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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • No

    August 22nd, 2012 - 3:25pm

    No. Just no.

  • fatbellyjones

    August 22nd, 2012 - 9:40am

    i think that the recent dr who stories are nowhere near as good as the old series. Jon Pertwee through to Peter Davison were better stories and lasted longer so you could appreciate the characters better instead of the “doctor meets aliens – doctor sorts aliens out – doctor saves the world” scenarios that last about 10 minutes.

    Absolute, utter bobbins!

  • Person

    August 22nd, 2012 - 9:24am

    We’re gonna find it out soon anyway, you know, ‘the question that should never be answered’ thing.

  • Person

    August 22nd, 2012 - 9:22am

    I don’t think Rose should come back. Because, the Doctor has regenerated and it would be kinda rubbish. I know that the tenth Doctor regenerated and still had a thing for her, but I don’t think that would be the case for the 11th Doctor.

  • Person

    August 22nd, 2012 - 9:13am

    Yeah, it was the Silence 🙂

  • Person

    August 22nd, 2012 - 9:11am

    All I wanna say is that I’m glad Russell T. Davies isn’t writing this story, as he’ll end up making everyone make friends or something at the end. No offence to him, but that’s what he did in all of the old stories. He made them all soppy and stuff. That’s why I like Steven Moffat because he actually makes the Doctor Who stories cool.

  • dr who

    August 18th, 2012 - 11:38am

    i have said this a few times on other places,but i think it is more connected you think we will find out who blew up the tardis in series 5?people think it maybe the silence but i think it is all a mislead,i think the silence maybe trying to stop a powerful enemy from blowing it up,maybe the valeyard,i think the valeyard is returning in the 50th anniversary as the dream lord was hinted,i think he blows up the tardis,so maybe the matt smith era is about the valeyard as the doctor is getting darker

  • alex rooney

    August 17th, 2012 - 2:28pm

    i would like the second doctors TARDIS to land in the first doctors TARDIS and the third doctors TARDIS to and in the fourth doctors TARDIS and the fourth doctors TARDIS to land in the fifth doctors TARDIS and the fifth doctors TARDIS to land in the sixth doctors TARDIS and the sixth doctors TARDIS to land in the seventh doctors TARDIS and the seventh doctors TARDIS to land in the eighth doctors TARDIS and eighth doctors TARDIS to land in the ninth doctors TARDIS to and in the tenth doctors TARDIS and the tenth doctors TARDIS to land in the eleventh doctors TARDIS and the eleventh doctors TARDIS to land in the first doctors TARDIS and in the proses ageing to fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh doctors and killing the first second and third and they have to go to the secondary console room of all the TARDISes and activate the dimensional control and free that TARDISes and then reviving the first second and third doctors


    August 16th, 2012 - 3:59pm

    i the heroes section thers supposed to be a good statue’s


    August 16th, 2012 - 3:52pm


    daleks (die as they kill the 11th doctor but the the good statue’s turn the daleks into stone)
    cybermen & cyberwomen (they become good as they are betrayed)
    statues (evil)
    evil river (future she dies as everyone found out that she on the doctor with the master. she was in space and she jamp out of the tardis)


    10th doctor (kills amy)
    8th doctor (discovers that rory’s a cyberman)
    11th doctor (tracks rose down with the help of k9 and finds out she’s about to get married)
    9th doctor (gets everyone together)
    donna (she dies as she’s in the tardis with the master and the evil statues turn the tardis,donna, and the evil master to stone)
    jack and his crew
    sarah jane’s crew (without sarah as she has died in real life)
    k9 (finds out that the human doctor is about to come with rose as they are getting married)
    river (good)
    amy (even though she’s fighting her own daughter, she finds out in the future that the 10th doctor kills her as he had a choice to save the master or thee other time lords like in the last episode of the 10th doctors the woman who give’s wilferd advice)
    rory (becomes a cyberman)
    human doctor and rose (get married and try to help donna)

  • Jack R

    August 13th, 2012 - 12:23am

    8th 9th 10th 11th doctors back
    maybe bring back new mechanoids to fight the daleks.Maybe new tardis black coloured pillar and suspended in the air CGI

    also after the 50th anniversary have a new doctor companion and 13 episodes ,christmas special pt1 and new years special pt2 and maybe an easter special aswell to get the ratings back up.

  • The supreme

    August 12th, 2012 - 7:45am

    i think im on holiday for two weeks when dr who is prob begin 😥

  • Callan

    August 11th, 2012 - 7:42pm

    That last comment is spot on. The ongoing storylines these days are just ridiculous.

  • Callan

    August 11th, 2012 - 7:37pm

    There were supposed to be coughs in that last comment but it edited them out.

  • Callan

    August 11th, 2012 - 7:35pm

    I’m not making any comment about the plot,( all eleven doctors perfectly possible ) but if there’s a scene set in a suburban house, I suggest filming in the one that stands where lime grove studios once stood.

  • Dr who

    August 1st, 2012 - 12:13pm

    No I think we should resolve all in the 50th and start a fresh story arc or get rid of story arcs and just bring back the old enemies

  • Flumbledryer

    July 29th, 2012 - 8:11pm

    I personally would like the BBC to update and spruce up the Classic Doctor Who Website…

  • Liam

    July 22nd, 2012 - 6:25pm

    One time and space … River teleport to tardis said hello sweete then doctor said hi river . The doctor said to river that time go wrong because the silence and time lord river said we stop this doctor . Doctor said are you ready ? River said yes sweetle . Then rose find out that river is doctor wive but she got time travel to send her to gallifrey rose said time lord river love with doctor time lord we need this to stop rose Tyler . Ninth doctor travel in tardis and found rose . Martha with tenth doctor and captain jack . Seventh doctor with ace . Fourth doctor with leela. And eighth doctor with romana and k9 . Sixth doctor with perl they send to gallfrey. And river and the eleventh doctor go to tranenzone at gallfrey and see slience come back they said silence will fall . River and doctor run from silence . They found six doctor with his friend . River and doctor said to them you need to run sixth doctor said why ? River said because the silence coming for us silence said it time river silence will fall doctor said run . Time lord said you not going away doctor and your friend river said hey time lord we going to stop you time lord laugh river and all of the doctor and his friend to battle firld of treazone river said we need to battle silence. And the master with them . Rose need to get revenge on river song . Time lord give rose a gun and tell her to shoot river and rose said im going do it put a gun in pocket then silence come again and river send crack in time to slience fall doctor tell river has his name then river said timga sigma then silence fall to crack in time and river close it rose has gun Ponit to river . Doctor said why you shooting river . Rose said because of you and river and doctor stop rose then rose shoot two time lord . Rose was handcuff by captain jack . River said are they dead ? Doctor said yes I save your life . River said thank you swettie . Six doctor and friend to say goodbye to river and doctor and master said goodbye to doctor and river then river and doctor in tardis doctor said I going to take you to singing tower river said yes doctor .

  • James Oliver Strangward

    July 20th, 2012 - 9:50pm

    For the 50th Anniversary, I would like it if whilst the Doctor and his companion are in the TARDIS, Rose beams her way into the TARDIS and looking at the new interior.

  • Doctor863

    July 20th, 2012 - 6:03pm

    The Ultimate dalek special with classic daleks coming from the progenitor. Davros recreated, river song included and 10 flashbacks from the doctors adventures involving the Daleks.

  • Don’t diss the Sonic!!!

    July 20th, 2012 - 1:02pm

    I agree that Liz should be in the 50th aniversary but I don’t think they would mention her because it would probably be to upseting for her family. As long as River Song is in it I would be happy.

  • Christian Starling

    July 19th, 2012 - 10:54pm

    I cant see a Doctor Who 50th special without Liz Sladen… RIP Sarah Jane Smith!

    But almost defiantly it should include the Doctor finding out Sarah Jane died :'(

  • Don’t diss the Sonic!!!

    July 17th, 2012 - 10:15pm

    First of all, if River Song isn’t in the 50th aniversary i will be really annoyed. I’ve heard that the it will be five specials (not clarified), so if that is true then I would like some of the the Doctors greatest foes to chase him acrosss time and space (almost like “Day of the Moon” or the master eppisode but better)but obviously we would only see the most interesting/important bits and some of the aliens would have to be the kind of aliens that would do that kind of thing except only in that time period (such as the sontarens). Maybe The Doctor discovers that they are attacking some of his closest and powerful friends and allies (such as River Song and Captain Jack).Some of the other villians that i would like them to add or ones they would obviuosly add would be: The Silence,The Daleks,The Cybermen,old foes before 2005,army people from Demons Run, Madame Kovarian,a new bounty hunter alien,the silurians, weeping angels, maybe any good new villians in series 7 and so on.All of the aliens that i would list would either have a big part in it or are at least noticed. Some of the places i would like them to go to or places they would obviously go to would be: obviously earth, a sort of bounty hunter black market place on an alien planet and planets that some of his foes come from such as the sontarens and the cybermen from Mondas. Some of his historic friends or allies that i would like them to attack are Agatha Christie, Vincent Van Goth and Winston Churchill. Maybe the end of series 7 starts The Doctors journy across time and space because The Silence are controling everyone and is trying to stop The Doctor from reaching trensalor and answer the question; sometimes he could be seperated from the Tardis and he will ahve to find another way to get to places and maybe Trensalor can move through time, space and other dimensions and The Doctor cqan folow it to the same time stream but he can hardly ever controle where he lands and he obviously can’t just go in and out of tardis as quick as lighting untill he gets to the place. I also don’t wont to find out his name untill the last ever epsidoe and maybe it isn’t his name the question is about, like if we asked River Song who she is and she was still keeping the Doctors death a secret then she could say “I’m the woman who killed the Doctor” or something like that.A real clever twist because if we knew his name the show can’t be called “Doctor Who” and it would compeletely ruin the concept of the show. Finally, i don;t want to know any of the things we never found out like who was that woman in “The End of Time” (i think his mother) or anything else except from the question and anything new they add that will lead up to the end of the specials or whatever it will be because they wont be of any importance to the plot and it would waste precious time of filming.

  • the astronaut of death

    July 17th, 2012 - 7:41pm

    well a lot of people think the woman at the end of time is the doctor’s mother

  • the last doctor

    July 17th, 2012 - 7:30pm

    in the 50th anniversary I want to find out who the woman at the end of time and show us the time war where the 8th doctor needs his past self’s but to bring them and there companions back the are aged by the machine that dose it but he can’t do it on the first three doctors because it might kill them
    also susan, romana, come back and we find out about the doctors family and who Susan’s parents are

  • Dalek Strategist

    July 17th, 2012 - 4:16am

    I think that’s a secret that the Doctor should take to his grave

  • the astronaut of death

    July 16th, 2012 - 6:36pm

    sorry but i totaly disigry with you there

    i dont think we should not find out the doctor’s name because i we find it out it will ruin the consept of doctor who because if we find out his name the title doctor who would be ruind we should find out his name only on the final episdoe

  • sonny

    July 16th, 2012 - 6:27pm

    I think we should find out the doctors name!!!

  • Dalek Strategist

    July 16th, 2012 - 3:34pm

    What I want:
    *Daleks and/or a new design of Cybermen
    *return of the Valeyard
    *4th, 7th, and 8th Doctors
    *return to Totter’s Lane
    *return of at least 3 former companions
    *River Song

  • timelord273

    July 16th, 2012 - 3:30pm

    christophor eccleston said that he wouldn’t go back to Doctor Who 🙁

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