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June 6th, 2012 3 comments

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AudioGO launch Doctor Who at the BBC Appeal

AudioGO launch 2nd Doctor Who at the BBC Appeal


Calling all Doctor Who fans with lost treasures squirrelled away. AudioGO has launched their second ever Doctor Who at the BBC Appeal and are keen to hear from anyone who has off-air recordings of Doctor Who-related items from BBC TV and radio programmes, particularly those recorded in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. These could include interviews with the cast and crew of Doctor Who, features on the making of the series, discussions about Doctor Who, or even comedy sketches.

Any useable contributions will be gathered together in a new volume of Doctor Who at the BBC to be published as a CD or download in 2013. The original appeal in 2005 led to several rare finds, some of which appeared on Doctor Who at the BBC Volume 2 (there have been six so far, all currently available to download). Commissioning Editor Michael Stevens said, ‘It was amazing to discover the gems people sent us last time we ran this appeal. We’re hoping for an equally exciting response this time, aspeoplemay still have excerpts which are no longer in the BBC archive and haven’t previously come to light.’

If you have something which you think might be of interest, please drop an email to [email protected], with the subject header ‘Doctor Who at the BBC Appeal’. All you would have to do is send AudioGO either a copy or your original on loan.



  • the TARDIS

    June 7th, 2012 - 1:22pm

    I know that this is completely unrelated, but does anyone know the name of the font on big finish CDs? I’d like to try making some fan covers.

  • Commander Strax

    June 7th, 2012 - 10:43am

    i wonder if someone has something….
    [i think i dont]

  • Anonymous

    June 7th, 2012 - 9:12am


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