is going. It would be a insult to the show, fans and Hartnell to have had a hidden cycle of incarnations before him. I really hope it’s all a ploy to sidetrack something. Something like the Doctor’s consciousness has been placed in peoples heads as part of a plan against her.
    I’m worried. Maybe a little to much.

  • Rikki Krystal

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:05pm

    Rubbish,just change the history of the programme
    i’m done with it now
    all time low ratings

  • The Ergon

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:04pm

    So is there a female doctor parallel lifeline, Is that why we have 13th and ruth? Oh and welcome back cheeseball captain Jack.

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:04pm

    Wow, wow, WOW!!! Amazing episode!!! The return of the Judoon and Captain Jack and that whole Ruth Doctor thing is making me curious. I hope Jack will be back for the final.

  • CJ

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:02pm

    wow so many questions and love the surprise of an old friend

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:02pm

    What the hell just happened
    And they better not be re writing the doctors past to say William hartnell was not the 1st doctor

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 8:02pm

    And that is why no spoilers allowed is so brilliant! Alternative universe doctor maybe? Oh and new Jack figure I think.

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