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December 29th, 2014 138 comments

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Who is Your All Time Favourite on Screen Doctor?

You would think will all the polls we have done over the years we would have asked this question before – but we never have, so Who is Your Favourite Doctor?…



  • Doctor11

    September 15th, 2015 - 5:10pm

    Matt Smith

  • MacMac

    September 5th, 2015 - 6:28am

    Oops, I forgot Eccleston. Same as Pertwee and Hartnell. Not my favourite kind of Doctor.

  • 9thDoctorFan

    September 3rd, 2015 - 3:45pm

    Christopher Eccleston easily!

  • MacMac

    September 2nd, 2015 - 6:48pm

    Wow… I’m REALLY surprised at how much people like Capaldi and put it on top! Didn’t expect that at all.
    I know that he is very far from Hartnell, but Tennant Doctor was THE Doctor. I mean he was everything the Doctor is supposed to be : a healer and a wise man, joyful, funny, forgiving, but angry and punishing when he had to. He was brilliant. Then I also liked Tennant second incarnation, after Journey’s End, wich was much darker end epic. BUT my favourite Doctor is probably Matt Smith. He was very similar to the tenth, but for some reason, i like it a tiny bit more.
    Then my two favourites from the classic era are Davison and McCoy. Probably for similar reasons as above. McCoy also had one of the best season of the classics, and he was wonderful as a clown and a manipulator.
    After that, i also really enjoyed T. Baker and Troughton. Great stories and great friendly doctors. And the fearless side of Baker is just awesome.
    After that, it’s hard to tell. I enjoyed Hurt but i felt he didn’t had enough lines for his own story. McGann was just average in Doctor Who, but awesome in The Night of the Doctor. Pertwee was pretty good too. Hartnell deserves a good rank foe being the original, but i didn’t really enjoyed him. Sorry. For Jayston, there is not enough to tell, but he was really good imo. One of my.biggest dream about Doctor Who is that they try at least one.season with tje Valeyard as the lead role. He would be evil and try to destroy the universe and the Doctor. Would be interesting.
    And finally my two least favourite : Capaldi and C. Baker. Sorry everyone, but Capaldi is just not the Doctor. He is the sum of everything i don’t like in the First and Sixth. He never smiles, he is rude, he save the world but by being a d*ck, especially to Clara. And season 8 is one of the weakest of New Who imo. This Doctor is just highly undriendly. I tried to like him, but i can’t. Let’s see season 9… And Baker… good actor, but why did they made him so insolent? He was really good in season 23 though, but just because he had an even more evil incarnation of himself to face.
    Anyway, splendid fellow, all of them!

  • The five doctors

    May 30th, 2015 - 8:41pm

    Got a new favourite… Capaldi!! (still adore 10 though)

  • Bob Johnson

    May 25th, 2015 - 5:38pm

    David Tennant, Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton are my three favorites. Peter Capaldi’s growing on me, so looking forward to season 9!

  • Robbie

    May 25th, 2015 - 4:33pm

    I had a hard time picking a favorite Dr. You are right when you said every doctor is the best Dr..But I cant just yet think of the newest doctor as a favorite.

  • The five doctors

    April 11th, 2015 - 8:24pm

    My updated list (as. I’ve watched more classics on Horror)

    1. David Tennant
    2. Tom Baker
    3. Peter Capaldi
    4. Patrick Troughton
    5. Christopher Eccleston
    6. Colin Baker
    7.Paul McGann
    8. Sylvester McCoy
    9. William Hartnell
    10. Matt Smith
    11. Jon Pertwee
    12. Peter Davison
    13. Sir John Hurt

  • Missy

    April 4th, 2015 - 7:38am

    Tom Baker

  • Missy

    April 4th, 2015 - 7:36am

    Tom Baker

  • Missy

    March 26th, 2015 - 3:56pm


  • 100,000BC

    March 5th, 2015 - 10:18pm

    1. Troughton
    2. McGann
    3. McCoy
    4. Capaldi

  • Anonymous

    March 5th, 2015 - 2:16am

    Tom Baker I started watching when I got out of the navy.

  • Rufus

    March 4th, 2015 - 9:58am

    Sylvester McCoy, Sylvester McCoy and Sylvester McCoy.

  • What’s whith the glasses ?

    February 21st, 2015 - 11:47pm

    Mine in order :
    1. David Tennant
    2. Peter Capaldi
    3. Matt Smith
    4. Christopher Ecclston
    5. Colin Baker
    6. Jon Pertwee
    7. Sylvester McCoy
    8. Paul McGann
    9. Patrick Troughton
    10. Peter Davidson
    11. Tom Baker
    12. William Hartnell
    13. Sir John Hurt
    14. Michael Jayston
    15. Peter Cushing

  • ThePixelatedDalek

    February 21st, 2015 - 1:24am

    Matt Smith
    David Tennant
    Jon Pertwee
    John Hurt
    Peter Capaldi
    Tom Baker
    Patrick Troughton
    William Heartnell
    Sylvester McCoy
    Christopher Eccleston
    Paul McGann
    Peter Davison
    Colin Baker

  • Hector Sandler

    January 29th, 2015 - 7:59am

    I like them all except Colin Baker & Peter Davidson.

  • FW_S_115

    January 25th, 2015 - 2:28pm

    1 David Tennant
    2 Jon Pertwee
    3 Christopher Eccleston
    4 Peter Davison
    5 John Hurt
    6 Tom Baker
    7 William Hartnell
    8 Patrick Througton
    9 Peter Capaldi
    10Sylvester McCoy
    11 Matt Smith
    12 Colin Baker

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