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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • Weep

    October 14th, 2012 - 4:16pm

    1. The last Time War with Paul mcgann, Daleks, Time Lord, The master, Rassillon, and 8th regeneration.
    2. A multi-doctor with Tom baker, David Tennant, Matt Smith and the Weeping Angels.
    3. Return of Rose, Jack, Susan and The brigadier
    4. Stole the TARDIS
    5. UNIT story

  • Weep

    October 14th, 2012 - 4:04pm

    Cool big story

  • Weep

    October 14th, 2012 - 1:04pm

    Good Thing

  • Fields of Trenzalore

    October 14th, 2012 - 12:46pm

    On Xmas I ment darillium her final journey the singing towers,my iPad spelt drilling

  • Fields of Trenzalore

    October 14th, 2012 - 12:43pm

    What also made the silence fall is that they saw the truth of the doctor’s past and the valeyard and also the truth that the doctor is not a healer but also a mighty warrior,dangerous,who will become the valeyard ,that is also why the silence fear the doctor,because him being mighty warrior causes them to fall.

  • Fields of Trenzalore

    October 14th, 2012 - 12:40pm

    Part 3
    The doctor has regenerated on trenzalore but then he switches back to his eleventh self,the doctor keeps switching between his eleventh and 12th self due to something the silence did and the silence have fallen,the doctor goes to earth knowing the order of the silence know the truth and have gone,the doctor goes to unit to the brigadiers funeral as well as Sarah Jane,he then goes to see Luke,Clyde and rani and k9.he sends Clyde,rani and Luke to work with unit,sky maybe involved and the doctor needs help as he keeps switching between 11 and 12.

    Part 4
    The doctor turns back into his eleventh self for a while,however he soon is dragged back in his own time line to totters lane and to gallifrey,to his early days,where he confronts a mystery entity,who shows him his past,present and future and showing the results of the regeneration may causes the birth of a darkness called the valeyard,the doctor must go back in time tostop the valeyard creation.or is it too the valeyard the cause which made the silence fall

    The doctor goes with river to drilling her final journey and he knows the library is next ,can he save river,maybe he can rewrite time and put river in his tardis.this causes him to use up his regeneration energy causing his 12 form to finally be permanent

  • Fields of Trenzalore

    October 14th, 2012 - 12:24pm

    The doctor and his other selves and monsters are kidnapped to trenzalore,the planet of truth,where they enter the high council of the orde of the silence,like a Dalek parliament,a place full of silents,who roam the universe for deadly secrets,destroying them and there aim to destroy the deadliest in history,they ask the doctor the first question as the universe has forgotten the doctor,this causes a link in time,to the doctor’s childhood,where the silence see the terrible secrets of the past.

    The silence continue searching into the past to discover the doctors true identity,coming across some terrible thing reality must not know,involving the first three time lords this causes the minds of the silence to fry and them to die,the silence has fallen,because they’ve seen the truth of time lord history(the silents are history guarders deleting terrible secrets but truths must never be told and now they have fallen)’but what truths did the silence see? Find out later on.but the doctor knows truths can damage him,this leads to regeneration

    Please reply

  • Fields of Trenzalore

    October 14th, 2012 - 12:10pm

    The doctor friends are kidnapped by the silence taken to trenzalore,the central base and planet of the silence.the doctor confronts the height council of the silence,the memory proof creatures who force the doctor to answer his secrets as the silence most know all secrets,terrible secrets and there biggest question is doctor who?the doctor reveals his self as oncoming storm,but then the silence force him to answer his truth.he reveals it to river song.the answer causes a connection in time linking to old gallifrey showing some greater secrets which is too much for the silence,who must know all secrets,it fries there mind,because of the terrible secrets causing the silence to fall.but the secrets remain a mystery and this leads to th fall of the eleventh

  • Stormageddon II

    October 14th, 2012 - 9:29am

    That can be covered while the silence is giving his speech, which I guess would go something like:
    The Universe rose. When the first fall came, and the voice of the ruptures in time spoke. “Silence will fall.” We rose as the universe came again, and Trenzalore was born with us. But with a rise must come a fall. The Silence refuse to fall. The Eleventh must fall in our place. But who is the Eleventh? The Doctor, of course. But Who is the Doctor? As the universe was born again, the question was asked. The First Question, the oldest question in the universe… Doctor Who.

  • Sonny

    October 14th, 2012 - 7:55am

    i would love the episode to be set on a spaceship, and it all starts of with river song being the captain. Then she suddenly opens her diary and evreything in it comes out of the book, all the monsters all the villans. But as she said in the time of angels she had all the doctors faces in the book then only some of them come out alive, to help the original doctor.

  • Will

    October 14th, 2012 - 12:42am

    I think McCoy was the best of a bad lot really. The writing, effects and music got really sloppy at that point but McCoy did his best to deliver a good performance and it certainly comes across.

  • John Smith

    October 13th, 2012 - 11:50pm

    Then you have no idea. Without Hartnell as the Doctor it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing the part. The show wouldn’t of been the same as it is today and the Doctor is a character that changes and evolves. Also William Hartnell doesn’t ruin the role or the show he makes it his own and gives it a unique atmosphere. I think that you’ve been watching too much Nu-Who and have lost appreciation for William Hartnell even though he might of played it differently and was grumpy, Doctor Who was in it’s early years and that was the whole point of William Hartnell’s Doctor. Please don’t have a go at me I’m just proving a point but I never really liked Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor. He didn’t have the right kind of build and attitude and I always wanted to tell him to be quiet whenever he started to talk about some random spacial interference. All the other Doctor’s I didn’t mind but there was something about McCoy’s Doctor that just really put me off his Doctor and the show.

  • John Smith

    October 13th, 2012 - 11:34pm

    Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :p

  • Weep

    October 13th, 2012 - 7:25pm

    Yes ! you have reason

  • the golden emperor

    October 13th, 2012 - 6:07pm

    have the master brought back along with a brand new dalek empire let by a golden emperor in the design of the new paradigm. but i think that the master and the doctor should work together in this episode in order to prevent the daleks from breaking the time lock around the time war. and finaly, i think the master should regenerate one last time and escape using a tardis that the daleks have created…

  • The Supreme Dalek

    October 13th, 2012 - 5:43pm

    That Cherub Over There, don’t start me. He’s so grumpy and whenever I watch him, it makes me think he terribly ruins the Doctor’s character, plus the whole show! I wouldn’t watch him for a million pounds! 😐

  • The Moffat Paradox

    October 13th, 2012 - 2:53pm

    “Few classic monsters ( Zygon, Daleks, Cybermen *real ones, not the cybus ones* a regeneration, and a different perspective, not this *happy ending* every episode.”

    With maybe a RTD like story that dosen’t try too hard to make consciuous attempts at social commentary and in which the dramatic conclusion isnt a damp squib compared to the build up; e.g a seemingly unstoppable Dalek Army simply erased out of existence by Rose Tyler interfacing with the Tardis’s temporal vortex.

  • Eamon UltimateCliffhanger

    October 13th, 2012 - 8:45am

    sorry to ruin your hopes and dreams but i thought you should know Eccelston has already stated he will not be returning for the 50th anniversary, he said he’s tried it once and he is not planning to ever return, although (David) Tennant and (Tom) Baker have already said they would love to return

  • John Smith

    October 13th, 2012 - 7:52am

    I know how you feel Cyber Robert 🙂

  • John Smith

    October 13th, 2012 - 6:12am

    And just to clarify Matt Smith’s Doctor is fantastic and is not boring at all! He’s more alien than David Tennant could ever be and is partly let down by some of Moffat’s story writing.

  • John Smith

    October 13th, 2012 - 6:08am

    No, no, no Dalek John. If Moffat was fired and Matt Smith was still the Doctor it wouldn’t work. It was like when JNT took over from the previous set of producers and writers of Who in the 80’s with Tom Baker stuck in the middle with too many changes that he didn’t like. Also what’s wrong with Hartnell!? HARTNELL WAS THE FIRST DOCTOR AND SHOULD BE APPRECIATED! He was the Doctor that off started the show and got it off the ground! Yes he wasn’t the best of Doctor’s but that doesn’t mean that you can say “Yuck” to his Doctor. Think how Doctor Who would’ve been without his Doctor? The whole atmosphere and feel of old who was generated by Hartnell’s Doctor and relation to his companions! Nobody else could’ve done what Hartnell did so appreciate him! And yes, Asylum could’ve been a lot better and Moffat’s writing may be a little bit confusing and cheesy at times but appreciate that Doctor Who is still on the air and that it’s in fairly good hands.

  • John Smith

    October 13th, 2012 - 5:56am

    It’s Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary not Sherlock Holmes’. It’d be a a mix and match of shows and not celebrating Doctor Who’s 50th. I’d like to see it happen but not for the 50th. It’d be wrong to bring another fictional character like the Doctor into a situation into the anniversary. Although I agree with you about Jack Harkness coming back and maybe revealing a bit more about his past…

  • Will

    October 13th, 2012 - 12:23am

    Russell T Davies left because he didn’t want to work on Doctor who with a low budget although I still think he would have done a much better job than Steven Moffat has. Now I’m not bias to Steven Moffat, I’ve met both Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat. I met Davies on the Blue Peter sofa on the DVD Documentary, Who Peter part 2 (yes, I was the creator of the Abzorbaloff) and I met Steven Moffat at Doctor who live. Both really nice people, Russell laughs a LOT which is always really fun but there’s no denying that Russell did a far better job than Steven. Here’s the thing, When Russell T Davies wrote Doctor who, it was like a comic book. Every scene was exciting, it was like a fun trip through time. Moffat’s who is like a 650 page long outer space encyclopaedia with no pictures and several other editions to buy just to see the end of one of the chapters. It really annoys me that some people are just willing to sit there and praise Steven Moffat for his worst work because they’re encouraging him to make more rubbish. Series 5 was good, Series 6 is a turd, Series 7 was also very bad. He has potential, he did well on Sherlock and Doctor who: The curse of fatal death. He’s definitely lost his touch.

  • cyber robert

    October 12th, 2012 - 8:20pm

    YES THAT IS THE GOOD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cyber robert

    October 12th, 2012 - 8:11pm


  • Dazza

    October 12th, 2012 - 7:25pm

    I want the doctors regeneration on the 50th to be totally messed up with him being evil to start with. And the companion doing his/her best to get him back to being good again.

    failing that we need a few docs, want to see Ace, want to see The Rani, and want to see Adric brought back from the dead somehow, and he isn’t a happy bunny. Or how about the Black guardian back again.

  • Dalek John

    October 12th, 2012 - 6:36pm

    I agree with the cyber squrriel. Moffat should be fired. They should bring back Davies. He was MUCH better. If Davies came back and they kept Matt Smith, I think the show would would have a lot more viewers. And the others are right. They should bring back the classical Daleks from the 10th Doctor’s time.

  • robertwhiteknights

    October 12th, 2012 - 2:56pm

    1st doctor susan
    2nd doctor jamie
    3rd doctor jo
    4th doctor sarah
    5th doctor adric
    6th doctor peri
    7th doctor ace
    8th doctor grace
    9th doctor captain jack
    10th doctor wilfred
    11th doctor new companion
    zarbi daleks jagrafess cybermen cybermat cyberking emperor dalek supreme dalek davros

  • Kjasi

    October 12th, 2012 - 10:17am

    “One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forwards in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.” – The First Doctor to Susan, his Granddaughter, the last living Gallifreyan, other than the Doctor himself.

    For this, the 50th anniversary, I feel it would be a mistake not to fulfill this by having the Doctor run into his Granddaughter, now 50 years older. (Maybe she’s forced to regenerate during the episode?) This, above all else, should be a part of the celebration.

    Other things I would love to see, in no particular order:

    1) Genny’s return. (The daughter created in Series 4 Episode 6: The Doctors Daughter.)
    2) The return of John Simm as the Master!
    3) Several of the Doctors in a single episode, not unlike The Three Doctors or The Five Doctors. Specifically, I would love to see Tom Baker, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleson and David Tennant guest-star.
    4) The finding or creation of a new Timelord race. I don’t want them just around for 1 or 2 episodes. I want this to be a permanent change.

  • Will

    October 11th, 2012 - 10:29pm

    May I also clarify, Matt Smith is a fine actor and does an excellent job in the role. The trouble is that Steven Moffat has written his Doctor almost exactly the same as David Tennant’s. The 11th Doctor is like the 10th Doctor’s hyperactive nephew. Moffat is an excellent writer…of Sherlock. The problem with Doctor who is that he keeps trying to make it his own and introduce too much at once and leave questions unanswered. It’s annoying because I don’t want to commit to a 13 episode series just to find out who killed the Doctor or something, especially if we don’t get a satisfying conclusion that makes sense. I will praise him for making Series 7A’s episodes stand alone episodes but that said, he left Asylum of the Daleks so unfinished it’s ridiculous and Series 7A overall was almost as weak as Series 6. You know Doctor who is going downhill when even the Dalek episodes suck.

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