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November 8th, 2014 92 comments

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What do You Think of The 12th Doctor & Series 8?

Now that we have had chance to see a full series of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor what do you think? Is he on his way to being the best or just not for you…

And now that we have seen all 12 Episodes from series 8 of Doctor Who, and the first staring Peter Capaldi, what were your favourites?

dvd-comp2Doctor Who: Series 8 DVD/Blu-ray – BBC Shop Exclusive

Doctor Who The Complete Series 8 starring brand new Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldiand his trusty companion Clara, played by Jenna Coleman.

This Limited Edition BBC Shop exclusive Blu-ray or DVD set comes complete with a bright embossed TARDIS slipcase finished with silver foil and a ‘press here’ button, which when pressed plays the legendary TARDIS sound effect. The Collector’s Edition also contains 6 exclusive art cards featuring images of The Doctor and monsters from the new series.

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Doctor Who: Series 8 DVD. Available to pre-order now!

Series 8 of Doctor Who returns to UK TV screens on 23rd August, starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara.

The series is set to open with a feature length episode titled “Deep Breath”.

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  • Ian

    November 9th, 2014 - 4:02pm

    Well said!

  • Mralexander25

    November 9th, 2014 - 3:02pm

    Its not Capaldis fault, its SMs writting. Capaldi could be great, and I will suffer the Doctor’s midlife crisis because the first Doctor wasn’t exactly a nice person.

    But that is the point, do something different. Stop rehashing the old and create something new.


    November 9th, 2014 - 2:11pm

    Love capaldi. The stories overall didn,t do him justice but there were a few fun moments-The doctor in the handbag, the mummy episode and the missi reveal all highlights (although I still can,t swallow the master as a woman,even now. Lets go back to basics for series 9 and some new classic monsters instead of daleks and cybermen.

  • dalek eternal

    November 9th, 2014 - 1:18pm

    best series since the series 1 of the reboot. peter capaldi has been amazing in every episode only episode I wasn’t too keen on was in the forest of the night which wasn’t capaldi’s fault the scenes he was in were brilliant but I loved every other episode. very consistent series with a lot of references to the classic era especially the brigadier in the finale.

  • Mralexander25

    November 9th, 2014 - 1:14pm

    Yes but Tom maybe that is what is making things bad. SM just keeps rehashing things we have already seen. He is not treating the Doctor WHO cannon with respect. He introduces characters and plots, not in an attempt to improve them, but just to do an M. Knight Shyamalan movie.

    A twist with no purpose is just a dance!!! Pointless and anyone can do it.

    Respect the past but create a new future. And for the sake of all that is holy, stop killing people we like just to “surprise” us. I liked Osgood… more than I like Oswin.

    He’s shoving it down our throats… like a certain other movie director (Lucas).

    Clara = Jar Jar

  • Mralexander25

    November 9th, 2014 - 1:01pm


    You misunderstand… to clarify, I hate the writing. I hate the Doctors midlife crisis, am I good … am I a baddie…. blah blah blah

    You’ve had close to 1000 years, you changed your face, you changed your clothing, you DID NOT change the core of “WHO” you are, my dear Doctor.

    Now as for Capaldi and Jenna, I will be more specific. Capaldi is doing a terrific of portraying Moffat’s poor writing to screen. However, I will suffer the Doctors midlife crisis. He actually reminds me of the first Doctor, who was not always the nicest person.

    I hate both Clara as a character and Jenna as an actor. Telling me that she’s a good actor is like saying she’s really really good at making her character annoying and dull. Of course!!! She’s been doing it on purpose!!! Well then, she deserves to be OBE and bring on Emmy Awards. She’s the greatest actor of our generation. Wait what is the opposite of everything I just said?

    All companions have been grief stricken, All companions have lost something. What makes us great as people is that we RISE to the occasion. The experience of being with the Doctor brings the best out of them… not just more lying and falling to pieces. THAT IS LAME…


  • Big D

    November 9th, 2014 - 12:48pm

    Tom, nobody is criticising Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. Far from it in fact. He has the potential of being one of the very best Doctors. BUT….

    Mr Moffat hasnt allowed him to shine. He turned Clara (who pre this series, was a terrific companion) into an irritating, self obsessed, soap character who became the main focus of the season. Why Mr Moffat is so obsessed with her character I dont know?

    The stories whilst having some good premises, have been inconsistant, over complicated at times and very bitty. Its almost as if hes not had the time to think things through properly.

    But allowing Peter Capaldi to be so strongly overshadowed in his first season as the Doctor is a misguided judgement that does neither SM, PC, the series or us any credit.

  • tom haynes

    November 9th, 2014 - 12:21pm

    Give him a chance like with matt smith he was a young actor to play the doctor he was amazing as the doctor so give the new doctor a chance

  • tom haynes

    November 9th, 2014 - 12:18pm

    I think peter capaldi first series of doctor who he was great I think needs work to different doctors like matt smith he was serious every time the new doctor is he need to make some funny words and what he’s new catchphrase I can’t wait for this years Christmas special episode

  • Big D

    November 9th, 2014 - 10:52am

    Agree with everything you say.

  • gil

    November 9th, 2014 - 10:43am

    The second worst. McCoy’s first series is the very worst for me but this has been a very close runner up. Truly terrible.


    November 9th, 2014 - 9:54am

    Clara was only all over the place as she was grief stricken, and i think that made her interesting as we had never seen that side of her before

  • Parrick

    November 9th, 2014 - 9:48am

    The dramatic content of the series, especially between the Dr and Jenna, as well as the Mistress/ Master, was like watching one long domestic. Tantrums as substitute for drama, nagging for dialogue. Really it was like a relationship workshop. Get over it. Write something new or get out of the way.

  • matfav528

    November 9th, 2014 - 6:02am

    Peter is an actor, Jenna is an actor – do not confuse them with their characters which they have no say about. When you say “Capaldi is great but clara is all over the place” It looks like your confusing character with actor.

    I thought the dr (character is cold and unfeeling) Clara (character is self seeking) but they are written that way. As for Peter and Jenna – they did the best with what they had to work with.

  • MakeItStop

    November 9th, 2014 - 5:04am

    I’m really, really, really trying to let this go… but I REALLY HATED THIS SEASON.

    I wasn’t a fan of Martha at first, because I loved Rose, I kinda liked Donna at first but missed Martha, then I fell in love with Donna so much that I did not like Amy and Rory at first. Then I fell in love with them all.

    2 1/2 seasons and I STILL HATE CLARA OSWALD. BTW , Danny Pink just makes me dislike her even further.

    We are all bordering on being nerds (wear it proudly), but I think you will understand what I mean when I say the following:


    And as for story line … Let me get this straight, Danny’s love for Clara somehow prevented his emotion chip from going online? Did the billions of other dead humans not have loved ones? Or was it because he’s a math teacher? Did all of the resurrected math teachers figure out how to disable their emotion chips? If not … then that whole thing was stupid!

    And as for the Master, sorry the Mistress… am I the only one who thought she was a crazy kinda hot? I miss her more than I will EVER miss Clara.

    Still, if the whole point of this crazy scheme was to teach the Doctor that “He really wants an army” … I’m sorry, but Davros already had this same conversation with the doctor, um … 4 or 5 years ago. Remember? Planets, Sarah Jane, Osterhagen keys?

    I thought that when Moffat took over, that it would be a golden age of Weeping Angel worthy stories. Not so much..

    This season was flat and disappointing.

  • Mralexander25

    November 9th, 2014 - 4:29am

    So what do you people think now?

    1. She threatened to destroy all of the tardis keys

    2. She tried to blackmail the Doctor into changing history

    3. The Doctor was on a crashing plane and she tried to force him to do “only what she wanted” , “come take the chip out of Danny or I wont talk to you”.

    4. She was going to make the Doctor murder Missy. I found myself wanting to see the Master, more than I wanted to see Clara.

    Combine all of this with the fact that she’s not interesting, she’s not endearing, she’s shallow, she’s not Amy, Rose, Donna, River, Martha or even Sarah Jane for crying out loud.

    Capaldi is great … but Clara is all over the place. She has yet to do something to make me say “Wow she’s brilliant” … if they had kept her as a computer genius then maybe, but the Doctor acts as if she is his heart and soul. We have yet to see her do something worthy of that admiration.

    Just whine, whine, whine, cry, try to be bossy like Donna, think I love him like Rose and Martha and not look anywhere near as hot as Amy!

    And I’m all for strong women… My mother is strong woman. But Clara is not strong, she is arrogant. She has not been helpful in a while, and it makes her character pointless. Maybe if they left her as a computer genius, then that would have been interesting… But really is she the one to judge if the Doctor is a “Good Man”? She’s not even a “Good Woman”, so how would she know?

    And the whole Clara and Mr Pink thing is annoying. Is their purpose to be the opposite of everything we loved about Amy and Rory? And speaking for myself and all of my fellows in Armed Services across the globe, STOP BEING SUCH A WHINNY !#$@!#. Cry, Cry, Cry….. The Doctor is a General and I’m just a little cog in the machine. We go to war, we bring things back, but we didn’t become magically wiser than a 1000 year old Time Lord in the process.

    I hate the whole thing… Danny, the little girl who is destined to become a dropout, the elementary school rejects, the attack of the killer trees, the space orient express (a little too Titanic in space for me, wink) There is no originality, no character development and it makes Clara tiresome.

    Make it STOP!!!!

  • anthem68

    November 9th, 2014 - 3:14am

    This season will go down as perhaps THE worst in Dr. Who history! From beginning to end, things have gone down hill completely, except for PC ‘s acting. Kudos to PC for rising above the muck. If you go back to Eccelston’s series, you will find the very true soul of Dr. Who. And Doctors 10 & 11 carried the torch. From the writing, to the music, to the special effects, to companions, to the directors, this series has been a shambles. I have a hard time believing anyone can truly and honestly favourably compare this serie with all that has gone on before… Are people just blindly willing to accept anything? Obviously SM must go! Please, please, please start fresh with the next series. I’m a long-long-time fan of Dr. Who and I haven’t been very happy since late August… Fantastic! NOT!!!!!!!

  • 47

    November 9th, 2014 - 12:14am

    Peter Capaldi has been excellent, and I’m pleased his Doctor has been allowed, finally, to develop. As for the series, certainly better than the Matt Smith era – garbage, didn’t miss him at all,however, it was only quite good overall. The main problems, for me, were stories being overrun in the early episodes with abysmal comedy and waaaay tooo much Clara/Pink throughout, I just wish the Doctor would have punked him out, just once !!. Tiresome and annoying. Also, the over bearing and insulting views that were expressed towards soldiers,and the anti-American jibe in the final episode, etcetera and so forth. Social commentary needs to be balanced, and let the viewer decide, rather than lead them by the nose for the writers whim or political view. Looking forward to the next season, would be good to have more of the Master and Gallifrey…… And now they have at last got around to setting up Capaldi’s Doctor, surely they can just get on with plot, story telling, sci-fi, gravity, weight and drama and leave the after mentioned nonsense out of it.
    The series, did though, get better as it went on, mainly as Capaldi became more central, and that was the best part of the series…… The 12th Doctor.

  • Exterminator

    November 9th, 2014 - 12:10am

    I agree completely.

  • matfav528

    November 9th, 2014 - 12:02am

    Peter capaldi and Jenna coleman have been outstanding, having to do their best with poor scripts, directions and outcomes. It has become a childrens show much like the sarah jane adventures and loses everyone else.

    When missy stole the show in the last episode, I wish their could have been more on screen time.

    The mistake with Dr Who has been to regress the character of the dr rather than progress the character, The dr being unfeeling and psychopathic, The dr being just plain dumb made missys light shine even brighter.

    I hope it does better in the next season or I predict it will disappear from our screens like galifrey.

  • the astronaut of death

    November 8th, 2014 - 10:08pm

    I felt the series it self has been great I have loved most of the stories and the series finale was amazing my best episode of the series is probably death in heaven but my worst is time heist but over all a great series probably one of my best.

    and as for the capaldi,s doctor at first I was a bit unsure but now I love him a great addition to a list of amazing actors to have played the doctor!

  • Big D

    November 8th, 2014 - 10:03pm

    Honestly. Overall (and it pains me to say it) this series was average at best. Quite simply the fault has laid with some poor writing and plotting. Far, far, far too much emphasis on Clara and Danny. Its become too soap opera-ish for my liking. SM has to go now.
    However. Peter Capaldi has been a good Doctor (he could and should have been a great Doctor – again I blame SM). Michelle Gomez as Missy has been a true standout. I thought she was terrific. Indeed its an unforgiveable crime that the writers didnt give both her and The Doctor more screen time together.
    Hopefully, now that Clara has gone (fingers crossed – though I no longer trust SM), this will return to being a show about Doctor Who.

  • DoctorFan

    November 8th, 2014 - 9:44pm


  • Dalekparadigm2

    November 8th, 2014 - 9:35pm

    Capaldi is not on his way to being my favorite, he IS my favorite.

  • Cymon

    November 8th, 2014 - 9:32pm

    Peter is a great Doctor and Jenna is a great companion, but I think a lot of this season has been aimed at children rather than the whole family which is a shame as I was hoping that when an older actor took over the role the series would move away from the childish elements seen in Matt Smiths era
    I also think the doctor has not taken centre stage as much as he should, this series has featured Clara too much with the doctor on the sidelines too much.
    Although the Christmas episode will probably be child friendly, hopefully season 9 will be slightly more adult orientated so the whole family can enjoy it not just the kids


    November 8th, 2014 - 9:23pm

    capaldi has been very good this series, i just feel the writing has suffered.
    his best doctor moment is definitely from flatline, naming the boneless. its a shame that wasn’t in the finale

    In terms of the whole series, it was ok on first impression. There were problems with pacing, and plot holes.
    Good: DP, ITD, TH, KTM, MOTOE, F, DW

  • Gallifrey Will Rise Again

    November 8th, 2014 - 9:20pm

    I think peter capaldi has been an excellent doctor and a nice change of pace from chris,david & matt (my doctor). The series has been brilliant with only a couple of weak episodes(time heist & in the forest of the night) and ended with the best series finale since series 2.

  • PedroPete

    November 8th, 2014 - 9:10pm

    It has been amazing apart from possibly Dark Water.

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    November 8th, 2014 - 9:09pm

    My favourite four: Mummy on the Orient Express, Death in Heaven, Into the Dalek and Deep Breath.

  • galifery

    November 8th, 2014 - 9:05pm

    Cool thut up and listen !!

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