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June 21st, 2011 5 comments

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Bill Pullman Talks About Torchwood Miracle Day

Bill Pullman on Torchwood Miracle Day

Bill Pullman appeared on BBC Breakfast to talk about the new 10 part series – Torchwood Miracle day due to air in the UK Some time in July.

Torchwood won’t abandon Welsh roots, says Russell T Davies

You can read the full story and see interviews with the cast and writers including Eve Myles, John Barrowman and Russell T Davies on the BBC site Here.

The creator of Torchwood has promised that the sci-fi show will stick to its Welsh roots despite its move to America.

Russell T Davies was speaking at the launch of Torchwood: Miracle Day at the BFI in London on Monday.

“I would never do a Torchwood that didn’t have any links to Wales,” the writer told the BBC News website.

The new 10-part series imagines a world where suddenly nobody dies.

The show sees the return of John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness and Eve Myles as Gwen Cooper.



  • booboo

    June 25th, 2011 - 5:58pm

    yes its true

  • Jack Harkness

    June 25th, 2011 - 5:57pm

    Is it true that Capt Jack will become mortal due to a story line which makes the rest of humanity immortal?

  • booboo

    June 22nd, 2011 - 4:52pm

    should know tomorrow when they release the schedule

  • dr daddy cool 67

    June 22nd, 2011 - 4:27pm


  • Colin the 3rd

    June 22nd, 2011 - 8:47am

    Looks great, cant wait to see what they have dome this time COE was terrific

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