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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • Anony-mouse

    December 9th, 2012 - 1:00am

    That’s just an impossible overkill.

  • 13 Doctors and All the masters

    December 3rd, 2012 - 6:00pm

    I think for the 50th these people should take part:

    Martha Donna Rose ALL THE MASTERS 10th doctor 11th doctor Romanna Susan Jenny(Rivers and doctors child) Doctors Mystery son River Amy Rory Torchwood Ace Sarah’s crew (apart from her as dead and Ace takes over) 9th Doctor 7th doctor Doctor’s human form ALL Daleks ALL Cybermen Weeping Angels Oods Oswin The Rani

    Now I am only 10 years old and I think Donna should see 11 regenerating and she should touch him and she dies! (not really she becomes the new doctor, but more of a sister to the doctor………. The doctor is finnaly ginger!!!
    River should be asking her dad Rory (who is the master) weather he loves her, Amy, Rose but he says Donna as he saves her from dying…. she remembers everything and the master helps her………
    Lucy Saxon is Romanna. River is The Rani. Amy is also a timelord and Rory is The master.
    Rose falls in trap like Donna with The Master.
    Amy takes over Statues as she was the woman the end of the time who people said was the mother of the doctor whereas she’s the mother in law……….
    River and Oswin take control of the daleks.
    Rory takes control of the Cybermen.
    Ace takes over the sarah jane crew as she has just died.
    Rose married human form of the doctor.
    9th Doctor, 7th doctor, 10th and 11 have a family reunion with Susan,Rose, human form of the doctor Amy River Rory Jenny the mystery son, but it is split up when all the masters come and share some family secerets….
    Oods talk to the doctor and Dalek Khan about the future!
    Chrissie Watts from EastEnders also takes part as a Cyberman like before!
    Everyone has to fight for there lifes and Martha her family, Donna her family Jackie, Mickey Torchwood without Jack FAIL!!!!!!!!!
    Donna has to regenerate into Jack as she fell on him whilst dying!
    After 13 doctors there is no more because doctor Jack becomes the face of Boe and Dies later on.
    The companions take over the Tardis After Jack.
    We also would like to see the Regeneration of the eighth doctor..

  • Anony-mouse

    December 3rd, 2012 - 9:29am

    November Marathon. Two stories for every Doctor.

    1st Doctor: The Unearthly Child/ Fan Selected Episode
    2nd Doctor:FS Episode/ The War Games
    3rd Doctor: The Three Doctors/ FS Ep
    4th Doctor: Robot/ FS Ep
    5th Doctor: The Five Doctors/ FS Ep
    6th Doctor: The Twin Dilemma/ FS Ep
    7th Doctor: FS Ep/ Survival
    8th Doctor: TV Movie/ FS Audio
    9th Doctor: Rose/ FS Ep
    10th Doctor: FS Ep/ The End of Time
    11th Doctor: Eleventh Hour/ FS Ep

    Specials throughout the year, blah, blah, blah, sure. Marathon on the day? Yes. Featuring:
    Unearthly Child
    The Three Doctors
    The Five Doctors
    Any Specials throughout the year
    A standard news broadcast that cuts in one minute to the official anniversary special
    The official anniversary special

  • Anony-mouse

    December 3rd, 2012 - 4:47am

    Also, why’s that a reply?

  • Liam

    November 23rd, 2012 - 1:33pm

    The Fields of trenzalore – the rassilon plan to capture river song and taken prisoner of time lord and the doctor and Clara quest to save her from terror fall of the silence and ten doctor and his friend join the eleventh doctor and Clara to battle time lord but rassilon plan to kill river song for killing the doctor will the doctor save her from rassilon who want kill her and who will be fall of eleventh to fall with the silence ? Is reveal of the doctor real name ? Time will tell.

  • Liam

    November 21st, 2012 - 3:21pm

    I want to see River Song Battle Rassilon And time lord in 50th anniversary of doctor who so the doctor and the master Battle The silence and grayle from the angel take manhattan
    in next year 50th anniversary

  • Anonymous

    November 18th, 2012 - 8:25am

    Basically the doctor’s name is a key,rassilon made years ago,to return,the doctor can never reveal it as it is connected to rassilon,the doctor maybe rassilons son,if said,then the doctor could cause chaos by revealing he is rassilons son

  • Anonymous

    November 18th, 2012 - 8:23am

    The doctor arrives on trenzalore,where he meets his other selves,he is forced to speak his name,no one remembers him,the question is asked,he regenerates,but the question caused regeneration,because his name is a key,a terrible secret,that the doctor is rassilons son,rassilon uses the doctor to return,destroying his son

    Part two
    Rassilon plans to destroy the universe and bring back the time lords,can the doctor’s save there future self and help him regenerate into his 12 th self,the doctors then all regenerate destroying rassilons link forever.

  • saberforce

    November 16th, 2012 - 5:42pm

    add first 3 doctors in story by either colorize old black and white stories. or just recast them with strong lookalikes. actors bill nye as first doctor, david troughton portraying his father’s second doctor and sean pertwee his father’s third doctor. and a bonus have the doctor go back in time to perhaps 1969 to meet a younger version of sarah jane smith play by ms.sladen’s daughter sadie miller honoring her mother and their father’s in this special anniversary story which made their parents world famous forever.

  • Fields of Trenzalore fall of the elevent silence will fall the question dr who

    November 11th, 2012 - 8:45am

    The 11 doctors arrive on trenzalore,an ancient world,or even dimensional void,where the doctor meets the silents,a guardian race who look after and rule the universe since the dawn of time and created an order of servants called the silence who help them,but today something will happen,the silents must prevent this,a secret will be told ,one that must never be spoken

  • robert baker

    November 10th, 2012 - 9:37am

    I think they should do 4 1 hours episodes each written by a classic writer

  • Anony-mouse

    November 10th, 2012 - 4:16am

    What? The Eighth Doctor regenerated before, during, or after the time war. They are not the same Doctor.

  • Lera

    November 9th, 2012 - 10:54am

    Its all very interesting, but I think that isn’t a good idea to invite all Doctors. Maybe, it will be better if the Doctor meet another “last” Time Lord without TARDIS, who decided to… Mm… do something unusual. And at the end he will forgive the Doctor. Or NEW monsters!
    Or Doctor Who Festival.
    (Please excuse my bad English)


    November 8th, 2012 - 8:23pm

    Amy and Rory back 🙁 Matt Smith xoxox

  • Anonymous

    November 6th, 2012 - 2:04pm

    All I want is the tenth Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor, Donna Noble, and PLEASE have RIVER SONG! WE NEED RIVER SONG!

  • Fields of Trenzalore fall of the elevent silence will fall the question dr who

    November 5th, 2012 - 7:47pm

    Eleven doctors and whole armies arrive on the fields of trenzalore,at the hands of the silence,a powerful time lord like species,where the doctor is forced to speak his name,which will reveal the truth

  • Doctor Who Crazy Ross Muscroft

    November 4th, 2012 - 10:57pm

    I want one thing to happen… A scene from the Time War, showing the eighth Doctor’s regeneration

  • Anony-mouse

    November 3rd, 2012 - 10:16pm


  • Stormageddon II

    November 3rd, 2012 - 9:38am

    7. One of the episodes- probably 3- with mostly live segments and some pre-recorded, the pre-recorded ones in black and white

    8. 11-Volume encycolopedia

    9. A new theme tune- one that sounds like the original

    10. Greatest moments again, but covering all Doctors

    11. Universal agreement that bowties are cool. Or at least agreement across all incarnations

  • Joel

    November 2nd, 2012 - 9:30pm

    first doctor susan daleks cybermen
    second doctor jamie zoe silurians sontarans
    third doctor jo silence master
    fourth doctor romana weeping angels
    fifth doctor turlogh tegan
    sixth doctor peri
    seventh doctor ace
    eighth doctor grace
    ninth doctor rose
    tenth doctor donna martha captain jack
    eleventh doctor amy rory river clara
    title: the eleven doctors

  • Anonymous

    November 2nd, 2012 - 6:54pm

    first doctor
    second doctor
    third doctor
    fourth doctor

    fifth doctor daleks cybermen silurians
    sixth doctor sontarans silence master
    seventh doctor susan jamie zoe jo romana
    eighth doctor turlogh peri ace grace rose
    ninth doctor martha donna amy rory river
    tenth doctor captain jack
    eleventh doctor
    episode title: the eleven doctors

  • Liam

    November 1st, 2012 - 1:26am

    I Want River Song in 50th anniversary special of doctor who this episode I will call that Eleven Doctor And River Song did you like it or not

  • Stormageddon II

    October 31st, 2012 - 8:12am

    How is Darillium christmas Related?

  • Fields of Trenzalore fall of the elevent silence will fall the question dr who

    October 31st, 2012 - 8:00am

    The doctor lands on trenzalore,a gateway in time and space,the doctor confronts other doctors who have been brough there by the silents,because no one knows who he is,they ask the question,a code which opens up trenzalore,a connection to gallifrey,rassilon returns and reveals the silents are his new vil time lord parasite race who were made to get revenge on the doctor for trapping gallifrey in the time lock using his name,rassilon and to silents plan to take over reality,but the doctor must answer the question once more but the truth,the doctor is revealed to be the other,a powerful first time lord and the spirit of the other appears and sends the silents and rassilon into the time war.then the doctor runs out of energy and together the other doctors regenerate at the same time before the other goes inside the eleventh doctor like the watcher did,the doctors all regenerate and that is where it ends

  • Dalek The Supreme

    October 29th, 2012 - 1:26pm

    Oh, and the Classic wave would be a one-time thing, we’d still get 5-inch Classics

  • Dalek The Supreme

    October 29th, 2012 - 1:24pm

    What I’d like to see:
    *Daleks vs Cybermen special, with the current design of Cybermen
    *Anniversery special with the 4th, 7th, 8th, and 11th Doctors, Susan(She’d regenerate into a younger form), the Valeyard, a new design of Cybermen, and maybe the Daleks
    *A wave of Classic Series 3.75 inch figures:
    *7th Doctor(Season 26)
    *2nd Doctor
    *Sarah Jane
    *Dalek(The Chase)
    *Auton(Spearhead From Space)
    *Davros(Genesis of the Daleks)
    3 vehicle sets
    *4th Doctor from Robot w/classic TARDIS
    *Imperial Dalek w/Dalek shuttle
    *Styre w/Sontaran ship
    and two playsets
    *Classic TARDIS console w/Cyberleader and K-9
    *Time Lord trial room w/Time Lords in spinning seats and 6th Doctor and Valeyard figures
    *Power of the Daleks and Evil of the Daleks animated reconstructions on DVD
    *Time War ending with 8th Doctor’s regeneration as a cliffhanger

  • Matt

    October 28th, 2012 - 10:42pm

    I’m aware it may be a cliche thought, but we need past doctors in it, and we NEED McGann. Despite all of the audio stories, he has never been properly showed off since 1996 and I can imgaine some interesting banter between him and Eccleston, who also NEEDS to be in it. I hope Tom Baker and Sylvester McCoy agree to have a role too, they (alongside Pertwee) are my favourite classic Doctors.

  • Stormageddon II

    October 26th, 2012 - 10:46am

    4. Modified Versions of the Box set that include/ exclude certain things

    5. Convention with whoever can come

    6. Video Game in which you play through from the first Doctor’s life onwards, some original footage included

  • Stormageddon II

    October 26th, 2012 - 10:24am

    Special Weapons.

  • molly

    October 25th, 2012 - 4:17pm

    i am sure that would be good but it would be better if the doctor would go back in time and see the 10th doctor and then they meet each other when rose is there cool right so get and you have an episode

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