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November 23rd, 2013 362 comments

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What Did You Think of The Day of the Doctor?

What Did You Think of The Day of the Doctor?

The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th anniversary special.

In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London’s National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor’s own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.

Day of The Doctor DVD and Blu-rays

All of reality is at stake as the Doctor’s own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.

Day of the Doctor Starring Matt Smith, David Tennant, Jenna Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt.


The DVD is available to order from or

The Blu-ray is available from or

Doctor Who the Day of The Doctor Merchandise

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who with these great mugs, t shirts, travel pass holders and prints featuring the 10th and 11th Doctors and the mysterious Doctor played by John Hurt!

Available to order from




  • Katrina

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:34pm

    Yes I was sooo happy that they remembered to put that in 😀

  • pug dalek

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:33pm

    Way???? That is like saying doctor who is in the past and who cares for the fans who like an new and epic episode that like in 1983 that is got all the doctors on hes/them home planet

  • Katrina

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:30pm

    Also I forgot to add WHY didn’t Tom ask matt ” Would you like a jelly baby ?” I was upset as that always made Tom sooo funny ( not that he wasn’t already funny )

  • The 13th Doctor

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:28pm

    Did anyone notice the policeman on totters lane at the beginning?

  • Adam Sumnall (The Biggest Doctor Who Fan Thats Ever Lived)

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:27pm

    No,the he is the 12th doctor but the 13th incarnation. John Hurt didnt call himself “The Doctor”

  • Katrina

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:27pm

    I didn’t really like it I think they should have got the older doctors / look a likes ( eg. The 9th,8th,7th,6th,5th,4th,3rd,2nd and most importantly WILLIAM HARTELL 1st doctor ) to have a more exciting epfor the 50th

  • The 13th Doctor

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:26pm

    Would have been nice to see the emperor but still great!

  • The 13th Doctor

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:24pm

    And the policeman outside!

  • The 13th Doctor

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:23pm

    Incredibly well placed shots to take them all out at once!
    But great!

  • videogamemad00

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:21pm

    The poll should be id this or ‘The End Of Time’ canon.

  • The 13th Doctor

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:20pm

    I thought it was great!
    My only critism is it could have been longer
    (more Daleks, Time war, Slightly longer Doctor cameo’s)
    Everyone involved should be proud!


    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:12pm

    Yer I guess :/ cos if I had it my way and they only had the new daleks many fans would be complaing like I am only they would say bring back the time war daleks, but I suppose there’s still lots of time for the new daleks to make a good development 🙂 but dosnt it annoy you abit how a knock from a tardis or a push from a sonic breaks them into pieces?

  • whofan4ever

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:11pm

    they didn’t need to show it. The fall of Arcadia happened and that is what we saw of it. Personally i like to focus on the postives such as seeing all ’13’ doctors saving Gallifrey

  • JustCurious

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:05pm

    I am indeed pretty new to doctor who, but I’ve also seen almost every single episode and I really am curious what holes you are talking about…

  • Exterminator

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:03pm

    It was better than I was expecting. It needed more of the daleks and the time war. Where was davros and the dalek emperor?

  • David G

    November 23rd, 2013 - 11:01pm

    An amazing continuation of the storyline. Lovely cohesive links to the 10th anniversary referring to the Cromer files and Brigadier lethbridge Stewart as well as many others. At least the next few decades are secured with the search for Gallifrey. John Hurt excellent and The rapport between Tennant and Smith superb. Well done!

  • 100000BC

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:59pm

    I think he is some sort of revisitation of the 4th Doctor’s body by the 11th or 12th Doctors… “I never forget a face” “I know you don’t. And in years to come you might find yourself revisiting a few. But just the old favourites, eh?”

  • videogamemad00

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:56pm

    It’s actually quite sad they put effort into it. I’d rather they hadn’t. Couldn’t they just have put a repeat of a good episode on?

  • Dalek the Supreme

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:56pm

    Unfortunately, so many fans refused to give the new Daleks a chance that they were made an officer class. Guess it just goes to show the irony in the fact that SOME (Not all!) fans of a show all about change can’t accept it.

  • Dalek the Supreme

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:54pm

    The Moment let the Time Lock slip so the War Doctor could see 10 and 11. The Doctor jumped in and pulled Clara out, it was shown back in The Name of the Doctor.

  • 100000BC

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:54pm

    It can probably (with the power of time travel to take it to before the event) undo anything from any point in time at all.

  • Jerry

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:52pm

    Without the Tom Baker part, I’d give it thumbs down!!

  • Dalek the Supreme

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:52pm

    I loved it. John Hurt’s Doctor was not at all what I was expecting (an angry, stern, warlike man). Instead, we got a man who was so sad and so tired of it all. The Zygons were amazing, and the conflict between the War Doctor and his future selves was brilliant all around. The Daleks weren’t nearly as involved as I thought they’d be, but didn’t fail to impress. The visuals were great, and that ending with Tom Baker and then all the Doctors was beautiful. Moffat, you have impressed me once again, but I’ll have to re-watch it a few times before I form a final opinion.

  • starshipalaska

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:51pm

    He said something like, “In later life, we come back to the old favourites…”

  • Anonymous

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:50pm

    Look, I know we’re all allowed opinions and stuff but do you have to always critisise everything? The production team and actors have worked extremely hard on this to please us, and most of us are over the mood with it, we appreciate the work put into this. If you don’t like anything from the show recently just stop watching it. Sorry, but you could just appreciate the work and money put into the show.

  • matparks08

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:49pm

    brilliant and a fitting way to celebrate – Capaldi, Tom Baker, Zygons. The after show party was as bad as I expected (One Direction, seriously?) but then pressed red button for 5-ish Doctors which was a perfect way to end the night.

  • simon w

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:47pm

    wow it was brillient and to see the great 4th Doctor Tom Baker in the end

  • videogamemad00

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:41pm

    Oh, so basically it can undo anything done in the RTD era?

  • Nathan

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:39pm

    I don’t think it was the fourth Doctor, I think it was just Tom Baker making a cameo (which was great) as a different character. Although I could be wrong (and I hope I am; I’d love to think that it was the Doctor).

  • 100000BC

    November 23rd, 2013 - 10:36pm

    The Moment/Bad Wolf/Rose did it to show the JH Doctor the 10th and 11th Doctors, and then to assist them (The Moment is a weapon with a conscience, choosing how to use its power with the help of its user).

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