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November 25th, 2009 1 comment

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BBC Radio 2 Who On Who?

Who On Who?
Tuesday 29 December
5.00-6.00pm BBC RADIO 2

The BBC Press office have released details of what should be a fascinating interview…

In an exclusive interview for BBC Radio 2, actor David Tennant talks to Doctor Who executive producer and show-runner Russell T Davies in a special programme broadcast just days before the Time Lord’s latest regeneration.

Who On Who? marks the end of an era in the history of Doctor Who. In this programme Russell reveals whether he will write for the show in the future and his feelings about his successor on the series Steven Moffat. Russell also reveals the influences behind Doctor Who and why the success of the revamped series took the cast and creative team behind it by surprise.

He also reveals that he declined the BBC’s original request for a series about a young Doctor studying at the Time Lord Academy. David Tennant also asks about Russell’s plans for the future. They discuss why it’s the right time for them both to leave the series and reveal that they made the decision to leave at roughly the same time.

“It just made sense and it’s continued to make sense with hindsight,” says Russell T Davies. “There’s not been one moment where I’ve thought we’ve done the wrong thing.”

David Tennant agrees: “It feels like we’ve had the right amount of time to tell a great story.”

In a programme featuring clips from the last five years of one of the BBC’s most successful dramas, the pair also consider how the television industry has changed in that time and the ever-changing nature of the Saturday night television schedule.

Presenter/David Tennant, Producer/Malcolm Prince

The press release can be seen Here


1 comment

  • Spock

    November 28th, 2009 - 6:35pm

    This should be fascinating.

    Live long and prosper.

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