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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • cking

    April 24th, 2012 - 5:19pm

    Of course I will always support Big Finish. They have been great with the 8th Doctor as well as so many other things.

  • booboo

    April 24th, 2012 - 5:06pm

    I would like to see all surviving Doctors and companions (assuming they want to do it ) have some role, no matter how small, playing other characters throughout series 8 (assuming that’s how its going to work) It would also be nice to see family members of Williams Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee have a part.

    I dont think a multi Doctor / companion story would work – it would be to much.

    More than anything i would like to see Paul McGann in a major part, possibly in flashback to the end of the time war. Its not going to happen as Christopher Eccleston wont return to the part but would have liked to get to see the missing regeneration.

    I would also like to see a return to trotters lane of some sort

  • the astronaut of death

    April 24th, 2012 - 4:55pm

    booboo what do you want to see for the 50th

  • outnumberd

    April 24th, 2012 - 4:37pm

    this is my ideas for my own series im filming
    ( im the doctor)

    1. THE HOUES IN THE WOOD. ( this is when you meet liz. the monsters are cybermen. the cybermen have crashed landed in the wood)

    2. HA HA HA. ( the monsters are 2 clowns. they are taking over teignmouth.

    3. HAVE YOU SEEN MY DAD. (the monster is ood. the dr takes liz to a planet where a boys dad has gone missing)

    4. EVIL IS HIS NAME 1. (the monster is davros and daleks)

    5. EVIL IS HIS NAME 2 (last in the series this is when liz dies.

    please reply i want to know what you think. if you want to know more detail about any of the eps please just ask


  • booboo the third

    April 24th, 2012 - 4:35pm

    hey what would you think of this jenna loise coleman knows river and then she kills river exept shes not dead because she had a relationship with jack so she comes back to life and says “honey go get me a spaceship I’m going to the libary but then the doctor says you cant go there then river says why and the doctor says spoilers and then it says to be continued in the past


    April 24th, 2012 - 4:34pm


  • booboo the third

    April 24th, 2012 - 4:27pm

    three words river doctor honeymoon


    April 24th, 2012 - 4:25pm

    well said cking i soooo agree with you

  • matt smithy

    April 24th, 2012 - 4:23pm

    That would mean the doctor is amy and rorys child and not a time lord…

  • thedoctorwhositeisamazin

    April 24th, 2012 - 4:18pm

    monsters like ice warriors, wirrn , axons and tuns more and a epic thing like a movie


    April 24th, 2012 - 4:04pm

    how can the doctor only realize river was a past doctor when the doctor is already in his 11th incarnation.

  • the astronaut of death

    April 24th, 2012 - 3:37pm

    what do you want to see for the 50th booboo

  • cking

    April 24th, 2012 - 3:21pm

    Anything with Paul McGann (it is WAY overdue and Paul has stated that he’d like to come back). If Moffat doesn’t bring McGann back then I am done with any future Doctor Who.

  • Tardis’nt

    April 24th, 2012 - 3:20pm

    the title: the time challenge/the time game/ the seven doctors,
    tell me what you think, its only a rough idea though

  • Tardis’nt

    April 24th, 2012 - 3:18pm

    my idea
    the characters:
    the fourth-11th doctors
    the master
    the daleks
    emperor dalek
    one companion for each dr
    the cybermen (leader, controller, etc)
    the sontarans
    river song
    the silence
    the weeping angels

    the plot:
    the dr (11) accidentally presses the wrong button on the TARDIS and it beams some of his past selves on board, only they look like what they would if they did not regenerate. he tries to send them back but brings their companions on board who again look like what they would if they hadn’t regenerated/left/died he tries to send them all back but instead ends up on the fields of trenzalore face to face with some of his deadliest enemies, he has to stop them, but how?…

  • Tardis’nt

    April 24th, 2012 - 3:11pm

    i don’t see peter daison or tom baker on that list 🙁 the only dr ive not seen in action is toom baker, he should be in this.

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    April 24th, 2012 - 1:51pm

    The Doctor and River Song are the same person ?.

    Think I better make a quick run the bathroom . . . . BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    Sorry, but the idea of them being the same person makes my stomach churn, I can’t stand River, and if they was the same person, then they’de have both A) kissed themselve, and B) Got married to themselve.

  • the astornaut of death

    April 24th, 2012 - 1:03pm

    the doctor and river go on sumsort of big adventure with lots of aliens and daleks and cybermen and other monsters including time lords ..while on that adventure river gets shot and she can’t regnerate so the doctor gives her a regeneration where then river regenerates into the 1st doctor the doctor relises that river song is a past doctor so he takes her back to gallifrey to live on as the doctor

    please reply and tell me what you think

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    April 24th, 2012 - 7:32am


    A good name for a mini-series. bridging the gap between the TV Movie [ as well as all the 8th Doctor Audio, Comic-Strip and Novel adventures ]and the the New Series first episode ” Rose “, showing how the war began and ended with the death and regeneration of the 8th Doctor into the 9th, and could also be used to answer various questions like ” What was the Cruciform the Master was resurrected to protect ? ” and ” How exactly did the Cult of Skaro Daleks get hold of the Genesis Ark before disappearing off with it during the Time War ? “. That would be FANTASTIC !!!! 😀


    April 24th, 2012 - 7:32am

    The 50th Challenge

    Starring: Matt Smith, David Tennant, Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker, Jenna Louise Coleman, Nicola Bryant, Sophie Aldred, John Barrowman, Freema Agyeman (I love Martha!)

    All the Doctor’s embark on the challenge where they all end up on the fields of Trensalore and are starring death right in the face with no way out but chance


    April 24th, 2012 - 7:29am

    They did “Dimensions of Time” in 3D I think so why not

  • matt smithy

    April 24th, 2012 - 7:21am

    cgi is not as advanced as everyone makes out! I am not directing at you, but loads of other people say “just use cgi” ot one said “they should keep dooing SJA with a cgi Sarah”! Yes, cgi can pull of monsters or long shots like when the doctor is dangaling from the tardis but it would not look real!

  • Anonymous

    April 24th, 2012 - 5:19am

    They should have a plot like “The Eight Doctors”, but with the full eleven and with Jenna-Louise and River as the companions helping the Eleventh Doctor getting his memories back.

  • Anonymous

    April 24th, 2012 - 5:13am

    We have seen River die (ie. in the Library of Series 4).

  • JoeAndTeddy

    April 23rd, 2012 - 9:32pm

    I have my own idea for a Special 50th Episode which would consist of 5 episodes.

    “Time of a Timelord” (will feature loads of classic enemies and of course the daleks with the emperor and a “Dalek Mastermind”. The daleks recruit a renegade time-lord to snatch one of the Doctors regenerations, forcing him to regenerate. This would happen on the Fields of Trenzalore. The timelords would return also and other incarnations of the Doctor. It turns out the Fields of Trenzalore are on gallifrey, the episode would be set just as the time war is beginning.

  • Jonathan

    April 23rd, 2012 - 9:26pm

    As many Doctors and companions as possible.
    The First, Second, Third Doctor , Sarah Jane and the Brigadier should be added through archive footage or CGI

  • outnumberd

    April 23rd, 2012 - 9:01pm

    im still writeing ep one

  • the astronaut of death

    April 23rd, 2012 - 8:39pm

    the doctor and river go on sumsort of big adventure with lots of aliens and daleks and cybermen and other monsters including time lords ..while on that adventure river gets shot and she can’t regnerate so the doctor gives her a regeneration where then river regenerates into the 1st doctor the doctor relises that river song is a past doctor so he takes her back to gallifrey to live on as the doctor

    please reply and tell me what you think

    p.s this time last year was the premier of doctor who series 6


    April 23rd, 2012 - 8:37pm

    well said the tradis

  • crazy guy

    April 23rd, 2012 - 8:34pm

    all of his replys to other peoples comments

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