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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • The 14th Doctor

    June 13th, 2012 - 10:15am

    Well unless it’s a false story, this is an official confirmation. Never seen an Ice Warrior story before, so I’m looking foward to seeing them

  • booboo

    June 13th, 2012 - 10:13am

    rumour started from the The Daily Star, nothing confirmed but seems likely as its been muted for a while

  • The 14th Doctor

    June 13th, 2012 - 10:11am

    Aw cheers dude. It is my ambition to write at some point in my life, so comments like that do me good :~D.

  • The 14th Doctor

    June 13th, 2012 - 10:09am

    IMPORTANT (sorry to post again, I must be quite annoying)

    According to an interview on STV, the Ice Warriors ARE returning in Series 7, in an episode written by Mark Gatiss. I don’t know if this is a new story, but that interview came out only 22 hours ago, so I thought I’d spread the word anyway.

  • Sebatron

    June 13th, 2012 - 9:34am


  • The supreme

    June 13th, 2012 - 8:09am

    jenna lc will face the ice warroiors


    June 13th, 2012 - 7:21am

    Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous

    June 13th, 2012 - 6:43am

    They’re not doing confidential any more, sorry.


    June 12th, 2012 - 9:09pm

    I don’t think the silence will be a main villain.
    The silence a part of a religious order and so are the headless monks and I think they are connected in some way. I have a feeling that the monks are returning because very little was said about them. Also, I think the monks and the silence work for Omega, here’s why:
    Omega said in The Three Doctors,”I SHOULD BE A GOD!!”. Therefore the monks and silence worship Omega.
    The Omega symbol on the clerics uniform. The clerics are also a religious order. I know Omega’s sign is 3 on its side but I think it’s a clue.
    Finally, the monks are headless which I thought was a big giveaway. In The Three Doctors, Omega lifted off his helmet and he had no head. I thought it would be the sort of thing Steven Moffat would as a joke.

    That is my theory and I think Omega is going to return for the 50th anniversary.

  • The 14th Doctor

    June 12th, 2012 - 7:47pm

    *Note from creator of post

    I know that the Silence always say “Silence will fall.” I think they mean this as in, they will fall then the whole universe falls. Their ambition is to destroy the universe and everyone in it, including themselves. They didn’t want it to be just them that “fell” which is why they never wanted the Doctor’s name revealed.

  • The 14th Doctor

    June 12th, 2012 - 7:42pm

    My own (quite complicated) theory.

    The Silence is made aware that the Doctor is alive after supposedly dying at Lake Silencio. It is revealed exactly why the Silence want the Doctor dead. The Silence want the universe to never have existed, as seen in Moffat’s first series. However when preventing the universe through blowing up the Tardis failed, they tried to kill the Doctor, because he had a hand in creating the universe in the first place. They capture a handful of the past doctors, and contact the 11th doctor. They threaten to kill the past doctors unless he agrees to come and be killed, on the fields of Trenzalore. They invite a number of the doctors old enemies to come and watch him die, as celebration. Shedloads of evil things turn up, such as the Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, The Master (we know he didn’t really die at The End of Time) and many more.

    The 11th Doctor agrees to come, but first calls on several old companions to come and be with him as he goes to the Fields of Trenzalore, to what he thinks is his final end. He gets there and has all his regeneration energy drained by the Silence. They prepare to kill him, and without his regeneration, he can’t avoid it. However at this point, River Song teleports in, which is the very last time the Doctor will ever see her. She asks the Doctor his name, and he tells her it. This makes the Silence finally fall, as it causes a huge crack in reality to appear and the Silence all fall into it.

    As they have never existed, The Doctor gets all his regeneration energy back. However, this leaves the Doctor(s) and all his enemies together on Trenzalore. All hell breaks loose, in which The Doctor is shot by a Dalek. All the past doctors and companions manage to escape. The 11th starts the regeneration process, but River Song has one last card to play. She uses her technology to create a Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey paradox, that will make the regeneration a lot different. With that she kisses the Doctor goodbye, for what will be the last time he ever sees her, and teleports away.

    He regenerates, but due to the paradox, the 11th Doctor does not “die”. The 12th Doctor spawns out of him, leaving the two doctors both alive at the same time, a bit like The Stolen Earth/Journeys End. However, this is a bad paradox, which causes the Time Lock to break, and the Time War is unlocked. The 11th Doctor realises what he has to do. Before trying to kill him, the Silence told the 11th Doctor that he was partially responsible for the creation of the universe, therefore making him a God. He knows that he has to die, in order to seal the Time War again so, he goes to a revived Gallifrey, steals a more advanced Tardis than his own, and piloting it right to the beggining of creation. He discovers several unknown forces which he claims may or may not be Gods and he mixes with them, by blowing up the stolen Tardis, creating the first (and much more powerful than the second) big bang. That is how the 11th Doctor “dies”. This does not destroy the 12th doctor, as the 11th doctor’s existence was a paradox. However, the 12th doctor realises than he is technically now a god. He heads back to his Tardis, strokes it and says something along the lines of “I expect you knew I was a god all along, didn’t you old girl. I love you.” With that he gets in, and sets off for his new adventures.

  • The 14th Doctor

    June 12th, 2012 - 6:22pm

    Sounds good, but it’s a bit too much like The Five Doctors. However, I’d happily watch that if that was what was happening.

  • doctor who

    June 12th, 2012 - 6:21pm

    looks good story but it could explain what the silents creatures actually are

  • doctor who

    June 12th, 2012 - 6:20pm

    the power could be the doctor’s name,the first question.

  • the TARDIS

    June 12th, 2012 - 5:29pm

    Thanks! And great suggestion, it at least gives the clones’ mini adventures a bit more relevance.

  • Bigger on the Inside

    June 12th, 2012 - 5:19pm

    Each doctor could find a different piece and when they are put together, like a jigsaw it some how stops the power

    By the way best idea I’ve read so far, love it

  • the TARDIS

    June 12th, 2012 - 4:29pm

    What I would like to see going on over the 50th:
    1. An extra-long anniversary story featuring past doctors and old monsters.
    2. A five part mini-series story shown each evening on the run-up to the 23rd on the Saturday.
    3. A brand new series of adventures for the Doctor, Grace and Chang Lee.
    4. A big finish three or four dist adventure featuring 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Doctors.
    5. A series of Past Doctor novels from BBC Books.
    6. More Special Editions from BBC DVD for classic stories that didn’t get good DVD releases.
    7. A convention featuring cast and crew from the new series and the classic too.
    8. An episode guide book covering every episode of Doctor Who.
    9. A classic series encyclopedia. There would be the readership, no matter what publishers might say.
    10. A calendar with each of the 11 doctors with their companions and all Doctors for December.
    11. A special edition from DWM about people that changed Doctor Who’s history, one about the best of the companions and the same for the best of the monsters.
    12. Another storybook with a story for each doctor.
    13. BBC Three to show repeats of stories each night on the run-up.
    14. Not forgetting an extra-long confidential for the anniversary ep.

  • the TARDIS

    June 12th, 2012 - 4:17pm

    Okay, I’m writing my own anniversary story and, whilst I’d love to see it on TV, I doubt it every will.
    The Doctor drops his companion off for a holiday somewhere while he goes off to do a job. Meanwhile, the Master, The Rani and Omega have all detected strange power sources from beyond the universe, beyond time. With an army of Ogrons, Tetraps and Gel Guards(respectively) they set off on their own course to find it.
    The TARDIS is hit by a the surge of power and is forced to make an emergency landing which happens to be earth in Totters Yard. he begins to feel a pain at the back of his head which is because…
    Since the energy is so damaging to time, the threads of the universe are being pulled apart. Things that are dead and buried are revived, which includes the Time Lords. They know that only the Doctor can help himself but instead of breaking the laws of time they decide to make clones of his past selves from his memory traces, hence the pain in his head. This also explains why the older ones will look different as the memories are weaker.
    Each of the different Doctors are teamed up with a copy of one of their companions:
    First Doctor: Susan
    Second Doctor: Jamie
    Third Doctor: Jo
    Fourth Doctor: Leela (I would have said Sarah Jane, but…) and so on.
    They all set off on their own journeys to find the power source and all along the way encounter one of their greatest enemies, so each of the Doctors get their own little self contained story. They all converge at the power source, but not before the Master, the Rani and Omega. They have all set traps to stop other people getting the source and the Doctors are all blown out of an air lock. Apart from the Eleventh, who confronts the renegades and explains how since they are clones made on Gallifrey they can survive in a vacuum. They all get back into the ship, and then the Master, the Rani and Omega set all of their armies to fight against each other over the source. Meanwhile, the Doctor runs off to find the source.

    Well, that’s as much as I’ve worked out. I don’t know how to end it though: should the enemies rebel against their leaders? Who should win? What is the power source? It could be Rassilon’s sentience trapped in a computer but how would I work it out? I would appreciate some help working the ending out, thanks!

  • timelord273

    June 12th, 2012 - 3:37pm

    that’s a really good idea! I love it although matt won’t leave until 2013

  • Some bloke

    June 12th, 2012 - 2:44pm

    Matt wont regenerate on the 50th, he plans to stay on after that

  • Whovian100

    June 9th, 2012 - 9:32pm


    Doctor Who: The Multi Doctor Story

    Part 1 1 Hour
    When the TARDIS is pulled out of the Vortex by an Unknown Force the Doctor meets his past incarnations, but where are they, and more importantly who, has pulled them onto this unknown land.
    As the Doctors split up to search for the culprit and ind out where they are they realise that they are not alone. Many Aliens such as Daleks and Cybermen have been pulled out of time as well.
    Soon the Doctors are captured and bought to a tower where they meet an unexpected enemy, the SILENCE!

    Part 2 1 Hour
    The Silence explain that the Doctors have been pulled out of time to the Planet of Trenzalore. Immediately the Doctor has flashbacks of mentions of Trenzalore. The Silence say that the Doctors have been pulled out of time to witness the Destruction of the Universe and the Rebirth of a Man, a MAn the Silence say the Doctor has met before.
    In Time the Doctors are bought to the Fields of Trenzalore just outside the Tower. Here the Silence say that the Master, Enemy of the Doctor, was been sealed in a Time Lord Containment Device after the Doctors LAst Encounter. The Doctor asks what it has got to do with him and the Silence say that the Code is the Doctors Name and only the Doctor can open it. The Doctor tries to resist but the Silence say that the Doctors Past Incarnations will be killed if the Doctor does not open the device. The Doctor slowly and fearfully walks up to the device and whispers his name into the Device. Immediately the Doctor steps away from the device and the MAster is REBORN!

    Part 3 2 Hours
    The Master (in a NEW BODY) walks up to the Doctor, he then slaps him across the face. He has his speech and then orders the Silence to kill all the Doctors, starting with the latest. Immediately River Song appears, all guns blazing with her BLASTER. She says ‘HELLO SWEETIE’ and shoots at the Silent attempting to kill the Doctor. Immediately a War begins and River explains that this is the Battle of Trenzalore and the Fall of the Eleventh. All the Monsters team up with the Doctor to stop the Master. But eventually the Master’s Calvary arrives and it looks like the Master hasthe advantage. Now the Doctor knows that this is the end and his forces begin to retreat. Now only the Doctors and River remain. The Master orders his Army to leave meaning only him and the Silence are left. The Doctor then orders to kill the Doctors, starting with the Eleventh. The Silence holds up its long finger and shoots a lightning strike at the Doctor, causing him to begin the Regeneration Cycle. River is now ANGRY and fires a powerful beam at the Master. The Master is unable to regenerate as the beam was very powerful. The Silence pick up the body and before River can begin fire again they have teleported. Now all the attention is on the Doctor.
    The Doctor says some very emotional last words to then regenerate. Now he is a New Man and the Adventures Continue…

  • Whovian100

    June 9th, 2012 - 8:43pm

    List of Things I want to see in the 50th

    1. Doctor Who 50th Aniversary Special
    2. Doctor Who 50th Merchandice (e.g. Steven Moffat Action Figure etc.).
    3. Doctor Who 50th Aniversary DVD Set (with the Top 10 Stories Voted by the Cast and Crew).
    4. Doctor Who 50th Aniversary Book Collection (with Specially Written Stories for the 50th).
    5. Doctor Who 50th Aniversary Audio Collection (with a VARIETY of different Stories from over the Years).
    6. Doctor Who: The Multi Doctor Story (Limited Edition Book Signed by the 12th Doctor).

  • The Master

    June 8th, 2012 - 2:09am

    for the 50th anniversary they should have all of the greatest enemy’s from the shows history together to fight all the doctors from 4th doc to 11th doc and for the opening credits for the episode, to mark the shows anniversary, they should do a re-vamped version of the William Hartnell opening titles

  • the astronaut of death

    June 7th, 2012 - 11:37am

    off the subject but

    guy’s karen gillan and arther darvil have returned on set to finish off filming episde 4 of sereis 7

    and you’l never guess witch monster was spotted filming . the ood !

  • Davros

    June 6th, 2012 - 6:56pm

    Matt Smith might continue after 50th and the contract maybe to be extended to 2014/2015

  • doctor who

    June 6th, 2012 - 3:46pm

    part one
    the doctor and the tardis are taken out of the universe to an anti matter one called trenzalore,a void created long ago and the silents have done all this as there trap is close they trap along with the eleventh,a time lord empire and the order of the silence,time lords who are members of the silence[fall of the eleventh]they will force the question to be answered resulting in omegas return

    part two
    omega is back resurrected by the first question as he prepares to escape the void of the fields of trenzalore into our universe.but armies gather to fight omegas empire,the eleventh to save the doctor and the universe from omega as he prepares to turn this universe into trenzalore can the armies of the universe make omega and the eleventh fall.but the clock is ticking as the universe is falling by omegas power.only river song can save him by going back in time and changing what happened in gallifreys early days with omega,rassilon and the other.but doing this will result in the doctor regenerating and may change something in him forever.

    after this omega may be imprisoned in the tardis so the doctor can watch omega for all eternity and the order of the silence will never have existed as the creatures were omegas creation or peaceful creatures from the anti matter void of trenzalore.

  • doctor who

    June 6th, 2012 - 3:31pm

    i think it should be called the first question or trenzalore or doctor who like the movie but it would be cofusing

  • doctor who

    June 6th, 2012 - 3:22pm

    the last bit changed they want him dead because the silents know that the doctor[the other]was at the start of time lord history with rassilon and thought he could have been involved in his death[disapperance]so try to kill him for vengence on omega even when they need him to answer the question that will release omega and the eleventh is an empire of evil time lords and silents to unleash omega

  • doctor who

    June 6th, 2012 - 3:17pm

    good idea siminlar to mine which is the doctor and his army are summonded back in time to gallifrey by the forces of evil as today is a battle on gallifrey,the battle called trenzalore on the fields of battle,this battle will see the fall of the eleventh,a time lord group or empire ,the eleventh will fall or will seems the eleventh,the time lord group have summoned him here to be forced to answer a question and no companion must speak falsely and the doctor will not fail to answer,the who,this will see omega return as the doctor’s identity[the other]is connected to omega and he will return from his anti matter universe,this story could be set in early gallifrey or in the last days of the time war and omega will destroy the doctor and the silents could be a race who guard history and live at a mysterious gateway like void called trenzalore but the silents are really omegas time lord race created by him and the silents will have the doctor swapped with omega when the question is answered,the question being the key to the crack in time where omega is and he returns for revenge.the silents tricked the silence order in believing the question is dangerous so they can kill the doctor,erase him from omega can see him just for fun of seeing the doctor dead.the doctor will return but will regenrate when he tries to escape the other side of trenzalore gateway.

  • The supreme

    June 6th, 2012 - 1:27pm

    End Of Smith 😥

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